Piracy : Hot or Not

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jerin said:
I am never categorized as a narrow-minded and inward looking person in real life by anyone. until now.by you

Why'd you take it personally?

I wasn't singling you out, in case you didn't realise. It was a general comment, and anybody who downloads anything qualifies there. Including me, when I do.

As for Greenie's point, IP and piracy are totally different discussions. This is about not being able to afford software, not buying it, and then pirating the exact same thing. If you create your own version of the code and enjoy it at home, there is no theft that's taken place. For example, I adore Jeff Rowland amps. They cost 4 lakhs each. I look at the design, make my own version, and build it and use it at home. No IP theft, and at 1/10th the cost. The fundamental difference there is, I have not actually caused a loss of revenue as there technically would never have been a sale. I would never buy a JR amp, ever.

Excuse me if I may, but the original IP thieves (if there is such a thing) was actually Microsoft, with their Windows 3.1 which was a poor ripoff of MacOS. That was a long time ago. But like I said, that's a different discussion.

For this discussion, I still maintain my original stand.
jerin said:

Do u understand english??? can u comprehend the tone and sense i used there???...

No.u cant.

1. Gaming IS not a important thing for most. Its just a hobby. i agree. But if i cant afford it, will never make me stop from getting it. what kinda argument is that?. Thats exactly what is this discussion is about TBH.

2. Flash games and Mobiles. I agree that you are trying to make ur point have some sense. but seriously u need to try harder. This is not a dictatorship where u decide what the otehr can do or cant do. Its NOT always about the money friend. It depends upon the spender. He wants the latest games.he have the ways to get it for cheap. he will.

Please stop the flash and mobile camparo with piracy. It doesnt actually make sense.

Use your common sense and open ur mind and then you might understand what I am trying to convey( or maybe u already have).... And whats with you telling everyone that you are not justifying piracy!!!!
Thats exactly what you are doing........
And let me make it clear IT IS ALWAYS ABT THE MONEY.....
You might have noticed just after you wrote a pretentious statment that its not about the money you continue saying
"It depends upon the spender. He wants the latest games.he have the ways to get it for cheap."<---Great english there BTW :bleh:

So people who have a choice will always go for the cheapest alternative .... but if the choice you are making is morally wrong then not everyone might go through with it....

I am not saying I have always been using Original software or games all my life... When I was in school/college I had used pirated copies of software.....
But now that I am earning I have started paying for them or if cannot afford them I use cheaper (free) alternatives.....

Again nobody is stopping you from downloading pirated copies of games here. Its about whats the right thing to do.
If a particluar games/SW/Movie/music that you want is available in India and you still buy pirated copies then there is no justification.....
Because YOU HAD a choice (to go out out and buy the real thing) but you juts made the WRONG ONE....
If you think instead of paying for something its better that you steal it without giving the maker its due.. Then its upto you..
But do not justify ur act by making silly arguments......
Agree with jerin on one thing. Games should be more affordable to stop piracy in a country like ours. One can say that piracy is just a crime like others. But how many would resort to such crimes as opposed to piracy? how many would switch to originals just by bragging about morality? None are practical approach.
sally1708 said:
I think it is ridiculous to argue with you, but using your own logic , and comparison parameters, if you got the best education in India, and got a job after that, you frankly wouldn't be complaining about the software prices so much

Its ridiculous for u.i am sorry. but u dont seem to know abt the salary figures. what can i say. i have colleagues in my company who work with lots of companies around the world. Am i suppose not to believe them.sorry i cant.

and u cant understand anything other than what u know.

Its a simple thing.and u made it into a rocket science. the s/w cost in western nations is justifiable to their earnings. Not the case in india. If u still not agree or understand then whatever u say i am ok. :)
scarezebra said:
Use your common sense and open ur mind and then you might understand what I am trying to convey( or maybe u already have).... And whats with you telling everyone that you are not justifying piracy!!!!
Thats exactly what you are doing........
And let me make it clear IT IS ALWAYS ABT THE MONEY.....
You might have noticed just after you wrote a pretentious statment that its not about the money you continue saying
"It depends upon the spender. He wants the latest games.he have the ways to get it for cheap."<---Great english there BTW :bleh:

So people who have a choice will always go for the cheapest alternative .... but if the choice you are making is morally wrong then not everyone might go through with it....

I am not saying I have always been using Original software or games all my life... When I was in school/college I had used pirated copies of software.....
But now that I am earning I have started paying for them or if cannot afford them I use cheaper (free) alternatives.....

