Piracy : Hot or Not

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A Nobody.
Piracy : Hot or Not
Well lets talk abt this issue...i start this in view of the
ban hammers being done in XBOX Live..

My Opinion...its OK.... not great..just its OK...

My Reasons.

1. Not all can afford Orginal stuff. Money needs to be used for more important things in life.
I am talking in view when you earn the money. not ur daddy's accnt. If u do then i cant say
anything. :)

2. I am a s/w engineer. Only now did i start using Orginal OS and S/w i daily use. and they are
Over priced. a starting salary of a s/w guy in US and Europe is over 2000$.. in india...most know...
I have lots of frnds who are interested in gaming. none buy orginal games. coz we all have other things in life.. buy house..cars and bikes..other things..go out..all these cost money..and to spend 2 or 3k on a game..no..when i get it for 50Rs per game.

3. Some say.pirates are losers. have no life. well u can say whatever u want. I dont care. never did for serious things.never will on this.

4. U can say ur against piracy If the following is true.
1. Have no illegal Music(Mp3's)and Movies(rips,HD rips)
2. Use orginal Softwares and freeware for ur PC.
3. Never Lied or Stolen anything in life. Yea.If u say ur saint then be one.
4. Never bribed or given a lil extra anywhere for anything.
5. Have not modded ur ps2..orginal xbox..or psp... coz u dont mod 360 coz of RROD and u dont ps3..coz u dont know how...

I say all this coz piracy is after all stealing...sharing...doing something before the other
even though he pays for it.
And please dont say anything about supporting the creators and supporting the studios. Please those in this business know very well. How much to create a game. and how much they make in first week itself.if its a good game. only the studios with bad games are shut down.and if this foolish statement holds any truth the entire s/w industry and movie industry will have said good bye by now.
So tell me your views.Keep it real guys.

This thread is NOT abt piracy justification. Its about why, the purpose, the reason. stuff like that. :ohyeah:

Honestly, everyone should buy a legit OS if they want to use windows. If you cant afford it, switch to Linux, its perfectly good platform for PC.

If you dont want headache of configuring, use shell, install packages manually and want easy way out by going for windows / mac then pay for it.

ideally having a game or not does not really matter, its not something which is necessary or required in normal daily life. Thats the biggest point in favour of those who oppose piracy of games. You want it? Pay for it. If you cant, dont use it.

But I know that wont be the case as temptation is something that is natural to us.

On movies, I have very different view. I would rather go to movies with a company than watch it at home. But most of the good foreign movies, dont make it here in cinema, they dont make it here for months after its DVD release in states, and we are lucky if BR ever makes it to our shores.

Same goes to TV. Most good tv serials dont make it here, those which do are years behind. And people in US/EU gets to watch many TV shows free on net after it airs there on TV. But the content is not available for people here. So we download..........

In the end, its never ending argument. But buy the things you want. There is almost always a free/low cost alternative for things you need.

And screw the studios who treat Indian viewers differently. ( they dont really care about us much )

But 1 thing is for sure, none of us have any right to judge a person based on piracy. I have made far too many and more serious mistakes in my life to be judging anyone.
That's fantastic. Now let's justify other forms of robbery. After that, we can move on to rape, murder, etc. etc.

Now ur are being a Hypocrite. You are just stumped that valid points are being given. No way in HELL.. the things that u just said will be justified. cmon...piracy and u compare it to that...please...
@cool1: PC games r already selling for peanuts ,, 699 to 999 for new one and 299 for old one .. hell i bought prince of Persia trilogy for 399 bucks.. same thing for ps2 games, but yeah xbox 360 games are costly .. but even its lower to 699-999 range ppl will keep on pirating stuff coz not all games r available here.(Fallout 3 says hi !) .

watever reasons u give piracy is stealing and hav sum pride and dont justify it or brag about .

I Totally agree with you jerin. Its the Indian mentality at play actually. If a person is getting something for free , why would he pay for it ? People ( especially Indians ) who say they are against piracy are nothing but hypocrites as I am sure at some point or another they would have supported the cause. No one is a saint in this world. If I was an Uber rich guy and spending a few thousands here and there on games and softwares wouldn't have affected me in any way then yes, I would have supported anti-piracy but I am a middleclass guy trying to make a living and there is a lot I can do with those few thousand rupees then buy a few original games and softwares just for the sake of it.

IMO Only these kind of people could be against piracy in India :

1. Uber rich people.

2. People who have no interest in games, softwares, music or movies and support anti-piracy just for the heck of it.

3. People who are scared of the consequences of pirating.

4. Noobs who have no idea what a torrent is/does.

5. Saints.

As jerin said, if you have indulged in some sort of piracy at some time or another , you have no right to post comments supporting anti-piracy.
john117 said:
watever reasons u give piracy is stealing and hav sum pride and dont justify it or brag about .

I seen in another forum pirates being called..low Lives, morons,dumbos...u know the forum....This is not bragging..but justification..

Those who advocate must know both sides...
Bluffmaster said:
If I was an Uber rich guy and spending a few thousands here and there on games and softwares wouldn't have affected me then yes, I would have supported anti-piracy but I am middleclass guy trying to make a living and there is a lot I can do with those few thousand rupees then buy buy original games and softwares for the sake of it.
Amen to that.


