^^ stuck at customizing your pogoplug page..refer
Customising your Pogoplug | Aaron Randall
Unable to login into SSH
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^^ stuck at customizing your pogoplug page..refer
Customising your Pogoplug | Aaron Randall
Unable to login into SSH
Are you sure you did not click the
Change Password button when enabling ssh at my.pogoplug.com?
If you did, that would explain why you are getting the
Access Denied message with the default root password of
ceadmin. I had changed the default root password at my.pogoplug.com too and ceadmin would not work as the password for root on the device, post the change. Luckily I remember what the changed root password was and have now written it down.
Try and remember if you clicked the
Change Password button on my.pogoplug.com site and if you indeed did that would then be the root password on your device.
If you can't remember and seeing as your device is still running the stock OS, you can connect your device to the internet, logon to my.pogoplug.com and try changing the default root password on your Pogoplug at my.pogoplug.com. Hopefully my.pogoplug.com will let you reset the password without asking for the old password.
If you haven't done anything to your plug as yet and it looks that way since you can't logon as yet, you can try contacting Pogoplug support and asking them how to reset a forgotten root password. That should then enable you to get going with configuring the device. Don't tell them anything about hacking your plug and so on, even though I don't think they would care either way, just say you may have changed your password via the web interface at my.pogoplug.com and can't remember it and now can't ssh in. See if you can persuade them to help you out since you are still on the stock OS.
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I received coupon from iBhejo which requires min purchase of 3k

You have coupon for Pogoplug ?
ibhejo is still giving away two Rs. 500 off coupons on each new account at their site. Contact them over the phone and see if they can give you a coupon for Rs. 500 off for use on existing accounts or just create a new account and you should automatically get the two Rs. 500 off coupons on your registered e-mail address.