Again nobody is stopping you from downloading pirated copies of games here. Its about whats the right thing to do.
If a particluar games/SW/Movie/music that you want is available in India and you still buy pirated copies then there is no justification.....
Because YOU HAD a choice (to go out out and buy the real thing) but you juts made the WRONG ONE....
If you think instead of paying for something its better that you steal it without giving the maker its due.. Then its upto you..
But do not justify ur act by making silly arguments......

I am justifying the reason for piracy. Not justifying the piracy dear. thats the point of this thread.

One may earn more than the other. One may indulge in things that the other dont. Calling it stealing is just fool hardy. It makes it more of a moral thing.i cant seem to find it mate.

I was just having lunch with some colleagues.some seniors in s/w industry.they were laughing at me. they say its not worth it. and if u say to pay back to the creators, you are not. You are just making the profit more.

In indian view piracy cannot be viewed as a stealing. coz its not. the pricing is never right. until now for the PC games. that too due to piracy as someone has so correctly said in this thread itself.
jerin said:
I am justifying the reason for piracy. Not justifying the piracy dear. thats the point of this thread.

In indian view piracy cannot be viewed as a stealing. coz its not. the pricing is never right

Stealing if done for the right reasons is not stealing? :S
suppose, hypothetically, somebody comes up with a perfect matter replicator ( a la star trek :P)

which do you think would be the logical thing to do

1) ban it from replicating proprietary products, and spend vast sums on enforcement of said bans

2) let everyone use it and let everyone have everything :P

u gotta pay something

You gotta pay does not always work.

suppose you come up with a cure for aids. should people die because they cant pay?

IP and piracy are totally different discussions

Piracy is a form of IP theft. theft cannot occur if you didn't have the rights to property in the first place :P
You have convinced me, jerin :) I find gigabyte india pricing to be atrocious! :@ Can I go and "pick up" a X48 board and a GTX 280?
Its ridiculous for u.i am sorry. but u dont seem to know abt the salary figures. what can i say. i have colleagues in my company who work with lots of companies around the world. Am i suppose not to believe them.sorry i cant.

and u cant understand anything other than what u know.

It quickly gets amazingly frustrating to argue with people who conveniently ignore the primary part of the counter argument while retorting

I am out of this..
jerin said:
In indian view piracy cannot be viewed as a stealing. coz its not. the pricing is never right. until now for the PC games. that too due to piracy as someone has so correctly said in this thread itself.

OMG... This is beyond ridiculous now!!!! What the hell are you saying???
Using something that a person has created without paying them money(when they intended to earn from it) is STEALING.. IT doesn't matter which country you are in!!!!!!

It is a sad fact that THIS stealing has been accepted as a part of our life in India....

When something is priced too high ppl don't buy them.. thats it.... Now its upto the seller to reduce the price... But if he doesn't you have no right to use something that you haven't paid for......

Also the prices of games have reduced a lot.. I remember Quake 3 Arena had a price tage of around 2800 to 3000 when it released here.....
Now new games are available for under 1000 bucks.....

And about the disposable income in the US.... Since you are inadvertently comparing everything to the salary there......
Cars are damn cheap there.. Almost everyone has a car there... There are friends of mine who are students there and still earn enuff to buy a car....

Here it is expensive hence not many own a car.... And those who buy a car do so by taking their time.. taking loans.. building up savings etc.....
So going by OUR logic ... Since it is expensive here(taking into consideration our avg. salary) ...you think it is ok to just steal it from anyone who has bought it....:@
zhopudey said:
You have convinced me, jerin :) I find gigabyte india pricing to be atrocious! :@ Can I go and "pick up" a X48 board and a GTX 280?

???....see ya...:ohyeah:

scarezebra said:
OMG... This is beyond ridiculous now!!!! What the hell are you saying???

Using something that a person has created without paying them money(when they intended to earn from it) is STEALING.. IT doesn't matter which country you are in!!!!!!

It is a sad fact that THIS stealing has been accepted as a part of our life in India....

When something is priced too high ppl don't buy them.. thats it.... Now its upto the seller to reduce the price... But if he doesn't you have no right to use something that you haven't paid for......

Also the prices of games have reduced a lot.. I remember Quake 3 Arena had a price tage of around 2800 to 3000 when it released here.....

Now new games are available for under 1000 bucks.....

