Piracy : Hot or Not

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Pat said:
Similar to your example, if you can afford 30k for a computer, you sure can afford a few thousand more for its software. :)

Pat said:
If you agree with him, then go ahead and make your own games/OS. Who is stopping you ?
seriously u cant take part in a discussion.so please stop dear. or take the posts in the correct manner. i am not saying i am correct. never said. never will. :)


MAn...i never say piracy is correct.NEVER. Refer the Original post. I added that. :(
greenhorn said:
this is not about making your own. this is about the concept of intellectual property, and whether it can be owned at all

It's not even about that. Ppl are sharing for free their knowledge (OSS). Why not utilise their generosity instead of stealing (that is what piracy is legally) from someone who wants money for his work?
Roxtin said:
Jerin bro read and understand my comment :P

I did. i forgot the smiley.:hap2:


Man. i am no one to teach anything.:@ .actually i am thinking of downloading the NFS. actually 3 of us are.Its a very good offer. why miss it???:)
Naga said:
Why not utilise their generosity instead of stealing (that is what piracy is legally) from someone who wants money for his work?

whom do u mean by that??

The company???the developers???...
seriously u believe that notion??...every developer know that what employer pays him the employee will make 3 or 5 times of it. PPl are saying 10 times of it to me. But from my enquiry the 3 to 5 times holds true even for the smallest of companies. unless otherwise.

I seriously would have cleared this very much.i have lots of info abt this.but i have my boundaries. so i cant.
very crazy ...so you want your justification of being a pirate to be agreed by others so that in the end you want to feel good about yourself...when in your own post you said you dont care what others feel....so why now , let it be, you want to pirate , fine do it ...go ahead , you want to buy the softwares , do that ....whats the point here? or this is just a discussion with no point :D
jerin said:
seriously u cant take part in a discussion.so please stop dear. or take the posts in the correct manner. i am not saying i am correct. never said. never will. :)


MAn...i never say piracy is correct.NEVER. Refer the Original post. I added that. :(

The point is why should it be even discussed? It's wrong, we all agree on it. Are we discussing how it can be stopped? Are we listing Free alternatives? What is going on here is ppl are trying to justify it. In a way ppl are trying to convey that piracy is wrong but the software companies are hell bent on making us pirates!!

All that talk about pricey games, wait for a few moths and ALL games come down to decent levels. If I really like a new phone model, I wait for prices to come down. I don't go looking for buying cheaper stolen phones.

Some of my friends do buy stolen goods. I don't lecture them and they don't laugh or imply that I'm a n00b or stupid.

ok..u do know that 2000 is never the case right??the reputed companies offer 75,000 to 100,000$ a year to a avg engineer. he has a LOT more disposable income than a avg indian engineer who gets 2.5lacs pa for starters. thats like 4 or 5k $.

Thats my point.the silly logic.

This thread is NOT abt piracy justification. Its about why, the purpose, the reason. stuff like that.

It is not the same

A) 100K for a entry level engineer is an extreme case..despite what skewed media reports would like you to believe

b) the 2000 figure was rhetorical (also since you are the one who quoted that number to start with)

c) I don't want to get into the average breakout of a $4000 income, but let me just say that the insurance on your car alone costs almost as much as the EMI you would pay for a small car in India

Anyway, the point being it is not that a s/w engineer (or a sales clerk for that matter) has a much much higher disposable income than you do (Some what, yes..a big margin, no)

The big difference however is that the relatively flat society ensures that the sales clerk also has a comparable disposable income, which in a way allows her to be able to afford that TV series DVD (if she cheaps out on a lunch or two) while the sales clerk here wouldd never be able to afford that

Anyway, I seem to be taking this discussion in a completely tangential direction, so that's it from me.

Having said that, piracy is wrong...A relatively small one on the morality scale in my book, but wrong nevertheless ...

Would I stop downloading TV series, probably not...but would I try to lessen me (relatively small) guilt by trying to say I am morally correct by doing so..NO
Naga said:
It's not even about that. Ppl are sharing for free their knowledge (OSS). Why not utilise their generosity instead of stealing (that is what piracy is legally) from someone who wants money for his work?

there is a cricket match going on. you cant afford a ticket.

