Piracy : Hot or Not

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When i was in college, i could talk my dad into buying a 5k graphics card , and a 13k sound card, but i doubt he would shell out 2k for a game on a CD.

Sometimes, its out parents perception of value which causes the kids to do these. Some of us who later got jobs and the ability to pay for them do buy the real deal now, but then, what options did a minor have ?
jerin said:
????.... borrow means... torrents yaara...:rofl:
And what about TORRENTS !??? :tongue:
Has that now become legit according to you? :no:
I'd suggest you buy everything and contribute to the developers and not worry about others!

This discussion is pointless when everyone(Atleast most of them) deep-inside knows the verdict !



who said it is legal, eh???... IT IS NOT.

here is a quote from a frnd

xxx said:
Well, I see you as the end customer, not a pirate. You just choose between the options( and go for the cheaper one off course). The real pirates are those who back-engineer the HW/SW of the consoles and hack/crack/mod them.
Aren't we all saying the same things again and again here......

Let me summarize......

1. Piracy is rampant.

2. There is no way piracy will reduce unless prices are reduced. Even then it won't be completely eliminated.

3. Ppl always have a choice not to indulge in piracy and choose free software over expensive ones. But not many choose that path since acquiring pirated software is just as easy... So as zhop said convenience reins supreme.

MODS : I think we can close this thread now..... We might have ppl picking on what I have written and that cud again lead to a meaningless banter where no one has anything new to say and the same thing is repeated again.
Hmm, this reminds me of a group discussion for MBA colleges !

My take on this is that piracy = stealing. Am i a pirate ? Sure ! I have bought loads of pirated games , pirated OS, etc when I used to take my parents money.

Now that I am working, do I still do it ? Nope, buy only original games and OS.

That does not mean I buy at all high prices.

e.g. I loved Gears of War and I am dying to play Gears of War 2. Did I buy it at 2100 ??? Nope, cant afford to spend on 1 game that much. Will I pirate it ? No I will wait for the price to reduce to a level when I can buy it.

So what to do in the meanwhile ? Let my Xbox gather dust ? No I bought some second hand game from someone for cheap and i am playing that while I wait for Gears of War price to come down. Is the cheap game as good as Gears of war ? Not even close ! But at least my conscience does not bother me.

I believe in all these posts here all most everyone seems to be quite proud of stealing from companies and want to deafen themselves to the fact that they have committed a crime.

I found Naga's posts to be the most sensible, but nobody seems to care to listen to reason. Almost all paid software have cheaper alternatives. Use those. I saw someone crying about two zip formats. Did he know about 7Zip which is freeware and works as good as a paid alternative ?

All the crap that software is not easily available in India and other rubbish are just poor excuses. Which software are you talking about. And have these gentlemen even bothered to try out KMD ?

Also just because a person can afford stuff does not mean he will stop buying pirated stuff. My neighbour still buys pirated games/software even when he earns much more than me. Does he even feel bad ? Hell no !
BF1983 said:
All the crap that software is not easily available in India and other rubbish are just poor excuses. Which software are you talking about. And have these gentlemen even bothered to try out KMD ?

That be the answer to piracy...:rofl: ..i cant believe...

^^OMG.... Thats just ..Lemme see... so many things to say...

:frusty: :frusty: :frusty: :frusty: :lame: :eek: :noob: :no:

PS: Seriously as a Topic starter what is it that you are expecting out of this thread !!!

Or are u here just to disagree with evryone that posts without giving a single meaningful counterargument!!!
Close the thread. This thread is an embarrassment, seriously. Jerin, I am no longer sure what you are trying to prove here?

Are you saying that Piracy is good and we should all resort to such measures as people who buy original stuff are idiots?

You asked a simple question. Is Piracy Hot or not. Well, Piracy is hot for me as without it I will miss upon a lot of technological marvels. I want the best and I don't wanna pay for it. Piracy lets me do that. Is it the same as stealing? Probably, but I still do it because I know I'll get away with it and also because I know I am not causing anyone any serious harm so as someone already said here before, its very low on my morality scale and hence my Conscience allows it.

