Post your overclocks !

Yep.. running on stock cooler. so far the Full load hasnt exceeded 56C when i play NFS U2.. havent run Prime95 yet to check wahts the max CPU temp.. :)

CPU idles at 43C
TheMask said:
Yep.. running on stock cooler. so far the Full load hasnt exceeded 56C when i play NFS U2.. havent run Prime95 yet to check wahts the max CPU temp.. :)

CPU idles at 43C
Why don't u put that Tower 112 of urs on it ;-)
nice temps too.

Lets me see if mine overclocks like this ;)


LOL chaos I forgot about this tower112
Yeah why not use it?
Maybe cause it might give the board back problems? :tongue: :rofl:
@ Chaos: hehhe.. yes, will do it later.. am too lazy to take out the mobo n sit thru the installation.. :D

@ Stalkersoftware: all the best.. do share ur OCes here ;)
TheMask said:
Here's a modest OC on my new rig.. :) I finally get to run my (sucky) Hyper-X at its rated speed.. :)

Super OC Masky :hap2: ! So the A8N-E nf4 Ultra rockz ! I'd have liked to pick up that A8N-E from Darky, but have been stuck in a stupid fix here with my second rig.

What's your SuperPI time - ~33 sec or prolly less ?
Hmmm nuthin tht good.... nuthin much to tak about .....but my first OC :ashamed:

ny comments nd tips r welcome..... :cool2:
will go higher slowly :ashamed:..... after i get sme good ram :ashamed: ;)

funkymonkey said:
1.66V Vcore.
It that DFI NF4 or what?

Yup its DFI - nForce4 Ultra-D :ohyeah: :yahoo: :cloud9:
.............had posted in post ur rig's when i got it..... ;) :D

bottle said:
what divider are you using ? try loosening the ram timings and see if you can go higher.

Ram is a year old 266ddr :ashamed: hynix running at 340mhz :clap: ....fine for this puny ram i think ;) .....hav to get sme ddr400 or better...
r those transcends 500mhz cmin soon...nd r those gud ;)
will probably go for a gig of d43 400mhz i guess much does it OC... :ohyeah:
Btw am not interested ......cuz this board is really picky...rejected my 512hynix d43....didnt even boot up......
so just wanna know.....but frnd's cud b ;)

nd for how much ;)
runs upto 230MHz @ 2.5-4-3-7.. upto 265MHz @ 3-4-4-8 n upto 275MHz @ 3-5-5-10.. on my A8N-E at 300HTT n using divider, i.e., RAM at 254MHz 3-4-4-8 i get a bandwidth of 7300MBps!

was thiking of selling them for 6.5k.. but now i am willing to settle for 5250 (i bear the shipping costs)
Will letya knw if ny1 is interested....
nd those quite fine timings....
but 5250?? am getting a gig for round tht price.....but those r ddr400......nd i dnt hav more money to shell out rite now

Can i withdraw frm Mask Fund????
Now stop it you guys.This is going way off topic.
FYI - There is something called PM i guess.Correct me if i am wrong. :bleh:

Rocky,i am still waiting to see your overclocks.
What are you doing for so long? :S
Man,you have a DFI,torcher it.If you want to use it at stock,Intel D865GBF would prove to be a kickass board... :tongue:
hehehe........think u shud turn bac a few pages :bleh:
BTw am just starting wit ddr266..... :cool2: :ashamed:
havent got my ddr400 gig yet

so wil b posting here soon ;)
Crazy_Eddy said:
I believe Hynix is not known to mix well with the DFI. So keep that in mind when buying any RAM. :)

Thnx Maan...
yup the board rejected my 512 stick....didnt even boot.... :huh:
so am using this 256mb 266mhz which is also probs whtsoevr :D
Ok.... here is my overclock. This is the latest. Tell me what you guys feel abt it.

Is the voltage too high??? I have increased the voltage to insane levels in the (misguided) conception that it will help in stability. Correct me if I am wrong guys.

And what is the main disadvantage of increasing voltage??? The CPU runs hotter. Anything else??? Are there any other things I have to keep in mind other than the heat due to high voltages????
The volatge fluctuates between 1.616 and 1.648.