Petrols prices rant/rave thread

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Municipal Corporation Delhi

If the effort does bears fruit, same thing can then be applied to the ministers one day as they too demand machines similarly. So i ll be doing something to get back to these corrupt people.

Any such stupid and unjustified expense is born by the exchequer, that is us.
The funds saved by cancellation of such plans can then be used to control rising prices. I know that wont be the thing happening, but i ll derive some pleasure by scuttling the plans of these good for nothing babus, who think getting such freebies is their birth right.
The subsidy was also born by us only, nobody else..
I am not at all against officials getting new laptops. They will be spending more to keep their 2007 laptops running after 5 years than what they will spend to buy new one anyway. 5 year old laptop is as good as dead laptop. With the use and handling they must be going through, its actually surprising that it took them 5 years to demand new one. And its peanuts compared to the effect petroleum products have on our daily life.
The problem is everybody saw this coming long time back. We have done nothing to improve our tax structure so we dont have to rely as much on the tax generated by the sale of petroleum products. That tax was paying for subsidy to large extent. It still is.
I am all for deregulation of petrolium products, but then government should have found a way to bring the tax on petrol and diesel on the level of VAT levied on rest of the products we buy. As much as 30-40%; (I forgot exact amount, its different in different states ) of the price for 1L of Petroleum product is tax. That is simply not possible because we are relying too much on this tax at the moment.
^ That is certainly true. That the govt kept dozing off. And the result is everbody to see.
But while the common man keeps bleeding, there is no effective body to keep a track if the money being spent on these babus' and politician's luxury
.. that it is being well spent or not. These very people cant use the machines they so dearly demand, and i am sure they pass it to their children or keep as a fancy paperweight. They raise a hue and cry when somebody suggested that power cuts be extended to the ministers as well, but will not initiate action on long defunct power station which leads to load shedding effecting the common man again.

If not this, maybe some other questions can be asked where we can expect some better management of funds. I would def like to see this price rise acting as a catalyst to kickstart some good action by the netizens.
^.. Adding further, more transparency & public involvement is necessary to let people know through media that what the policymakers are doing. People should be allowed to have a say in many trivial & some important policy making decisions .

Bottom-line is more transparency which would curtail corruption & better utilization of funds...

Govt wants to reform, but the problem is that they just want to reform very few things & neglecting everything else. Point in case is the decontrolling of Petrol prices but not reducing tax collection on it which is sufficiently to say archaic.
No choice but to bring in BJP led NDA next time
Congress has gone nuts.
I did fill up this afternoon but I fill up the tank every week so

You either missed Metalspree's post OR wilfully ignored it. In Karnataka, specifically Bangalore price of Petrol has touched ~83/- quid per litre.

Surprise!! Surprise!! Who is the power that be THERE... It's the BJP!!!
So what say guys? Lets shift to goa?

Faking News should have made this as a point like "Mysterious pattern of emigration from other states to Goa observed" :P
Breaking news : ....Muthoot Finance scraps Gold Loan Scheme .... Launches Petrol Loan Scheme



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Fuel taxes are the easiest source of money to the Central Govt. Some details here.

Interestingly, none of the so-called expert economists ever ask/mention the hoax that is being perpetuated in the name of fuel subsidy.

This is a bit like cigarettes - the official fav whipping boy -f the FinMin. The only diff being the entire populace is affected by the loot of the govt. in the form of excise while only a small percentage consciously (or, probably more sub-consciously!) decide to pay up the cigarette tax!
Stop making jokes of Santa Banta
This is what Manmohan singh gave us in silent Revenge
yay there was a hartal today and so lots less vehicles on the road... imo they should raise prices every day and i can ride with peace of mind.
You either missed Metalspree's post OR wilfully ignored it. In Karnataka, specifically Bangalore price of Petrol has touched ~83/- quid per litre.

Surprise!! Surprise!! Who is the power that be THERE... It's the BJP!!!

I willfully ignored him :P

I'm just waiting for Goa to re-introduce the taxes they removed. They obviously can't keep the gimmick running too long.
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