To be honest, if my friend is opting for some original software/movie/songs/game , I would definitely try and convince him to go the pirate way. I would give him his options but if he still wants to buy original stuff and help developers then so be it. Its his money why should I care ?

Another reason why I support piracy is just the sheer amount of money I save. Instead of helping the already wealthy developers if each one of you try and donate something to charity, it would actually be helpful.

Suppose you buy a game for 1200 bucks. Don't buy it, download it instead. Now all you saints I am sure must be feeling real guilty at this point. I have a simple solution for that. You save Rs. 1200. Now donate 600 rs. among poor or donate it to some charity. Deposit the rest to your savings account. Trust me, you will actually feel good about it and will actually help someone. Think about it guys. It makes sense if the real reason you are opting for original stuff is to remain guilt-free.
enough ppl.. mods plz close the thread or this discussion will go on till eternity. i will restrain my views as i dont want to start the discussion again though i have been following the entire thread
Bluffmaster said:
To be honest, if my friend is opting for some original software/movie/songs/game , I would definitely try and convince him to go the pirate way. I would give him his options but if he still wants to buy original stuff and help developers then so be it. Its his money why should I care ?

Another reason why I support piracy is just the sheer amount of money I save. Instead of helping the already wealthy developers if each one of you try and donate something to charity, it would actually be helpful.

LOL... I just hope for your sake that your sake that you are not a developer. Do you really think that if you can convince every one to become a pirate, the developers would still be there or the software still made?

Do you have any idea how many developers have been going jobless these days because of revenue losses due to rampart piracy. As a developer in a privately owned company whose software products are subject to rampart piracy, I know pretty well the impact of piracy. Unlike many companies, We do have have schemes whereby students and non-profit organizations can get copies of our products free of cost or for nominal charges, but it does not help. Do you know that some leading news paper publications (which I would not like to name here) with massive circulation in the northern states of India with equally massive profits have been completely running of pirated versions of our products till a while back and I know how many employees had to be sacked because of revenues going south.

Its one thing to say that you are forced to revert to piracy because of the high prices of software and your inability to purchase them for personal use and its a quite different thing to brag about it or be proud about it thinking its quite justified and then preach it to others.

btw for any of the those wise guy's who want to butt in at this point and say here that there is always open source or free software around, its made by developers who earn their living on commercial software in the day and write free software in their spare time or it can even be that their parents are earning and feeding them while they are busy writing software and giving them away for free. Does anyone really think that software can be made just like that at no expense at all?

Bluffmaster said:
Suppose you buy a game for 1200 bucks. Don't buy it, download it instead. Now all you saints I am sure must be feeling real guilty at this point. I have a simple solution for that. You save Rs. 1200. Now donate 600 rs. among poor or donate it to some charity. Deposit the rest to your savings account. Trust me, you will actually feel good about it and will actually help someone. Think about it guys. It makes sense if the real reason you are opting for original stuff is to remain guilt-free.

If you really want to be a saint, then make those donations at your own expense, If you want to save 600 and donate 600 then do it by all means, but why do you have to steal something in between if you really want to be like a saint. :P That logic is pretty weak if you ask me. Its like that lame movie I watched some time back in which the villain kills a man, then saves a dying ant and says his sins are washed away. :rofl:

If you cannot afford software and pirate them, then be the man and admit it. There is absolutely no need to justify it as a good thing or say that the money you saved at the expense of the developers is better used for something else.
^^You ARE the LORD ..... Agree with you there.....

Cannot afford a software and then resorting to piracy is definitely morally wrong but convincing others to indulge in Piracy is downright EVIL......

