Piracy : Hot or Not

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The effects of copyright infringement on digital culture

Peer to peer (P2P) file sharing technologies have lowered the threshold of knowledge needed to acquire massive amounts of information. Large networks have been created which are dedicated to share knowledge, but these same networks can be used to distribute infringing material. Identifying infringing material isn't always trivial, since the users can modify the name of material being shared.

Software piracy is illegal due to the economic loss it inflicts on the copyright owner. Even if it is assumed that only a portion of those infringing the author's copyright would ever have bought the software, the author will still suffer an economic loss as a result.

Software authors suggest that copyright infringement negatively affects the economy by decreasing the profits that allow for further development and growth within the software industry. The U.S. is the country most affected, as they provide about 80% of the world's software.[1] Software counterfeiting is claimed to be a large problem by some, resulting in a revenue loss of US $11-12 billion, China and Vietnam being the biggest offenders [2].

It has been suggested that counterfeit software will decline so much as to be eliminated in the future, but there are measures being taken and rules being put into place to work towards this goal. "In the United States, for example, the level of piracy has been reduced from 48% in 1989 to 25% in 2002."[4] Rise of quality in free alternative software also helps to lower the use of copied software worldwide. Illegally copying software is seen by some software producers as a "lesser evil" than actually buying or illegally copying a competitor's software. Jeff Raikes, a Microsoft executive, stated that "If they're going to pirate somebody, we want it to be us rather than somebody else." He also added [3] that "We understand that in the long run the fundamental asset is the installed base of people who are using our products. What you hope to do over time is convert them to licensing the software."

Traian Băsescu, the president of Romania, stated that "piracy helped the young generation discover computers. It set off the development of the IT industry in Romania."[5]

Microsoft admits that piracy of its Windows operating system has helped give it huge market share (90%) in China that will boost its revenues when these users "go legit." Bill Gates said, "It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than when there's not."[6]

Copyright infringement of software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


rather than generalizing that everyone who is reply to your arguments is a twat, do try to pose a legitimate retort which addresses the concerns raised by the others.
jerin said:
Well lets talk abt this issue...i start this in view of the

ban hammers being done in XBOX Live..

My Opinion...its OK.... not great..just its OK...

My Reasons.

1. Not all can afford Orginal stuff. Money needs to be used for more important things in life.

I am talking in view when you earn the money. not ur daddy's accnt. If u do then i cant say

anything. :)

2. I am a s/w engineer. Only now did i start using Orginal OS and S/w i daily use. and they are

Over priced. a starting salary of a s/w guy in US and Europe is over 2000$.. in india...most know...

I have lots of frnds who are interested in gaming. none buy orginal games. coz we all have other things in life.. buy house..cars and bikes..other things..go out..all these cost money..and to spend 2 or 3k on a game..no..when i get it for 50Rs per game.

3. Some say.pirates are losers. have no life. well u can say whatever u want. I dont care. never did for serious things.never will on this.

4. U can say ur against piracy If the following is true.

1. Have no illegal Music(Mp3's)and Movies(rips,HD rips)

2. Use orginal Softwares and freeware for ur PC.

3. Never Lied or Stolen anything in life. Yea.If u say ur saint then be one.

4. Never bribed or given a lil extra anywhere for anything.

5. Have not modded ur ps2..orginal xbox..or psp... coz u dont mod 360 coz of RROD and u dont ps3..coz u dont know how...

I say all this coz piracy is after all stealing...sharing...doing something before the other

even though he pays for it.

Piracy is same as stealing nothing more, nothing less, If you are doing it, then just do it realizing what you are doing and do not justify it in any manner. Justifying simply makes it ridiculous. It would be as ridiculous as a serial rapist saying that he did it because it he is not getting laid otherwise. :rofl:

A pirate steals becasue he does not have money or becasue he has the power to take something without the consent of the owner.

There is no point in trying to justify software piracy is not same as regular piracy or stealing. If someone is going to steal, then they should just accept the fact that they are stealing. Its also natural for people to call someone who steals a thief, so pirates should get used to it. Its not that its unwarranted. Justifying piracy just makes it all look ridiculous.
And its absolutely necessary to make comparisons for ppl like you ... because it seems it cannot get thru the thick head of urs that PIRACY is ILLEGAL.....

