PogoPlug Pro - Discussion Thread

^ ;) :p

pyLoad installation done. Here are the steps
pacman -Sy python2 python-pycurl

Create a symbolic link for python to python2
ln -s /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python

Download and extract the pyLoad source package
wget [url]http://download.pyload.org/pyload-src-v0.4.8.zip[/url]
unzip pyload-src-v0.4.8.zip

Go to the folder in which pyLoad was extracted and run
python pyLoadCore.py -s
Set the download path and login data etc. When it asks for type of webserver, choose 'threaded'

Now create a file /etc/rc.d/pyLoadCored and add the following

. /etc/rc.conf
. /etc/rc.d/functions


case "$1" in
    stat_busy "Starting pyLoadCore"
    su $USER -c '/usr/bin/pyLoadCore --daemon' &> /dev/null
    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
      add_daemon pyLoadCored
    stat_busy "Stopping pyLoadCore"
    # killall -w -s 2 /usr/bin/pyLoadCore &> /dev/null
    su $USER -c "kill -15 $(cat $PIDFILE) && rm -f $PIDFILE" &> /dev/null
    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
      rm_daemon pyLoadCored
    $0 stop
    sleep 3
    $0 start
    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 0

Make it executable
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/pyLoadCored

If you extracted the pyload files to /home/pyload then run the following command
ln -s /home/pyload/pyLoadCore.py /usr/bin/pyLoadCore

After that edit /etc/rc.conf and in the last line which says 'Daemons' append 'pyLoadCored'. Here is mine as an example

DAEMONS=(set-oxnas-mac !hwclock syslog-ng network netfs crond sshd openntpd webmin transmissiond samba pyLoadCored)
Obviously this doesnt work anymore as Archlinux has got changed.
Any updated guide for installing pyload?
could someone please tell how to connect a 3.5" internal HDD to the SATA port of the pogo pro? I have a hole made for the purpose in the casing, and have a TAG 3.5" SATA-USB enclosure as well.

@honest1 - any idea about it?
Guys after three long years, I'm facing a wierd issue, Whenever a download is going on, the Plug becomes unresponsive. I.e i'm not able to access the transmission web interface. I have never faced this issue and when the torrents are paused i'm able to access the UI and the plug is very responsive. I thought my pen drive was dying but thats not the case. It seems like whenever download is going on, i'm not able to access the plug through file zilla or Putty
Guys after three long years, I'm facing a wierd issue, Whenever a download is going on, the Plug becomes unresponsive. I.e i'm not able to access the transmission web interface. I have never faced this issue and when the torrents are paused i'm able to access the UI and the plug is very responsive. I thought my pen drive was dying but thats not the case. It seems like whenever download is going on, i'm not able to access the plug through file zilla or Putty
i'll really suggest you to check about this on doozan forums, particularly with member 'bodhi'.
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Ok so im on a 40Mbps connection, and when i get 5Mbps downloads the device becomes responsive. Hence i have restricted the download speed to 1mbos and it seems to be working without any issues
Ok so im on a 40Mbps connection, and when i get 5Mbps downloads the device becomes responsive. Hence i have restricted the download speed to 1mbos and it seems to be working without any issues
This problem occurs when you have too many peers instead restricting bandwidth try lowering the allowed peer to peer i guess that will solve your problem
I have downloaded aria2 on goflexnet(archlinux)and got it running also. But whenever I try to download something, it gives error. There are no details of the errors.


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Is there a way to power down connected HDD's that are not in use? I'm running Debian and have two ext HDD connected to the Pogo plug. Both the HDD's have shared folders on them. If I'm not wrong, I think samba does not allow shared drives to power down. Both hard disks are just a few months old and clocking 1000+ hr's of use now.

I think I tried hwmon but it did not work. Some error came.
So excited to go through this thread! I'm planning on revitalizing my Pogoplugs.

I turned one of them on and it booted up as if it was online just yesterday:

Screenshot 2022-08-02 at 09.54.44.png
Updated uboot to get netconsole fixed, set up a fresh USB drive with debian, upgraded kernel:

U-Boot 2015.10-tld-2 (Oct 21 2017 - 22:00:02 -0700)

Last login: Wed Dec 31 16:00:48 PST 1969 on ttyS0
Linux Configs 5.4.179-oxnas-tld-1 #1.0 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 14 21:50:21 PST 2022 armv6l

root@Configs:~# cat /etc/debian_version

Next up is to figure out something about fixing time, either with a hardware RTC or a locally hosted NTP server.

Some photos from 2016 of my tiny homelab with a few of these pogoplugs:


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I'm planning to revive an old pogo p21(similar oxnas based) which has not been turned on since the pandemic.

I may need to use the serial port to debug.

Are those plain old jumper wires I see or did you do any modifications ?

Couldn't find any header connector that fits it and I remember the pins being too small.
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They're regular dupont-type 0.1" jumper wires but to make them fit inside the 2mm pitch connector, I removed the outer plastic shell on two of them. I made a more permanent connection by buying 2mm pitch harnesses from sunrom and crimping on a 0.1" connector on the other side: https://www.sunrom.com/c/jst-ph-20mm?s_93[]=4

But I never needed to access the serial console after the initial install of debian, these things have fantastic reliability and uptime.


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The emmc on my plug died years back. I would still be using it as a network attached storage if it was working. Put it back in it's original box and laid it to rest in some cardboard box with other old electronic items.
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The emmc on my plug died years back. I would still be using it as a network attached storage if it was working. Put it back in it's original box and laid it to rest in some cardboard box with other old electronic items.
What model is this ?
They're regular dupont-type 0.1" jumper wires but to make them fit inside the 2mm pitch connector, I removed the outer plastic shell on two of them. I made a more permanent connection by buying 2mm pitch harnesses from sunrom and crimping on a 0.1" connector on the other side: https://www.sunrom.com/c/jst-ph-20mm?s_93[]=4

But I never needed to access the serial console after the initial install of debian, these things have fantastic reliability and uptime.
I finally revived mine(P21) to latest kernel & bookworm rootfs and have setup netconsole. I'm able to boot it from sata too.

For SATA, I took an old usb cable, spliced it with the red to 5v and the 2 black to GND of sata power connector. In your pics, what is the yellow wire used for , is it just dummy ?
Is the solder point 5v ? I think that should be good enough for 2.5" HDDs. Is there a 12v point in there for bigger 3.5" drives if required ?
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