Lots of guys who advocate antipiracy in lots of forums are still school or college going kids. they do not buy stuff on their own money. I want them to say all those when they are making the money.
Also why do you view all this as stealing? Think of internet as one big community/family. Now someone in this family goes and buys the original stuff and he/she shares it with other members of the community so that they can enjoy the same. Its the same as borrowing or renting a DVD from your friend only its been done on a much larger scale ( the beauty of internet ). Tell me something .... If your brother or friend has a DVD of your favorite movie and you borrow it from him to watch it, would you call that piracy ?
john117 said:
@cool1: PC games r already selling for peanuts

If it werent for piracy, those games will cost as if your buying loads of peanuts :bleh:. They lowered it combat piracy. In a way, piracy did help.
Nice starting point for the debate.

I want to drive a Ferrari. It's quick, makes me look cool, and gives me what I need from a car. I can't afford it, though, so let me go steal it.

Piracy exists because it can. Software is easy to pirate, but in the days before computers, it actually meant something far worse and far more scary. Even in recent times (real) pirates hit a ship and basically took what wasn't theirs.

Though I'd be a hypocrite if I said I don't download anything, I do trudge music shops every month at least twice, looking for something that I liked. I bought a license for XP back in 2004, and it's served me for well for four years, and probably will continue to be my main OS for at least another year, as I'm skipping Vista for sure.

Never had a problem with professional software, every company I've worked with has legit multi-user licenses and I can use those at home when I'm not using them in office. In the days when I was unemployed, Staroffice worked fine for me (it still does, and the entire group is transitioning to a Linux/Staroffice system by the end of 2009).

The real pirate is one who'll never give the creator anything, not a red cent. If you sincerely believe that XP should cost less, write to Steve Ballmer. If you think it should benefit you immediately, you're just a selfish little swine. It will take many letters and much action for anything to change. You know why?

Because if you can't find it cheap enough, you'll pirate it. Just like the Ferrari. It's easy, painless and doesn't hurt anybody. Right?

Wrong. It hurts those who are making the software, and those that are paying for it.

Hardware used to cost a bomb in the 80s. The price has moved southward steadily but the software price has not changed much. That's because of low demand, because all those new shiny PCs are running MS-DOS, right? Who are you kidding. If you could realise large volumes, you could drop the price of the product. You can't because your consumers are essentially freeloading. But as Ballmer once said, he'd rather people pirate Windows, because that at least ensures dominance (and lethargy).

As for content that's not available in the country, there are multiple and confusing reasons. Some of these are due to stupid licensing regulations by content owners, some due to the fact that they're illegal, and some are just not profitable for the broadcasters.

It's a thorny question, but I follow three rules.

If you can afford it, buy it.

If you can't, look for something cheaper/free.

If it's just not available, downloading that would be borderline, as long as you don't re-distribute it and the moment it becomes available, pay full price for it.
see jerin given the chance they all will turn into pirates ,iff xbox360 sumhow magically turned into sumthing reliable and MS stops banning ppl from xbox live.. and ps3 gets hacked ..

and dude watever they say doesnt meant shit to me coz 90% of them use torrents and watch dvdrips and running a hacked copy of widows ..

so there is no need of justification ..

@bluffmaster: again another pathetic attempt at justifying piracy. I hate when ppl do that .. coz i m a software dev and i know how much effort goes into making a decent game . So unless sumthing is open source its not meant for sharing .. sum1 has wrote that piece of code to earn his daily bread. Now that dvd excuse thats most moronic and ridiculous excuse i hav ever heard for pirating stuff.

I know almost everyone here is a middleclass guy trying to making a living.but if u can spend 200 bucks for a movie ticket which entertains you for 2hrs, cant u pay 600 to 900 bucks for a game which keeps u entertained for 10-15 hrs. ohh its so costly ..i cant afford and blah blah .. is all piece of bullshit .. u r a pirate .. i m a pirate ,we all r pirates.. end of story.
Most including sangram are saying if cheaper alternatives are there we should take it.I agree its correct, just and moral.

But a person is used or using or is used to one thing , why does he have to change just for that sake of it?. he has a means to do it. he will take it.Isnt that all life is about. we can do the thing in our speed and way.
@ john

u have to see a boarder argument point. agreed the PC game prices are interesting and attractive for most. but consider Consoles and the movies and the music stuff too..

and a Lot here are s/w engineers including me..so i think all knows the work goes into making a s/w well.
I pirate cause there is no fear of getting caught :) For me, its a balance between morality and convinience. If something is outright immoral, like say - rape or murder, I wouldn't do it even if due to some reasons it caused me great inconvinience by not doing it (yeah I know. Highly hypothetical :P).

Software piracy, which I agree cannot be called moral any which way we look at it, still doesn't rank high enough on the morality scale for me to go and inconvinience myself by spending for licenses. But tomorrow, if our govt. makes the anti piracy laws a whole lot stricter, and actually start putting people in jail - that would lower its score on the convenience scale, at the same time increasing its morality score. Then I would go and start buying software :)
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