Prakhar Srivastava
Edit: For summarising and post clean-up.
Issue: Imtiaz Promised a 'mint', '5/5' PS3, but sent one which isn't even remotely close to being mint.
Now: Making excuses and is unwilling to resolve the issue in an honest way.
Lessons learned personally:
Issue: Imtiaz Promised a 'mint', '5/5' PS3, but sent one which isn't even remotely close to being mint.
Now: Making excuses and is unwilling to resolve the issue in an honest way.
- Images of the PS3 received:
- Screenshots of relevant conversations (fyi purposes):
- Main conversation:
- Shipping:
Lessons learned personally:
- Don't rely on words.
- Always ask for clearer photographs of the item from all angles.
- Don't let other positive experiences get you relaxed.
Hi guys, detailing this out as much as possible, so please excuse the length.
Reference sale thread:
Using text from my feedback to Imtiaz as summary - Feedback: Sequence of events (This is from yesterday):
Just for reference - screenshots of relevant conversations (if anyone wants to go through them):
- Imtiaz was interested in a Fat 360 I was planning on selling - he initially offered me 5000 for it, after seeing my post on “How much can I sell this for?’ thread.
- Deal didn't move forward, as I was busy.
- I got in touch with him once I noticed he was selling the PS3 ("mint condition" as mentioned in the thread, "Item Condition: 5 out of 5"), asked if exchange was possible. He said it was not, since he was purchasing it for friend.
- On further discussion, he offered Rs. 6000 for my Xbox, to which I agreed in exchange for his PS3 with ODE but no Hard Disk with games at Rs. 16000.
- I confirmed the deal with him, and was in touch with him over WhatsApp. I transferred Rs. 10000 to his account, and offered another 6000 since I told him that it would take me a few days to ship the Xbox and he could pay me back once he had it.
- At this point, after the deal is finalized and right after I've transferred money, while I'm on WhatsApp with him, Imtiaz tells me that he would only buy my Xbox if it was a Jasper unit, since his 'modder in China told him not to buy Xenons' (I’m assuming by this time Imtiaz wasn’t buying the Xbox for his friend). On saying that this conversation should have happened before I transferred the money, he started making excuses.
- I conveyed my dissatisfaction at his way of dealing and suggested we keep this a PS3 only deal. I had made the remaining transfer and now he had a total of Rs. 17000 (16,000 for the PS3 and 1000 for shipping to Pune) from me. He promised to ship it by Monday morning. He said that he was eager to buy my Xbox at this point. I told him that I’ll check the model and get back to him.
- I asked him for an update on Monday afternoon to which he mentioned that his driver had passed away on Sunday, so he would ship it on Tuesday. I passed my condolences and suggested he take his time.
- He shipped it on Tuesday morning, and passed me the tracking code promptly.
- I received the PS3 today which is NOT in the condition he has claimed it is on his thread:
- Not Mint/"Item Condition: 5 out of 5": Has significant dents/scratches obscured in the photographs, bits of the console are missing.
- Controller is not a Dual Shock 3 as mentioned, but instead a (possibly fake) SixAxis with a broken analog, torn/loose rubber and rattling sound of broken pieces.
- Not all accessories
- He has also stopped responding to my attempts at contacting him (I messaged him about the PS3’s condition, Xbox version) and doesn't seem interested in the Xbox (Xenon, once I confirmed). However, Xbox is not a major concern for me personally.
1. Main conversation:
2. RRoD, Shipping: &
Images of the PS3 received:
TL;DR: Backed out of original deal, PS3 not as promised.
I decided to go ahead and post my feedback since he was not responding even when he was continuously online on WhatsApp. I would have even appreciated a 'Bit busy, getting back to you', despite already having a bad taste with the experience due to the Xbox related discussion. However, I did not hold that against him, and was content if it turned into a PS3 only deal.
