Piracy : Hot or Not

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zhopudey said:
Everything, and I mean everything, can be boiled down to morality vs convenience :)

well morality is just a by-product of convenience so....in the end it just comes down to convenience :P
Piracy comes from the word pirate. Everyone knows what a pirate is. So, piracy is definitely not justifiable but I am still a pirate and I guess I will remain until I am forced to buy originals because not everyone wants/has to do what is morally correct. I know its morally wrong but I still do it. And, there is definitely a feeling to satisfaction when you are successfully being able to use a pirated software. Its the same feeling that you get when you successfully crack an iPhone or successfully get something thats not working right fixed on your own. Only pirates will know this :)

@ Jerin

You definitely cannot justify piracy lol
I had comepleted call of duty 4 on a pirated version.. but the game was that good i decided to help the devs and bought a copy..

same is wat i have done with :

Half Life Series

GTA: San Andreas


i believe if somethin really deserves my money i shall put it in... but not for games like FAR cry 2 where my money gets fraked up bad :E
Hmm..I've not seen anyone mention some of the practical hassles in buying legitimate software.

Most of these companies are overseas and do not have an indian presence. They require payment using credit card for online purchases. Many people esp. students don't have access to one. Apart from that, some softwares and/or keys must be shipped to your address. This would be a big hassle for most people for overseas purchases.

W.r.t buying popular software from a local store, I always have fear about whether say a game I purchase from a shop will actually work on my system. I find it difficult to convince a dealer that it's not working on my system when in all probability, he would assume that I copied it and am now returning the CD.

Most softwares are not worth paying for. And at a time, we download and install so many softwares that we probably have limited use for and many times, we wish that the software would be easier to use or have more features etc and we don't feel like paying for them.

Then there are other things like being a guinea pig for competing technologies. An example would be - why should I have to pay for WinZip and WinRAR...after all they do the same job? Is it my fault that there are two types of compressed archives? I can use the same argument for realmedia and quicktime files. The sheer volume of options available makes it difficult to determine which softwares I should pay for.

Then comes the question on just how many capabilities should I pay for. Most people expect these capabilities to be present as they have already paid for the hardware and the OS. At the very least, they expect the OS to have these capabilities.

So my points are

1) Paying for software isn't as simple as paying for hardware because of varying standards, difficulty in quantifying utility, too many options, where do I stop paying etc.

2) The process of overseas payment for software and pricing needs to be greatly simplified for legitimate software to gain ground in India. IMO, they should first focus on ensuring a proper medium for purchase with reasonable pricing and a money back guarantee if the product does not work on your system like it should. Then they can talk about piracy.
I don't believe in paying for a sub standard product. Movies while good are not always great and as Shripad put it, usually end up late. For a good enough title , most of us will watch it in a movie. So the problem is not that there is a lot of Piracy, its just that not a lot of good movies are being made.

If the industry wanted to end the problem, they would have. Its just that they choose not to because media piracy at the end is still a vested interest for them. Its a very well known fact that Microsoft would rather have its people pirate a copy of windows rather they switch to Linux. These boil in to profits in the long run.

A good enough business model will survive and sustain in any place. talk of games being pirated? look at Valve, tell me if counterstrike is not played widely with legit keys ? ask me if Tf2 is not played legit ? Hey i have bought them all. Not only that there is no way otherwise, also becuase I am assured of the content of the game I buy from Valve is going to be nothing less than expceptional. As long as this is being provided, I dont see any other reasons to pirate. I try to buy all my favorite movies ( Hindi and english ) on DVD's. As long as you are trying, I say ok. Otherwise, dont sweat. It hasnt bothered a lot of people.
Some random thoughts

- stealing is taking something from someone else who then does not have said 'thing'. This gets blurred in the digital world. So you made a copy of something you may not have bought in the first place. Is that necesarily a lost sale ?

We take what applies to atoms and extend it to bytes as now we have this thing called 'intellectual property'. Can't talk about piracy unless we mention copyright. This is really the crux of the whole matter, that you can take a bunch of bits and say NO, you may not legally reproduce those unless someone gives you the permission to do so.

- A lot of ppl here (zhops i'm looking at you) said if the laws were tighter they would not do it. So is the answer even stricter laws ?

well look up the PRO-IP Act that got passed in the US recently. It takes penalties up another level. Its a felony offence in the US now, for what, downloading some data ?..you are now in the same league as much more unsavoury types relatively speaking.

