Post your overclocks !

Doesnt boot up at all. I even tried and reduced the mem to 100mhz (3-3-3- 8 ) then set FSB to 300 (so theoritcally mem is running at 200 DDR 400mhz)
Yeah reduced HTT to 3x
bottle said:
doesnt boot up or not prime stable ??

What is the difference??? My system boots up at 2.6Ghz but does not run Prime 95 for more than a minute.

But in all other applications, it is rock steady. I ran it for 2 days continuously. Playing all my games like GTA, NFSUG(1&2), HL2, CsSource, FarCry, etc.....
see the problem is if its not prime stable then there is chance of data couruption anytime.
Prime basically calculates rounding off error. If system fails prime it dosent mean it wont run other apps. Hell my system will even run 3dmark at 2.8ghz but its not prime stable there. if you continue running it at that speeds it may cause data courruption and loss of data over longer time. I learned it the hard way. One say suddenly lost all my data on my p4 machine which was running fine at 3.5Ghz.
This was after 2 months. None of the hardware was faulty or it did not damage any hardware but lost some valuable data.
nikhilb2008 said:
What is the difference??? My system boots up at 2.6Ghz but does not run Prime 95 for more than a minute.

But in all other applications, it is rock steady. I ran it for 2 days continuously. Playing all my games like GTA, NFSUG(1&2), HL2, CsSource, FarCry, etc.....
maybe your vcore is too high... i ran prime at 2.6 gigs for 26 hours or so using a divider on my a8v vcore at 1.45. havent managed that on my neo2 when i run my memory 1:1 , runs for 6 hours or so only

have you enabled the agp lock ?

Stalkersoftware said:
Doesnt boot up at all. I even tried and reduced the mem to 100mhz (3-3-3- 8 ) then set FSB to 300 (so theoritcally mem is running at 200 DDR 400mhz)
Yeah reduced HTT to 3x

err take a bit slow.. it wont work at 300 mhz out of the box.. set it lower and increment bit by bit
Stalkersoftware said:
HTT 3x as in HTT multiplier
Cmon.....i knew tht :S

i meant whts the general rule......cuz afaik ...3x isnt just worth nythng??

i mean why to take it down to 3x for no apparent reasons?? :cool2:
oh yes to go to 300 and above you will have to reduce HTT to 3X.
HTT link default is set to 1000Mhz i.e 5X
For HTT=300 if you keep it at 4X it will exceed 1000 and PC wont boot.
At 300 if you keep HTT to 5X it will be running at 1.5Ghz.
At 4X it will be running at 1.2Ghz and at 3X it will be running at 900Mhz.
And you definitely want to keep it below or very neat to 1000Mhz.
Lower HTT dosent affect the performance that much but too high and system wont work.
funkymonkey said:
Lower HTT dosent affect the performance that much but too high and system wont work.

Yep, it looks like it. atleast thats what i got too..

Test 16. HTT280/DDR460 2.5-4-3-7

Int Buff'd - 6641MB/s

Float Buff'd - 6567MB/s

Test 17. HTT280/DDR460 2.5-4-3-7

Int Buff'd - 6649MB/s

Float Buff'd - 6581MB/s

Test 16 was with HTT multiplier set to x4, Test 17 was with HTT multiplier set to x3.
bottle said:
Originally Posted by nikhilb2008
What is the difference??? My system boots up at 2.6Ghz but does not run Prime 95 for more than a minute.

But in all other applications, it is rock steady. I ran it for 2 days continuously. Playing all my games like GTA, NFSUG(1&2), HL2, CsSource, FarCry, etc.....

Originally posted by Bottle

maybe your vcore is too high... i ran prime at 2.6 gigs for 26 hours or so using a divider on my a8v vcore at 1.45. havent managed that on my neo2 when i run my memory 1:1 , runs for 6 hours or so only

have you enabled the agp lock ?

What exactly does increasing the Vcore result in??? I ran Prime 95 at 1.548V and it ran for only 2 mins. I went back to BIOs and only increased the voltage and it then ran for 9 hrs. This is the maximum it runs at this speed. Which by the way is not what I have posted. Now it is 270 x 9 = 2430.

