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Free Midnight Club 2 for all:
Join the Official Rockstar Games Community on Steam at http://steamcommunit...s/rockstargames by 10 am Pacific Time on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, and receive one non-giftable copy of Midnight Club 2 in your Steam account.
Eligibility: User must have an account with at least one successful purchase, gift or retail registration in the account. The offer is not available to users who already own Midnight Club 2.
Waiting for the summer sale.
Hopefully we'll have a less gambling type of prize-system this time.
The Summer sale should be here in a day or two
Portal 2 :yahoo: Im on my way.... is "Portal 2 Final Hours"It's ONNNNNN :drool::happy64:
Portal 2 - 75% off @ $4.99(I think everybody here already have it).
By the way there are three steam badges against my profile, what to do with that?