Orange Box installation problem..

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@hellrider.....keep trying.I had the same problem with Disc1.Make sure bottom of the DVD is clean.Mine had the print of Disc 2 stuck on it,can you believe it.Finally was able to install EP2 and TF2.
^^update......i uninstalled steam and once again tried and it got installed and now i am off to try those games....
"Could not connect to Steam network.

This could be due to a problem with your internet connection, or with the Steam network. Please visit Welcome to Steam for more info."'

I keep getting this error now after steam updated everything i created my account and all but when it came time to log on this thing keeps bugging me..


im really regretting buying the stupid box now.. i would hve finished episode 2 by now if i hd baught the u knw wht version :(...
Hey did you by any chance before installing orange box have a previous steam/half life installation. Sometimes these old registry entries can cause problems
there are problems with Orange Box DVDs .. get in touch with the distributers [World Wide CDROMS] .. those guys are quiet helpfull ... hmm .. i got mine replaced, checked in the office.. and thn installed at my place .. installation worked smooth with jus 10 mins of updates !! :)
damn it finally got logged in just once.. and i had the same problem

steam started downloading the games from the net???????

oh the hoorrrrooorrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Need number of "WWC". As it turns out my set is for advanced systems and it keeps giving me "Windows can not read this format" :D
Called the number on da box, it is giving me fax tone!! why would someone do that?? :P
I had trouble with both my DVD's... kept re-inserting them until they got detected. Really lame, especially for those who went legit for the first time lol!
guys i need major help here..

steam is downloading all the games frm the internet...

bt my steam folder is already showing 13.4gb used??? does this mean that the games hve already been installed?? or is it just keeping the space reserved for the download??

also my dvd seems to be wrking fine.. i dunt see any install options whenever i auto play the thing it shows play reinstall uninstall?? so does this mean tht the entire thing is installed frm dvd 1 it self??? then whts the use of dvd 2??

can someone whose installed the game plzz give a step by step process of what they did how they did and what happndd.. this would really be helpfulllll
yep same here :P ...

i just pressed reinstall in the dvd menu and wallah the game started installing frm the dvd did get stuck in the middle of the installation of dvd 1 though.. just removed it cleaned it and wallah.. game installed...

now steam has started updating the damn games wich is taking foreeverrrr.....

guess ill hve to hold my downloads for tonight....

sigh.. remind me never to buy anything legit with steam ever again :P :P
Even after installation from the disks steam will download and update the games and this could take some time, you can't play untill the status shows 100% in the steam dialog. So wait for steam to do its thing, don't presume its downloading the whole game if it starts downloading from the net.
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