Post your overclocks !

What's wrong with a Winnie, Anish ? Earlier steppings of Winnies OC'ed very well. Its only the later batches that sucked big time !!!
Freaky said:
What's wrong with a Winnie, Anish ? Earlier steppings of Winnies OC'ed very well. Its only the later batches that sucked big time !!!
Yeah, yeah I have first hand experience, my Winnie refuses to go beyond 2.3G :(
Nikhil said:
Well, I think it is a Venice. He mentioned in another PSU thread that he is using the Venice with a TP 480 + DFI + 6600GT.
You used to tell me that I post without looking at the link ;)

Now its your turn :P...j/k :tongue:


@Anish --- Guilty as charged. I was downloading something and so did not open the image link :P and he had said that he is presently using the Venice. So, I guess this OC is somewhat old. I assumed it to the present oc. :P
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Ok, Ive pushed my OC Even further, now @ 3.7 Ghz, i want to reach 3.8Ghz stable where i will stop, ive already had a lot of performance gains from 3.5 to 3.7 Ghz, my SuperPI times have dropped by 2 whole seconds!

Here are a few screenies...

RAM Timings 4:5:5:15 :ohyeah:

Much better than 4:Null:Null:15 :ohyeah:...

Im of to OC it more ... Wish me Luck :ohyeah:

Edit : Looks like im outta luck, Max RAM speed supported by my Mobo is 667, thats 333.8Mhz, My proccy does 3.85Ghz on RAM @ 533 but, performance hit is like hell, so i guess im stuck at 3.71Ghz with my RAM at 663 Standard :P...

I have to say, performance increase is incredible!
venice 3000 @ 1.55v. if i try to increase the htt its booting fine in windows but the 1m pi calcution is giving error midway. seems like the chip isnt that great an oc'er considering my friend is running it at 290htt @ lower vcore than mine.

^ stormblast, are you sure its not your memory which is the bottleneck, why dont you try running at 2T & see if you get errors.

edit : updated after eddy's post below, for memory check try running memtest.

1. Any idea about the stepping of your Venice chip ?

2. Is the memory absolutely error free at 220Mhz ? SuperPi will bomb out even if your memory isnt stable. If not sure about mem stability, try using a lower memory divider.

3. Last but not the least, a 1M SuperPi run is enough for a quick test of stability.. but if you intend to use it 24 x 7 , would be adviseable to use atleast a 32M SuperPi test along with plenty of Prime95 testing :)
I dont know why you guys hate transcend so much ? I reached 240 Mhz at 2.5-4-3-10 1T at timings. This was a stable overclock.

Also I wanted to ask you guys why I cant keep my processor clock speed at 2.5 Ghz ? I mean temps are abt 43C after 3dmark03. It ran once, but then my screen went off and the monitor light started blinking. Do I need higher volts ? I am currently on 1.550V (S754).

Currently Im at 2400 Mhz CPU and 200 Mhz (2-3-3-5 1T) ram with HTT at 300 Mhz. Is this an OK overclock ? Any suggestions apart from overclocking the ram ?

I dont want to overclock the ram as I want this system to last for at least 3 years and the processor can easily take this overclock.
Hey, i was concerned with my temperatures.

V-Core @ 1.4V now, for stability.

Idle 44 C and Load = ~70 C, is it safe?

Helps me a lot in my CS Source FPS though, almost a 20 FPS boost over the 3.5 Ghz OC.
Hi u guys, im finally entering this thread with my new venice OC'd :D

pls suggest improvements/tips

proccy: 3000+ venice 0523EPAW
Ram: 256x4 ddr400 twinmos
Mobo: Asus A8NE
temps: idle:35C load:49C



tried 300HTT at 1.50vcore and 2.80vdimm @2.5-4-3-7
superpi gave 31secs but prime95 failed 12 minutes into the test :(
will try loosening the timings and see :hap2:
^^ congratulations mate.. looks like u've got a good core in that Venice of urs :D..
all u need is good RAM to complement the rest of the rig :D (512x2, with tight timings)
Eww... 31 secs on superpi....
Cool... :hap2:

BTW what happened to the northwood?
I thought you had one and were planning to pick up a new mobo for that :S
superczar said:
Eww... 31 secs on superpi....
Cool... :hap2:

BTW what happened to the northwood?
I thought you had one and were planning to pick up a new mobo for that :S

sold :P

@masky....u have a superb OC unable to do 300HTT even at 2.5-4-4-10

u think the ram is behind this? :S