Dude.. Have u ever bothered to read the EULA of any of the games that you have ILLEGALLY downloaded..

"The concerned company is leasing out the product to you..... Read it it slowly or you might not understand it :P ...."

And lets stop quibbling with each other about the this thread...

Cos quite frankly I think you have lost sight of what the thread was all about.... It cannot stay civil if you change ur stand in every post.....

In one post you say that Piracy is Ok .. then in the next you say that you know its illegal.... Then what is the whole point of this discussion ...

So instead of praising and justifying ur crime just accept the fact that you are STEALING.... Get used to it....

And whats with the fact you keep referring you are in a SW company ( its all right dude... Working in SW company is not a big deal).....

MODS: I am sorry fro getting personal with jerin here but cudn't just take it when potheads ruin the essence of a discussion with pointless bickering.I think we have TechBoy in the making here :P
sTALKEr said:
Copyright infringement of software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


rather than generalizing that everyone who is reply to your arguments is a twat, do try to pose a legitimate retort which addresses the concerns raised by the others.

Lord Nemesis said:
Piracy is same as stealing nothing more, nothing less, If you are doing it, then just do it realizing what you are doing and do not justify it in any manner. Justifying simply makes it ridiculous. It would be as ridiculous as a serial rapist saying that he did it because it he is not getting laid otherwise. :rofl:

A pirate steals becasue he does not have money or becasue he has the power to take something without the consent of the owner.

There is no point in trying to justify software piracy is not same as regular piracy or stealing. If someone is going to steal, then they should just accept the fact that they are stealing. Its also natural for people to call someone who steals a thief, so pirates should get used to it. Its not that its unwarranted. Justifying piracy just makes it all look ridiculous.

Only 2 were twats:rofl: ...and generalizing??...isnt that i am trying to say...u need to remove the materialistic view from ur mind to understand what i am saying...

I cant justify piracy. u need to understand that. This thread..the whole idea is the REASON alone. u just say the heading...didnt read a page..:) ...

all are seeing piracy and going stealin stealin..bloody burder...rape....:huh: ..u need to stop that ..and legal retort..there is no point ;) ...then i would be justifying piracy as a de-rigeur. Its not.

Piracy is wrong. i know that. Isnt all of u who posted here pirates??..no one answered that yet.:) ..u al are saying do piracy.its ok.but dont cry it out loud. am i wrong?...
One need to understand why the thread is. Piracy is wrong in some ppl's moral. i too agree that. make no mistake. This thread is just why it leads to piracy. I am not even discussing the way out. it being reduction of price. beyond that context i dont see the point.

From all the posts. ALL here are pirates in one way or the other. some go all the way. some do for some. some nothing at all. You can do piracy, but one shouldnt say it to anyone. Like being shunned in society. :)
jerin said:

I cant justify piracy. u need to understand that. This thread..the whole idea is the REASON alone. u just say the heading...didnt read a page..:) ...

I do know what you are trying to say, even if you justify the reason that software is costly or hard to get in our country, it does not change the fact that piracy is still stealing. Piracy does not suddenly become a nobler act because there is a good reason behind it.

For Example, donating money to the poor is a noble cause, but if you are looting a bank and donating it all to the poor, does it still change the fact that you are stealing? The REASON alone does not justify an illegal act. You just need to accept the fact and get on with it.

btw, I have more than 50k worth of legit software (mostly games). I still do pirate from time to time when reqd because as you said, I cannot afford to buy all the software I use, but I still do not justify the act or the reason behind it nor do I say things like software is free of cost like some do just because they can pirate it.

I do wish all software is sold for nominal cost for personal use (like the way PC games in India are so affordable), but I never justify piracy or its reason saying software is costly in our country.
jerin said:
Piracy is wrong. i know that. Isnt all of u who posted here pirates??..no one answered that yet.:)

No one ever said that they are not pirates. The difference between you and the others here is that they are not trying hard to justify piracy or as you said the REASON behind it like you are doing.

jerin said:
..u al are saying do piracy.its ok.but dont cry it out loud. am i wrong?...