So the argument of right or wrong becomes more pertinent if the risk factor enters into the equation.
somebody talked about morality vs convenience.

Sometimes its just legality vs convenience. Suppose you bought an audio CD. In a strict legal sense , you are not allowed to rip it to mp3. So to listen it on your mp3 player, you'd have to buy the mp3 again, and to use it as an mp3 ringtone, you will have to buy it again.

Sometimes our rights are being legislated away for profit, in which case, direct action becomes the only alternative
I know the usual rants so wont bother readin all, but lets just say there are benefits for all to be had..

Windows due to piracy is very wide spread, so when a person is capable of purchasing they do purchase it..

Secondly, its a changed world, calling it stealing without thinking wil just make you look stupid, the dynamics have changed, its no more the same..The developers can easily earn lot by charging for support..

Thirdly, all you pirates relax and chill, cribbling like this is against pirate attitude..:devil:
sydras said:
Hmm..I've not seen anyone mention some of the practical hassles in buying legitimate software.

Most of these companies are overseas and do not have an indian presence. They require payment using credit card for online purchases. Many people esp. students don't have access to one. Apart from that, some softwares and/or keys must be shipped to your address. This would be a big hassle for most people for overseas purchases.

W.r.t buying popular software from a local store, I always have fear about whether say a game I purchase from a shop will actually work on my system. I find it difficult to convince a dealer that it's not working on my system when in all probability, he would assume that I copied it and am now returning the CD.

Most softwares are not worth paying for. And at a time, we download and install so many softwares that we probably have limited use for and many times, we wish that the software would be easier to use or have more features etc and we don't feel like paying for them.

Then there are other things like being a guinea pig for competing technologies. An example would be - why should I have to pay for WinZip and WinRAR...after all they do the same job? Is it my fault that there are two types of compressed archives? I can use the same argument for realmedia and quicktime files. The sheer volume of options available makes it difficult to determine which softwares I should pay for.

Then comes the question on just how many capabilities should I pay for. Most people expect these capabilities to be present as they have already paid for the hardware and the OS. At the very least, they expect the OS to have these capabilities.

So my points are

1) Paying for software isn't as simple as paying for hardware because of varying standards, difficulty in quantifying utility, too many options, where do I stop paying etc.

2) The process of overseas payment for software and pricing needs to be greatly simplified for legitimate software to gain ground in India. IMO, they should first focus on ensuring a proper medium for purchase with reasonable pricing and a money back guarantee if the product does not work on your system like it should. Then they can talk about piracy.

THis kinda argument is what thread needs...

You have said some very valid points... but MS do have some presence here..very much...i meant their OS and Office products..still ppl do pirate them...

The less said abt other apps and games... mots of the times late releases...:@

Party Monger said:
The developers can easily earn lot by charging for support..

This is absolutely correct and How does most companies make profit.. :).... but most ppl who says piracy is bad..bad for industry dont know this...

most never know that service category is s/w industry is where the profit lies...one cannot pirate it...
I know the usual rants so wont bother readin all, but lets just say there are benefits for all to be had..

Windows due to piracy is very wide spread, so when a person is capable of purchasing they do purchase it..

Secondly, its a changed world, calling it stealing without thinking wil just make you look stupid, the dynamics have changed, its no more the same..The developers can easily earn lot by charging for support..

Thirdly, all you pirates relax and chill, cribbling like this is against pirate attitude..:devil:
Steal ? To quote a famous person

Stolen's a strong word. It's copyrighted content that the owner wasn't paid for.


In addition, piracy has been acknowledged as an alternative business model, from which the very businesses which seek to end it profit from

high prices encourage piracy but offer the company offsetting advantages. If Microsoft sold Windows for, say, $10, it would lose money on every copy because of manufacturing, distribution and support costs. At zero cost to Microsoft, piracy enhances network effects by getting Windows out to users who can’t or won’t pay, without undercutting normal prices.

How Piracy Opens Doors for Windows - Los Angeles Times

They like us to feel guilty – to think that piracy is wrong and immoral. Economically, it’s not necessarily true, but it resonates with the public.

at least thats whats happening here
- A lot of ppl here (zhops i'm looking at you) said if the laws were tighter they would not do it. So is the answer even stricter laws ?

