PogoPlug Pro - Discussion Thread


Dude i tried but you know whenever i open the json file iam not able to see any contents in it

After you stopped transmission daemon. Read this carefully :

Edit the main configuration file /home/torrent/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json. If you chose not to add a user just for transmission, edit /root/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json.

Look at the paths of file , they are different and depending on wether you made a user, your file path will change. That's what varkey said.
Or use the following command to find the exact location of settings.json and edit it

find / -name "settings.json"

Make sure you stop transmission before editing it.

as you said i did that and this what i got

[root@alarm ~]# find / -name "settings.json"


[root@alarm ~]# cd /root/.config/transmission-daemon

[root@alarm transmission-daemon]# edit settings.json

"settings.json" 65 lines, 2147 characters


there is nothing inside the settings.json file

even if i edit it i dont know how to save it


vi settings.json


nano settings.json


vim settings.json

I personally prefer vim since its provides way more flexibility but thats just me,

Make sure you google out commands to save and quit out of file.

Got my transmission running thanks and for the update proble i plugged the thing in ubuntu and replugged it back and it is working like a dream

One last question

how do i set a static ip for Pogo plug can some please tell me
What did you do after plugging USB drive into ubuntu OS ?Look at couple of my last posts for static ip via router.

Congrats on getting it running. Now install psybnc on it.


Is there any way to download torrents remotely in transmission atlease from another pc?


if i set an static ip for my plug ill be SSH ing into it with that ip rite?
Yes you would be able to ssh with the ip , try to set a unique as i have done since if you set anything lower dhcp might try to use that ip.

For remote access to torrents you'll need to create a account at DDNS and run ddclient in pogo.
how many torrents can pogoplug v1 run ? I am planning to run atleast 100 torrents 24x7

Can a 32 gb flash drive be used to install archlinux ? The forums have mentioned using a 4gb drive.

can a gui be installed over archlinux ? (any links)

And will the performance be affected if rtorrent , samba, psybnc/irssi are run on gui?

This device is from 2009/2010 , are there any comparable devices like cloudstor atm ? (price/wattage is main factor)

any devices better than pogoplug out there ?