PogoPlug Pro - Discussion Thread

Need assistance on setting up DDNS is dd client only required here ?

I use NameCheap DDNS with my own domain name, and I think I'm using ddclient itself.

#ubergeek - First step would be to activate the plug and set the SSH password, after that you can go ahead and install ArchLinux.
^ You will need to register at some DDNS provider, there are many free DDNS providers that you can chose from. If you have your own domain then NameCheap will be better.

can i revert back to the old firmware i mean after i install archlinux will there be a way for me to use pogo plug as it intended to be?
hi i have a simple question this time

I have decided to buy an apple TV for my media requirements,so my question is that how can i access files on apple TV which are stored on pogoplug HDD.

I think the answer to my question will be an iTunes server,so pogoplug can run the iTunes server smoothly with its system capacity and is there any other simple solution for that.
^ You will need to register at some DDNS provider, there are many free DDNS providers that you can chose from. If you have your own domain then NameCheap will be better.

Can you recommend any free ones
I have bought asus RT-n13u-b1 & belkin play max for downloading torrents but both devices failed to deliver the required, asus rt13u-b1 with ddwrt works great sometimes. it randomly detects hdd and load transmission after power cuts which is very annoying. & in case of belkin play max with stock f/w same issue persists but with less in frequency and terrible speeds & low/no uploading. so my question is if I buy pogoplug, will it solve my issue??? also which pogoplug is best out of three....??
Thanks varkey


If you can't figure out RT-N13 then dont get Pogo

Actually its not like that I cant figure out RT-N13, I have tried it with different mod F/Ws, IMO its been configured correctly as it works great when it works. only problem is that, I have to attend it atleast twice a day for manually/auto mounting hdd or resetting it due to frequent power failures at my location, & I just want a trouble free downloader device on power cuts.. if you can help me with RT-N13U-b1 that will surely save my money....

(I am using old internal 120gb hdd with samsung enclosure, is it something that causing some problem??)
i have a spare 16gb pe drive if i am going to install archilinx will it be on the pen drive or on the pogo plug?if i want to increase the HDD space,can i ust remove the 16Gb one and plung in another hard drive is that possible

You can try the inbuilt FS drivers where even in case of power failure the HDD gets mounted properly you have to create a 2MB partition and extract drivers from that partition.


Its kinda poorly documented there.


How do i map the domain with my IP ?

Thanks buddy...I have already gone through that but as you said its very poorly documented...back to my original Q, will pogoplug solve my issue??
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Is is t possible to change the Pend drive or harddrive attached to the plug once arclinux has been installed?[/font]