Buddy, I'm not the one asking the questions, so I'm not interested in finding answers :rofl: Piracy works for me, so I do it. When it stops working, I'll start shelling for software or else look or free alternatives.
Sydras, dude - your post makes no sense to me at all :rofl:

Most of these companies are overseas and do not have an indian presence. They require payment using credit card for online purchases. Many people esp. students don't have access to one. Apart from that, some softwares and/or keys must be shipped to your address. This would be a big hassle for most people for overseas purchases.
Err, what softwares? Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, Autodesk and a whole lot of others are directly available here.

W.r.t buying popular software from a local store, I always have fear about whether say a game I purchase from a shop will actually work on my system. I find it difficult to convince a dealer that it's not working on my system when in all probability, he would assume that I copied it and am now returning the CD.

Utter nonsense :rofl: Just tell me, once you find this game works, do you then go out and buy it?

Most softwares are not worth paying for. And at a time, we download and install so many softwares that we probably have limited use for and many times, we wish that the software would be easier to use or have more features etc and we don't feel like paying for them.
My god! Dude, what do you mean by - "we don't feel like paying for them" :S Again, sorry for the hardware analogy - but if I buy a dslr camera but use it only in auto mode, I should not be paying for it, right?
Then there are other things like being a guinea pig for competing technologies. An example would be - why should I have to pay for WinZip and WinRAR...after all they do the same job? Is it my fault that there are two types of compressed archives? I can use the same argument for realmedia and quicktime files. The sheer volume of options available makes it difficult to determine which softwares I should pay for.
Ok, I'll have to give up now. You pay for what you want to use. Which means, if you don't want to pay, you don't use. Do you pay only 20% for a movie ticket if you want to watch only 20mins?
Then comes the question on just how many capabilities should I pay for. Most people expect these capabilities to be present as they have already paid for the hardware and the OS. At the very least, they expect the OS to have these capabilities.

You are going on and on as if using a PC is as important as breathing or eating. Dude, if you don't like the features or the price of the s/w, there is no compulsion for you to buy it. Find something else. If you can't find anything worth your while, don't use a PC at all. But please don't give such lame reasons to try and justify piracy.

So my points are

1) Paying for software isn't as simple as paying for hardware because of varying standards, difficulty in quantifying utility, too many options, where do I stop paying etc.

2) The process of overseas payment for software and pricing needs to be greatly simplified for legitimate software to gain ground in India. IMO, they should first focus on ensuring a proper medium for purchase with reasonable pricing and a money back guarantee if the product does not work on your system like it should. Then they can talk about piracy.

Your points are utterly pointless :tongue:
grinning cat said:
They like us to feel guilty – to think that piracy is wrong and immoral. Economically, it’s not necessarily true, but it resonates with the public.

Greeny, I think you are arguing with yourself in this thread :rofl: You're going off on a tangent, and no one is paying any attention :P Except maybe the TS and a few other misguided souls, no one here is feeling guilty, and hence not bothering with giving justifications. Like I said, not high enough on the morality scale :)

Boy are u on the wrong track today mate??....

Agreed u do piracy..agreed u don't care abt justifications...

But what both said are valid statements on some levels...

1. what sydra said abt overseas s/w customer support is correct. They have the best support. Ask a frnd overseas who buys original s/w. The customer support is the BEST. i think that was what sydra is referring... CC in India is good AFAIK is only for mobile companies i think.. :)... the less said abt s/w is better...

2. Greenie referred to guilt. well how many posts are saying that piracy IS stealing and we should be feeling bad???....
It's all been said here but I'll say it again as my last post in this repetitive thread :P

No one NEEDS MS Office, Winzip, WinRar, XP, Vista, Photoshop, etc. etc. You have working FREE alternatives to all of them. So pls shut up about affordability and how poor and deprived u are.

U want to pirate a 199-999 game to play on ur 40k+ rig cos u can't afford it? Be my guest. U want to pirate XP/ Vista/ office cos they are expensive while u have a free alternative? Welcome.

Just don't come in here cribbing about lack of options/ choices. I have never started a thread saying stop piracy. Y do u guys need a thread to promote it? And don't say u're not promoting anything. No more posts from me. Pirates might have diff moral standards but they are not losers. Ppl who feel guilty about being a pirate and look for justification to get rid of that guilt ARE losers.

Its about choices. Why go OSS when piracy is rampant?. go to a local dealer and observe. IMO the starting point to reducing piracy is in the local dealers.

Ur game price/rig price cant hold true when u take other OS and apps. consoles and games do they?
Most are pirates or do when they need it. Just like that. Nothing else.

Mods Please close the thread. :)

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