Today's update:
Right after I left my feedback, I got a response from him (which I saw after I woke up today). He's given me excuses as to why the controller is the way it is, missing bit of the console, and that his cousin had packed it seems to be the problem. He has also offered after that to buy my Xbox "6000 inclusive of shipping" alongside mentioning that he's left me a feedback review since I left him one too (tit for tat?).On suggesting that we let TE help us decide: "Do whatever you like, I won't return anything": I even offered to let him ship the remaining correct accessories alternatively, and that I'll pay him for the Sixaxis as well so that he doesn't have to pay me the shipping amount for returning that, and he as one more sale. And to be fair, he should be paying me for the console condition difference (promised vs. delivered). But he's not ready for this as well. Once he didn't agree to any of my proposed resolutions, I suggested that I'll post this here and let TE community decide as I just want an objective solution. He replied the above. I'm assuming he meant 'send anything'.
He also closed the thread so that I cannot post anything there.
He says he was busy with the post-mortem yesterday, so he didn’t reply. Not trying to sound insensitive here, but not sure what to make of that after so many days. I offered him a chance to fix this (with one option in the next paragraph, and two options listed further below) but he's not agreeing to any of them - he said that condition of the console is very good and he would only send me the controller and cable.
My thoughts on the deal/Imtiaz so far:
His Feedback to me: "Not a good person to deal with***Not Matureed Enough so its risky***"
- I paid the amount Rs. 16,000 + 1,000 for a CECH3008A, considering it was in 'mint' condition (as promised by Imtiaz on his thread) but have received a console that is not worth that value, even if I consider some of the issues like the scratches near the HDMI port as excusable/nitpicking.
- Imtiaz is an otherwise nice guy, who will answer your questions, but mislead you/selectively obscure facts that could affect the deal (looking at his feedback).
- I'm not holding his backing off the Xbox trade against him - my issue is with what was promised vs. what was delivered.
- However, I'm extremely disappointed with him twisting the story about the Xbox, and also leaving a dishonest negative review out of spite (pasted below).
Feedback body: "Bro everything about my playstation 3 and i told you everything even the cobra ode chipset version and firmware version of the cobra ode and when i asked you about your xbox 360 console you said its in awesome condition and RROD proof so before the deal i asked my modder about Xbox 360 as i was thinking of modding it and after that he told me to avoid XENON VERSION so when i asked you about it you didnt want to disclose about it and till now you didnt send pics to me so how will i know you even have xbox 360 in possession or or as you dont have any sale thread... So i backed off.....Which i think was a good move by me coz you didnt disclose me about the condition and showed pics and how come one confirm a deal without looking at pics......cant trust you in your words......
And about My Playstation 3 so if its delivered so you could have atleast asked me if anything you didnt like i would have changed it as i have 6-7 controllers and since my nephew packed it so if you asked me i would have given you a different one since i have 5-6 controllers.........Anyways you are horrible......"
My comments on his feedback:
Where I fell short: Relying on his (then) 100% feedback rating and believing his statement about the PS3 being ‘mint, just dusty’ on his thread. I suppose letting very positive experiences with all TE members/every single deal so far had me a little relaxed and I should have asked for 'dusted off' photos from every possible angle.
- I have screenshots of all our conversations (I intentionally try keeping everything on text). Please feel free to go through them if you haven't already and decide if I'm truly ‘immature and risky’, or he's trying to strong-arm me into removing an honest negative review WHILE getting a discount on my Xbox.
- I don't see how I could have possibly lied/hiding about the XBOX (I can post photos, still), since I transferred the whole amount for the PS3 (inclusive of the trade value). I think he's just making silly excuses now.
- I never promised my Xbox is ‘RRoD proof’. While I said that my particular Xbox had never RRoDed, I informed him about RRoD susceptibility of Xboxes in general (messages present in the screens attached).
My thoughts on how we can come to a reasonable conclusion - I see two quick options to close this:
A. He returns the complete amount I've paid him plus return-shipping, and I send the PS3 back to him.
B. He pays me the following:
1. Difference for the condition of this PS3+Cobra with a mint PS3+Cobra
2. Difference for a mint Original Dual Shock 3, with the broken/rattling (possibly) fake SixAxis he's sent me.
3. Cost of the USB cord missing from the accessories.
Could others chime in with their opinion? I believe I'm being very reasonable and objective here, and want to close this in an objective way. Please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken anywhere.
If anyone is curious, I can upload the rest of the conversations from TE inbox and WhatsApp today.
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