1. You steal someone ticket and use that to get in and use their seat

- crime for sure

2. you buy a fake ticket and occupy someone's seat, and they are denied what they paid for

still a crime

3. You know someone who works for the stadium, and you gatecrash and watch the match for free

possibly a crime, but who knows

4. You have the rights to a seat in every game held in that stadium because your grandpa once owned a small part of the land that is the stadium now. event management says no, they have exclusive rights to sell tickets , and they say you cant come . you gatecrash and go anyway

a crime ? we'll let the courts figure that one out :P

5. you find a tree near the stadium wall and watch the match from the top of it

a crime ? dont think so

what is and what isnt always black and white. there are shades of grey.

I'm not defending outright piracy, but just to say that gray areas still exist
jerin said:
whom do u mean by that??

The company???the developers???...
seriously u believe that notion??...every developer know that what employer pays him the employee will make 3 or 5 times of it. PPl are saying 10 times of it to me. But from my enquiry the 3 to 5 times holds true even for the smallest of companies. unless otherwise.

I seriously would have cleared this very much.i have lots of info abt this.but i have my boundaries. so i cant.

Hey, he's selling something and u don't like the price, move on. Buy something else from someone else! What's so confusing here :S ?!?
jerin said:
MAn...i never say piracy is correct.NEVER. Refer the Original post. I added that. :(
ehh? Then what is this?
jerin said:
My Opinion...its OK.... not great..just its OK...

If you are not justifying it, then why are you getting so riled up when everyone says piracy is akin to stealing?
sally1708 said:
It is not the same
A) 100K for a entry level engineer is an extreme case..despite what skewed media reports would like you to believe
b) the 2000 figure was rhetorical (also since you are the one who quoted that number to start with)
c) I don't want to get into the average breakout of a $4000 income, but let me just say that the insurance on your car alone costs almost as much as the EMI you would pay for a small car in India

Anyway, the point being it is not that a s/w engineer (or a sales clerk for that matter) has a much much higher disposable income than you do (Some what, yes..a big margin, no)
The big difference however is that the relatively flat society ensures that the sales clerk also has a comparable disposable income, which in a way allows her to be able to afford that TV series DVD (if she cheaps out on a lunch or two) while the sales clerk here wouldd never be able to afford that

Anyway, I seem to be taking this discussion in a completely tangential direction, so that's it from me.

Having said that, piracy is wrong...A relatively small one on the morality scale in my book, but wrong nevertheless ...

Would I stop downloading TV series, probably not...but would I try to lessen me (relatively small) guilt by trying to say I am morally correct by doing so..NO

1. I have 5 families as relatives in US for more than 20 years. 4 cousins are s/w engineers with the worlds best. studies and got the job.the figure is NOT extreme. extreme is 150,000. 80,000 is a natural one.

2. 2000 ???...

3. ???

You need to take the types of ppl that are intd in these. how many clerks have u seen into gaming???:hap5: You are saying No to all it seems. :)
zhopudey said:
ehh? Then what is this?
If you are not justifying it, then why are you getting so riled up when everyone says piracy is akin to stealing?


I said its Ok. so what?. coz i cant seem to compare it to stealing maybe...
greenhorn said:
I'm not defending outright piracy, but just to say that gray areas still exist

I'm not asking for pirates to be locked up either. I just don't like the idea of them justifying themselves and encouraging others to join them. Black/ white/ grey, just lay out the facts that..

  1. There are free alternatives to most software.
  2. The expensive game u can't buy right now will become cheaper if u are patient.
  3. You can on the other hand pirate software which is legally and ethically wrong.

Let the user choose his own path. Any colour of the rainbow.
Naga said:
Hey, he's selling something and u don't like the price, move on. Buy something else from someone else! What's so confusing here :S ?!?

when other alternatives exist.

I once ran into a joke book for 250 bucks. the jokes were funny, but not worth 250. I leafed through the book and got all the laughs i could get out of it in 10 minutes ( yes the book was that short) :P

I did end up buying a more expensive, but more substantial joke book anyway :P
4 cousins are s/w engineers with the worlds best. studies and got the job.the figure is NOT extreme. extreme is 150,000. 80,000 is a natural one.

I think it is ridiculous to argue with you, but using your own logic , and comparison parameters, if you got the best education in India, and got a job after that, you frankly wouldn't be complaining about the software prices so much
greenhorn said:
when other alternatives exist.

They do. From an OS to a office applications to media players to... Even gaming. But if u want that graphically intensive game to run on ur expensive rig, u gotta pay something arnd a 1000 bux.

C'mon guys, where is the justification???
This discussion is definitely enlightening, but must say it should be discussed further coz there is very thin line bw sharing & stealing in the world of internet....!!!!
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