And this, it runs for 9 hrs. Is it ok??? Meaning, is there any chance of my data getting corrupted as happened to Funky??

And if I decrease the voltage, will the stability improve??? And how do I increase the stability??? Say my comp runs at 2.6GHz Prime for 2 mins. How do I try to make it stable???
Oh and another thing...... this Prime test I was talking abt is the CPU test and not the overall test. So, I guess, if I choose the overall test, it willrun for much longer. I chose the small FFTS test.

Plus, bottle ---- you were using high quality Patriot RAM. I am using standard RAM. Which BTW, is for sale.
I dunno if anyone mentioned this before, but running vcore too high isnt too good for your CPU. Considering 1.4v is the default, 1.6v is the highest you can go safely i guess. If pumping up the voltage that high doesnt show much of an improvement, perhaps you've reached the proc's limit.
I recall you having mentioned earlier if running at high vcore resulted in nothing more than extra heat, i'd like to mention that running too high results in a shorter life-span for your proc as well.

Another point, if its not Prime stable be it for 2 mins or 9 hours, its just not stable and it would be recommended to bring clock speed down a notch till its entirely stable. To rule out RAM having an effect on your stability, use mem dividers to bring it down and determine the max your CPU is stable at. If even then the CPU is not stable, you have no other option but to bring clock speed down.
Crazy_Eddy said:
I dunno if anyone mentioned this before, but running vcore too high isnt too good for your CPU. Considering 1.4v is the default, 1.6v is the highest you can go safely i guess. If pumping up the voltage that high doesnt show much of an improvement, perhaps you've reached the proc's limit.
I recall you having mentioned earlier if running at high vcore resulted in nothing more than extra heat, i'd like to mention that running too high results in a shorter life-span for your proc as well.

Another point, if its not Prime stable be it for 2 mins or 9 hours, its just not stable and it would be recommended to bring clock speed down a notch till its entirely stable. To rule out RAM having an effect on your stability, use mem dividers to bring it down and determine the max your CPU is stable at. If even then the CPU is not stable, you have no other option but to bring clock speed down.

good advice :cool2:

nikhilb2008 said:
Oh and another thing...... this Prime test I was talking abt is the CPU test and not the overall test. So, I guess, if I choose the overall test, it willrun for much longer. I chose the small FFTS test.

dont think ram makes a lot of difference on the a8v , since the max i could take the ram and have it stable was around 220-225Mhz, think your kingston should manage that.. anyway use a divider as eddy said

and try large ffts for prime.. noticed on many occasions that small fft would keep on running and running but large would fail very soon.. now only use large fft while priming
Hey what is the limit of my 3000+ 754 NC which running at1:1 ratio at the moment at 2.2Ghz. I tried at 333Mhz RAM FSB with HTT to 3X and the CPU FSB to 235 but it aint stable :(
What might be the problem?
archish said:
Hey what is the limit of my 3000+ 754 NC which running at1:1 ratio at the moment at 2.2Ghz. I tried at 333Mhz RAM FSB with HTT to 3X and the CPU FSB to 235 but it aint stable :(
What might be the problem?
Well depends on a lot of factors. With the divider at 266 MHz, relax your timings and try for the high as high an fsb as you can get with the default multiplier. If it gets unstable, increase the voltage slightly. Also rmr that the K8N undervolts by around 0.02-0.03.

It ran for 19 hrs. Can I now consider it that my computer is stable??? Or is there a chance of me also losing some data like what happened to Funky???

And what can I do to increase the stability???(apart from reducing the speed) RAM shouldn't be a problem as it is running at very low speeds.
My rig is stable at 220x10=2200 Mhz with 1:1 ratio. My Transcend Ram is right now running at 220Mhz. When I tried to Oc to 235x10 with 333Mhz divider I get errors in Stress Prime. 2004. What might be holding me back? Doing this at 2.5-3-3-8