And about the disposable income in the US.... Since you are inadvertently comparing everything to the salary there......

Cars are damn cheap there.. Almost everyone has a car there... There are friends of mine who are students there and still earn enuff to buy a car....

Here it is expensive hence not many own a car.... And those who buy a car do so by taking their time.. taking loans.. building up savings etc.....

So going by OUR logic ... Since it is expensive here(taking into consideration our avg. salary) ...you think it is ok to just steal it from anyone who has bought it....:@

I am ridiculous..ok..i agree. then your being plain dumb.

Stop comparing s/w piracy with other things. when u make piracy as stealing then it happens. I have seen..cars..mobos..diamonds and what not..ppl want to pick it up..THAT'S STEALING... when in s/w the things are different. try to understand that. in s/w if ppl can afford to pay.they can download it. they cant download a car. If your trying to be smart, please do with something sane.
Apples and oranges. How come there are open supporters of piracy and not of vehicle theft. It is very difficult for vehicle industry to cut price. They have a huge capital and a huge cost to maintain them. Most of their capital is periodically replaced. This is where it is not possible to reduce cost in spite of being up and runnin for some time.
@jerin, forget about the pros and cons of piracy. I see frm ur siggy that u have quite an expensive rig. Are u saying u pirate because u can't afford original software or because u just don't want to pay?

@greenhorn, researching medicine is expensive. You expect companies to invest billions and then give it away for free? It's the job of the govt and the policy makers to make sure that nobody dies because of the lack money to buy medicines. It doesn't justify ppl who can afford the costs of AIDS medicine to raid pharmacies in the name of those who can't pay. Becuse that is what is happening here.

Ppl with expensive rigs pirating because some can't afford it. edit: That last line comes out as targeting jerin which is not my intention. It's for most pirates as only the latest games are expensive and they don't run on cheap rigs.
jerin said:
???....see ya...:ohyeah:

I am ridiculous..ok..i agree. then your being plain dumb.

Stop comparing s/w piracy with other things. when u make piracy as stealing then it happens. I have seen..cars..mobos..diamonds and what not..ppl want to pick it up..THAT'S STEALING... when in s/w the things are different. try to understand that. in s/w if ppl can afford to pay.they can download it. they cant download a car. If your trying to be smart, please do with something sane.

:D I am enjoying this.....

Ok Dumb ass ... Let me summarize the crap that you are doling out .......
1. Software piracy is different because it is SOFTWARE .....
2. Piracy is ok if you are DOWNLOADING it !!!!

Software is a service that the company is providing. You want to use their service you have to pay for it......
Just because you can illegally avail the service by downloading does not mean its not a crime.....

Dude BTW
they cant download a car.
that was just :rofl: ....

ANd I guess you haven't heard of cyber crime ever ...... Wow if you were a president of country you would give Sweden a run for its money.....

BTW everyone
If you find a few stolen credit card numbers online ... steal it .... Oh sorry ... Download it and use it to buy whatever you want... because Jerin says "Downloading illegal stuff is not a crime.. You can download it so...its not a crime "
scarezebra said:
:D I am enjoying this.....

Ok Dumb ass ... Let me summarize the crap that you are doling out .......

1. Software piracy is different because it is SOFTWARE .....

2. Piracy is ok if you are DOWNLOADING it !!!!

Software is a service that the company is providing. You want to use their service you have to pay for it......

Just because you can illegally avail the service by downloading does not mean its not a crime.....

Dude BTW

that was just :rofl: ....

ANd I guess you haven't heard of cyber crime ever ...... Wow if you were a president of country you would give Sweden a run for its money.....

BTW everyone

If you find a few stolen credit card numbers online ... steal it .... Oh sorry ... Download it and use it to buy whatever you want... because Jerin says "Downloading illegal stuff is not a crime.. You can download it so...its not a crime "

Ok. You just proved beyond any doubts ur a clueless dumb fellow trying to be cool.:ohyeah:

Stop making assumptions like a kid, who said downloading doesn't make it a crime. I mean c'mon u dont know English??.

and have u heard abt service and product oriented companies in s/w industry..both are very different....VERY....

cyber-crime???..dont u think its a bit different from what we are actually saying??...if u think not. Computer crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i have no more desire to quote u now.You can say whatever u want.:cool2:

Its ppl like you who destroy a discussion making idiotic statements and comparisons. You need to understand basic concepts.till that u continue in this.
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