OT: Lord Nemesis... Whats the name of the movie that you mentioned there? :P

BTW I think this thread will never get closed..... :P
If giving reasons for why I pirate is justifying piracy then fine, I am justifying piracy. Do you want me to sob , feel ashamed and guilty because I am a pirate? Thats not gonna happen because I am as shameless as I am indifferent towards piracy. I have my own reasons. As I said, I pirate because I save money and get products at a click of a button without any hassles. I do not care about the developers for I know they will not starve to death if I steal from them. Infact Piracy is overrated. Its not like I am stealing his work and not even giving him credit for it. What I am actually doing is that I am making his product popular, if the product is good everyone will take notice and he will get his share of rewards. In the end as I have said before, I would rather help a poor and needy man then give my money to those wealthy software corporations.
scarezebra said:
OT: Lord Nemesis... Whats the name of the movie that you mentioned there? :P

Its some lame Telugu movie I watched (for hardly half an hour) on TV. I didn't bother to know its name. Though I am a Telugu guy myself, I simply can't bring myself to watch movies like that. :P
Bluffmaster said:
If giving reasons for why I pirate is justifying piracy then fine, I am justifying piracy. Do you want me to sob , feel ashamed and guilty because I am a pirate? Thats not gonna happen because I am as shameless as I am indifferent towards piracy.

That's already evident from your previous post. :P But what you were doing is not giving your reasons. The reason as I can see for almost all people is that they simply cannot afford to buy it or do not really want to buy it because they can easily steal it. but why try to justify the action as good with lame excuses and encourage others who want to buy software to go your way.

Bluffmaster said:
I have my own reasons. As I said, I pirate because I save money and get products at a click of a button without any hassles. I do not care about the developers for I know they will not starve to death if I steal from them. Infact Piracy is overrated.

With piracy evangelists like you around showing the boons of piracy to people all around and encouraging even people who can afford to buy their software to rather steal it, I would not be surprised if the entire software industry comes to an abrupt end one day. Developers are not starving to death today because even if one company sacks them, most of them could find another company to work with. But even this would be short lived if even people who can afford to buy software stop buying. Most privately owned companies that are exclusively in software (especially desktop software) are slowly dying.

Only large companies which have stakes in multiple areas are going to last a bit longer. As it is, only the enterprise market is fetching any revenue to the software companies these days. Soon there would be no desktop software in the coming days and every application or tool you use would be through the Internet. Internet would be heavily commercialized and then you would have to pay through your nose for every single usage of your favorite tool or app because you will no longer be able to steal it.

Bluffmaster said:
Its not like I am stealing his work and not even giving him credit for it.

Its exactly that. You are stealing something a developer made and not giving him his due in monetary form.

Bluffmaster said:
What I am actually doing is that I am making his product popular, if the product is good everyone will take notice and he will get his share of rewards. In the end as I have said before, I would rather help a poor and needy man then give my money to those wealthy software corporations.

Another lame excuse. :P What exactly is the use of making the product popular if you are preaching to all the people around you to steal the product rather than buying it.

If you want to help the needy do it by all means. I am not saying you should not. In fact even I do it as a matter of principle. Every month, a tenth (or occasionally more) of my salary strictly goes towards such causes no matter what. In fact some people at my company with more energy than me even go to out to the nearby localities on weekends and help the poor and the needy through voluntary work like providing free medical aid, vaccinating and educating children every thing solely at their own expense.

And if you want to pirate software because you cannot or do not what to buy it, then go ahead and just do it by all means, but just don't try it justify is as a good action with lame excuses like you are going to help the needy with the money that should rightly go to the developer. You have no right to say that the developers do not deserve compensation for the software they make.

I am not trying to be an Anti-Piracy evangelist here, because I am not one. :P All I am saying is don't justify piracy with excuses like that. ;)
^You think ripping my posts and replying using my quotes will make your argument look more effective ? I can do the same but it feels too childish and a waste of time. I can understand what you are trying to say, but what you are failing to understand is that a Pirate just doesn't care about all that.

I was not trying to justify piracy. All I did was give reasons for why I pirate. I don't go around preaching people to not use original software but yes if a friend is in need of some software and I have the means of getting it for him for free , why wouldn't I do that ? Ofcourse if he still insists on getting an original copy for himself , he has every right to. Isn't that exactly what many people do at TE meets ? Exchange many GB's of pirated data with each other ? No matter how much you stress on the point that piracy is wrong and immoral, it would not have any effect on pirates because they are least bothered about the ramifications of it all. As I said, you cannot expect me to feel guilty about using pirated software because if I was feeling guilty, I wouldn't have used it in the first place. So in a way I have justified piracy to myself, every pirate has.
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