Bluffmaster said:
If giving reasons for why I pirate is justifying piracy then fine, I am justifying piracy. Do you want me to sob , feel ashamed and guilty because I am a pirate? Thats not gonna happen because I am as shameless as I am indifferent towards piracy.
That's already evident from your previous post.

But what you were doing is not giving your reasons. The reason as I can see for almost all people is that they simply cannot afford to buy it or do not really want to buy it because they can easily steal it. but why try to justify the action as good with lame excuses and encourage others who want to buy software to go your way.
Bluffmaster said:
I have my own reasons. As I said, I pirate because I save money and get products at a click of a button without any hassles. I do not care about the developers for I know they will not starve to death if I steal from them. Infact Piracy is overrated.
With piracy evangelists like you around showing the boons of piracy to people all around and encouraging even people who can afford to buy their software to rather steal it, I would not be surprised if the entire software industry comes to an abrupt end one day. Developers are not starving to death today because even if one company sacks them, most of them could find another company to work with. But even this would be short lived if even people who can afford to buy software stop buying. Most privately owned companies that are exclusively in software (especially desktop software) are slowly dying.
Only large companies which have stakes in multiple areas are going to last a bit longer. As it is, only the enterprise market is fetching any revenue to the software companies these days. Soon there would be no desktop software in the coming days and every application or tool you use would be through the Internet. Internet would be heavily commercialized and then you would have to pay through your nose for every single usage of your favorite tool or app because you will no longer be able to steal it.
Bluffmaster said:
Its not like I am stealing his work and not even giving him credit for it.
Its exactly that. You are stealing something a developer made and not giving him his due in monetary form.
Bluffmaster said:
What I am actually doing is that I am making his product popular, if the product is good everyone will take notice and he will get his share of rewards. In the end as I have said before, I would rather help a poor and needy man then give my money to those wealthy software corporations.
Another lame excuse.

What exactly is the use of making the product popular if you are preaching to all the people around you to steal the product rather than buying it.
If you want to help the needy do it by all means. I am not saying you should not. In fact even I do it as a matter of principle. Every month, a tenth (or occasionally more) of my salary strictly goes towards such causes no matter what. In fact some people at my company with more energy than me even go to out to the nearby localities on weekends and help the poor and the needy through voluntary work like providing free medical aid, vaccinating and educating children every thing solely at their own expense.
And if you want to pirate software because you cannot or do not what to buy it, then go ahead and just do it by all means, but just don't try it justify is as a good action with lame excuses like you are going to help the needy with the money that should rightly go to the developer. You have no right to say that the developers do not deserve compensation for the software they make.
I am not trying to be an Anti-Piracy evangelist here, because I am not one.

All I am saying is don't justify piracy with excuses like that.