Post your overclocks !

But I guess you missed his thread..... he is now off TE.... studying for his GREs. He will be back by July end or august beginning. But he said that he will try to keep visitng

And so, I assume that the stepping is 0515 or 0517.....
NIce OC's Jedi :D

nd those temps r REALLY REALLY good, specially the chpiset ;)

nd Yay for 3ghzz on TE :ohyeah:

TheMask said:
very nice OCes there bro.. watch out for my 4GHz OC soon.. :bleh:

:rofl: :rofl:

shudnt this b in the Jokes section :rofl:

j/k :cool2:

never knw , he mite be hiding a phase system :devil: :P
UPDATE :D CPU temp at 38* ;) no MBM scrshot..the last time MBM caused a BSOD @ 227MHz FSB....


And don't use MBM to take a screenie. Use the usual method. "prt screen" and then paste in Paint. Save as jpeg file and upload it.......
using paint, when i save the screnie, i get a BSOD :( so digicam only option...

BTW, it proves that screenie i have is original and not a fake/edited one :P

this time i booted at 220MHz FSB...instead of my normal 200MHz....

will run prime @ 220MHZ FSB and 2.0V VCore :D wanna see how my waterblock performs :clap:
Use print screen and save in Photoshop or Paintshop ;)

Well, I am currently working on my OC so it will take some time...

BTW how much of voltage can I safely feed my Winnie and will my SP350 be able to handle the memory at 2.8v and the 6800 ?

anishcool posted 5.52 minutes later:

Don't have a floppy drive.. any other way to run Memtest ???
anishcool said:
Use print screen and save in Photoshop or Paintshop ;)

Well, I am currently working on my OC so it will take some time...

BTW how much of voltage can I safely feed my Winnie and will my SP350 be able to handle the memory at 2.8v and the 6800 ?

anishcool posted 5.52 minutes later:

Don't have a floppy drive.. any other way to run Memtest ???

burn it on a CD simple ..... :bleh:
anishcool said:
Use print screen and save in Photoshop or Paintshop ;)

Well, I am currently working on my OC so it will take some time...

BTW how much of voltage can I safely feed my Winnie and will my SP350 be able to handle the memory at 2.8v and the 6800 ?

anishcool posted 5.52 minutes later:

Don't have a floppy drive.. any other way to run Memtest ???
LOL if paint hangs no chance for those things to open :P.
Hey Anish --- I feed in 1.664V to my Winnie. But it is dangerous over a long period of time....

You can feed in around 1.575(in the BIOS) safely. No problems.... And I think you keep the voltage at the present levels till you get 450watts or 500 watts PSU.
Nikhil said:
Hey Anish --- I feed in 1.664V to my Winnie. But it is dangerous over a long period of time....

You can feed in around 1.575(in the BIOS) safely. No problems.... And I think you keep the voltage at the present levels till you get 450watts or 500 watts PSU.
Yeah but you have a 3200+ Nikhil. Anyway set timings to 3-4-4-10 and Super Pi seems stable. Will run Prime and post. Once Prime is stable then I can increase the FSB.

@PC Jedi - Superb overclock ! What cooling are you using and what is your RAM divider ?
@Anish ---- The model does not make much of a difference to the voltage. All Winnies(3000/3200/3500) can take abt the same maximum voltage......

The main thing is that you get extra multipliers. 3200 --- 10. 3500+ -- 11.
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^^ lol :rofl:

BTW got sme El-Cheapo Hynix tday

Doin these at stock rite now :D
wil pump more V's whn needed :devil:
no cpu oc :)

these r BP( 808 ) d43's :clap:................didnt get ny D5's :(