Piracy : Hot or Not

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There is a small problem in your argument... As you yourself said....
Not all can afford original stuff .. we have to spend on another important things in life...
But let me point out that GAMES are not important.... Gaming is a hobby... It is a very expensive hobby at that.. Not everyone can pay money to buy original games when a new game comes out... So the main thing... If you cannot afford it don't buy it....

If you want to play games and not PAY for it .. Then there are many sites that have flash games (ad supported ), where you can play fro free..... But if you want to play on the XBOX 360 or the PS3 or the latest Shooter on the PC then you have to realize that there is a cost associated with it..... Just because someone cannot afford it does not give you the right to steal it..... The prices of the games drop after a period, you can buy games when the prices come down.
But if want to be able to play the latest games as soon as a new one comes out and brag about it to your friends then you have to pay the premium....

Eg: There are new cell phone models coming out almost everyday.... I cannot afford to buy all of them as and when they come out..... There are some MODELS I can afford.. There are some I cannot......
So instead of asking them to bring down the price of the latest model that costs Rs.40k (because I cannot afford it) or steal it from a person who already has it.....
I buy the phone that fits my budget......
Although I would LIKE to have that expensive phone with a 20 MP CAM, GPS navigation and god knows what else.. I cannot .. I will have to be content with a phone that plays just MP3s.

So in the end it all comes down to just what you would LIKE to have and what is IMPORTANT.....

Also I would like to add about other software.. Its high time that we include the cost of the software as well when we go out and buy a system...
Buying the OS is the bare minimum.. If you cannot afford it there are other FREE alternatives....
Do we just buy a system without a processor because the processor is too expensive??
jerin said:
Most including sangram are saying if cheaper alternatives are there we should take it.I agree its correct, just and moral.

But a person is used or using or is used to one thing , why does he have to change just for that sake of it?. he has a means to do it. he will take it.Isnt that all life is about. we can do the thing in our speed and way.

My company provides me a Ferrari for official use. I cant afford one for my personal use(even though I can afford a cheap maruti), but I am used to "Ferrari". So I will go ahead and steal one for myself, right ? :)
How can you watch movies in cineplex? Don’t you feel guilty :rofl: of not downloading it? :bleh:
scarezebra said:

There is a small problem in your argument... As you yourself said....

Not all can afford original stuff .. we have to spend on another important things in life...

But let me point out that GAMES are not important.... Gaming is a hobby... It is a very expensive hobby at that.. Not everyone can pay money to buy original games when a new game comes out... So the main thing... If you cannot afford it don't buy it....


Do u understand english??? can u comprehend the tone and sense i used there???...

No.u cant.

1. Gaming IS not a important thing for most. Its just a hobby. i agree. But if i cant afford it, will never make me stop from getting it. what kinda argument is that?. Thats exactly what is this discussion is about TBH.

2. Flash games and Mobiles. I agree that you are trying to make ur point have some sense. but seriously u need to try harder. This is not a dictatorship where u decide what the otehr can do or cant do. Its NOT always about the money friend. It depends upon the spender. He wants the latest games.he have the ways to get it for cheap. he will.

Please stop the flash and mobile camparo with piracy. It doesnt actually make sense.

Pat said:
My company provides me a Ferrari for official use. I cant afford one for my personal use(even though I can afford a cheap maruti), but I am used to "Ferrari". So I will go ahead and steal one for myself, right ? :)

I understand u want to make a point. but you are not. how can u say things like that in a piracy discussion. points like this always throws the discussion away. and on a serious note. PPL are given cars according to the position u hold in corporate world. if a ferrari is given to them boy i am sure they will have a nice ride back home. :)

Roxtin said:
How can you watch movies in cineplex? Don’t you feel guilty :rofl: of not downloading it? :bleh:

well what will ppl do when they dont have a cineplex near??... like me...
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jerin said:
I understand u want to make a point. but you are not. how can u say things like that in a piracy discussion. points like this always throws the discussion away.

Really ? Please explain how is my example different from *stealing* software ? I am not saying I am clean, but justifying it is simply not right.
Stealing is stealing, that's really all there is to it. There's no polite way to say it and you're a thief whether you steal from a beggar or a rich man.

If you are a software pirate, you're basically stealing. There it is, in black and white. If you want it but can't afford it but take it anyway, it's stealing plain and simple. There are no shades in this argument, it will never hold up in a court of law.

Question is:

1. Will you ever get caught? If you're a thief, you'll get caught someday. No use being cocky about it.

2. What will happen to you when you get caught? In this country, people can get away with murder if they pay enough. A Windows license + all the games you want will be cheaper than that.