Thats not it, we are saying that if you cannot get away without doing piracy, then do it, but dont try to justify the act or the reason behind it or crib when someone calls you a pirate or thief.

Well said. :)

Its true. Even i own abt 20k worth of OS and Apps. and a 10k-ish for my favorite series and movies.Orginals. The rest i borrow.
forum67 said:
hey....what about pRon????.....no one can buy legally here in india :D............we all are pirates!!!!!!

lol, that's beside the point. No one is arguing that some of us are saints/ thieves/ both. The only point that needed elaboration was if piracy is justified or not. Everybody seems to have agreed that it's not. At least jerin got something off his chest and got most of us to do the same :ohyeah:
forum67 said:
hey....what about pRon????.....no one can buy legally here in india :D............we all are pirates!!!!!!

sylvia..tera..jenna.... ohhh the joy they bring into life :ashamed:
I went thru all 7 pages of rants from all these bright ppl but only this one seems to make complete sense to me. May be i am just too thick for the rest
zhopudey said:
Software piracy, which I agree cannot be called moral any which way we look at it, still doesn't rank high enough on the morality scale for me to go and inconvinience myself by spending for licenses. But tomorrow, if our govt. makes the anti piracy laws a whole lot stricter, and actually start putting people in jail - that would lower its score on the convenience scale, at the same time increasing its morality score. Then I would go and start buying software :)

shows how our morality is convenience driven lol
blah blah blah BLaaaaaaaaaaHHHH....

Piracy will never die.

Those who cant sleep at night because they r using illegal copies can or may buy some sw'rs....but no one is 100% legit.

Piracy cant die, its the basic form of education for the less fortunate.....and over here less fortunate relates to the likes of paris hilton and so forth.

End of discussion.
I understand ,a lot of effort goes into developing content(software,games etc.) but hey,there are a lot of people who buy them as well ! Forget India for now,people actually buy legit/original stuff in the US,UK etc..thereby contributing financially(atleast a decent figure,if not what's expected!) to the game/software developers..and yes,it is more affordable there !

Then there's the majority of ppl who seriously CAN'T AFFORD to buy legit software! And when there is an alternative of getting stuff at a cheaper price or for FREE,they obviously end up taking it !

AS FAR AS BUYING LEGIT SOFTWARE IS CONCERNED,IF THEY COULD, THEY WOULD !!! Everybody appreciates the time n effort that goes into developing such content..

Personally,I would buy legit software if i could afford it else I'd simply download it !

3. Some say.pirates are losers. have no life.

Oh Plz !!!

They actually cater to the needs of the people ! a majority of them !

THEY END UP BEING TERMED A PIRATE/LOSER while we enjoy the content provided by them !?

jerin said:
Its true. Even i own abt 20k worth of OS and Apps. and a 10k-ish for my favorite series and movies.Orginals. The rest i borrow.

And they buy Legit stuff as well??? Perhaps you shouldn't be borrowing it if it weren't legit !

Jatt.inc said:
blah blah blah BLaaaaaaaaaaHHHH....

Piracy will never die.

Those who cant sleep at night because they r using illegal copies can or may buy some sw'rs....but no one is 100% legit.

Piracy cant die, its the basic form of education for the less fortunate.....and over here less fortunate relates to the likes of paris hilton and so forth.

End of discussion.

With you on that !
No argument abt the fact that PIRACY won't die.....

I recently saw a roadside DVDwala selling pirated Moser Baer DVDs of some popular movies.....

I knew it was pirated because the print on the cover was of poor quality and the DVD was clearly a DVD-R... But it had Moser Baer written all over the cover.....

Now that is the height... Moser Baer DVDs of most movies cost Rs.50-60 at the most..... Now that is being pirated and being sold for 20-30 a piece....

The main problem here in India is ppl just don't care..... Don't blame them either .. Many don't know that the DVD Wala sitting in front of the police station is selling PIRATED stuff (Borivali station)...

Many who KNOW don't care... so nothing will change.....
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