Jerin, I like the fact that you started the debate, but the right way out is not be be so narrow-minded and inward looking. You need to fight for what you think is right. Lower software prices is a good thing. Stealing is not.
Pat said:
Really ? Please explain how is my example different from *stealing* software ? I am not saying I am clean, but justifying it is simply not right.

I already commented about ur example. how ill it be in real world. please read it. If ur not clean then dont ask for justification. It just is. :)
an artist draws a beautiful painting, sells it to wealthy patron, who hangs it in his mansion

poor man sees painting,cant afford to buy one. instead draws one just like it, hangs it in his house, enjoys the beauty.

did he steal it ?
I wonder why we Indians are so self deprecatory...

There are so many posts here which seem to single out Indians as the primary perpetrators of piracy

Try this simple test (I use utorrent, the steps may be different for other torrent clients), when downloading a torrent with a large cloud, take a look at the swarm IPs and the country they belong to (Hindi Movies excluded for obvious reasons) ..copy the list into excel and sort the list by country

India features far down on that list
sangram said:
Jerin, I like the fact that you started the debate, but the right way out is not be be so narrow-minded and inward looking. You need to fight for what you think is right. Lower software prices is a good thing. Stealing is not.

I use original XP with sp2+Office 2003+Visual studio 2005 & 2008+MSDN

I am a MSDN subscriber.

Thats abt it, my return to the developer community. I am never categorized as a narrow-minded and inward looking person in real life by anyone. until now.by you.in virtual space.

Lowering the s/w prices is never my call. but its the correct way. For that the sales have to increase.for that piracy have to decrease. I see a deadlock.:S
a starting salary of a s/w guy in US and Europe is over 2000$.. in india...most know...

I have lots of frnds who are interested in gaming. none buy orginal games. coz we all have other things in life.. buy house..cars and bikes..other things..go out..all these cost money..and to spend 2 or 3k on a game..no..when i get it for 50Rs per game

That's not a fair justification

The guy earning probably has a lesser disposable income than you after paying for his necessities (house rent/mortgage, insurance, food and travel bills etc.)

I too do download TV series and Movies, and I am guilty of the same crime, but puhleez, I wouldn't try justifying my crime with silly logic

(albeit this crime ranks fairly low on my morality scale)

and great logic there by Zhopudey :-)
greenhorn said:
an artist draws a beautiful painting, sells it to wealthy patron, who hangs it in his mansion

poor man sees painting,cant afford to buy one. instead draws one just like it, hangs it in his house, enjoys the beauty.

did he steal it ?

:rock: :goodjob:
jerin said:
I already commented about ur example. how ill it be in real world. please read it. If ur not clean then dont ask for justification. It just is. :)

Similar to your example, if you can afford 30k for a computer, you sure can afford a few thousand more for its software. :)
@jerin, u think a poll will justify stealing? Since when has popularity become a criteria for judging right or wrong? I earn myself and have been doing so for years now. I used to pirate software too. I don't now. Reason being what other's have pointed out, like, alternative FREE products for all essential things u might want to do on a PC.

Nobody's judging u here. Just don't try to justify ur actions and encourage others.

Btw, are u going to buy NFS Undercover (pre-order@599 with 2 games extra) or just dl it? On the contrary, don't answer. I don't care. Just don't teach others the wrong way.
sally1708 said:
That's not a fair justification
The guy earning probably has a lesser disposable income than you after paying for his necessities (house rent/mortgage, insurance, food and travel bills etc.)

I too do download TV series and Movies, and I am guilty of the same crime, but puhleez, I wouldn't try justifying my crime with silly logic

(albeit this crime ranks fairly low on my morality scale)
and great logic there by Zhopudey :-)


ok..u do know that 2000 is never the case right??the reputed companies offer 75,000 to 100,000$ a year to a avg engineer. he has a LOT more disposable income than a avg indian engineer who gets 2.5lacs pa for starters. thats like 4 or 5k $.

Thats my point.the silly logic.

This thread is NOT abt piracy justification. Its about why, the purpose, the reason. stuff like that. :ohyeah:
this is not about making your own. this is about the concept of intellectual property, and whether it can be owned at all
Roxtin said:
How can you watch movies in cineplex? Don’t you feel guilty :rofl: of not downloading it? :P

jerin said:
well what will ppl do when they dont have a cineplex near??... like me...

Jerin bro read and understand my comment :P
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