Problem with a PS3 purchased from Imtiaz786

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Prakhar Srivastava

Edit: For summarising and post clean-up.

Issue: Imtiaz Promised a 'mint', '5/5' PS3, but sent one which isn't even remotely close to being mint.
Now: Making excuses and is unwilling to resolve the issue in an honest way.
  1. Images of the PS3 received:
  2. Screenshots of relevant conversations (fyi purposes):
    1. Main conversation:
    2. Shipping:
My fault: Relying on his (then) 100% trading rating and trusting his word on the PS3's condition.

Lessons learned personally:
  1. Don't rely on words.
  2. Always ask for clearer photographs of the item from all angles.
  3. Don't let other positive experiences get you relaxed.
Original post quoted. Looking to hear others' thoughts.

Hi guys, detailing this out as much as possible, so please excuse the length.

Reference sale thread:

Using text from my feedback to Imtiaz as summary - Feedback: Sequence of events (This is from yesterday):
  1. Imtiaz was interested in a Fat 360 I was planning on selling - he initially offered me 5000 for it, after seeing my post on “How much can I sell this for?’ thread.
  2. Deal didn't move forward, as I was busy.
  3. I got in touch with him once I noticed he was selling the PS3 ("mint condition" as mentioned in the thread, "Item Condition: 5 out of 5"), asked if exchange was possible. He said it was not, since he was purchasing it for friend.
  4. On further discussion, he offered Rs. 6000 for my Xbox, to which I agreed in exchange for his PS3 with ODE but no Hard Disk with games at Rs. 16000.
  5. I confirmed the deal with him, and was in touch with him over WhatsApp. I transferred Rs. 10000 to his account, and offered another 6000 since I told him that it would take me a few days to ship the Xbox and he could pay me back once he had it.
  6. At this point, after the deal is finalized and right after I've transferred money, while I'm on WhatsApp with him, Imtiaz tells me that he would only buy my Xbox if it was a Jasper unit, since his 'modder in China told him not to buy Xenons' (I’m assuming by this time Imtiaz wasn’t buying the Xbox for his friend). On saying that this conversation should have happened before I transferred the money, he started making excuses.
  7. I conveyed my dissatisfaction at his way of dealing and suggested we keep this a PS3 only deal. I had made the remaining transfer and now he had a total of Rs. 17000 (16,000 for the PS3 and 1000 for shipping to Pune) from me. He promised to ship it by Monday morning. He said that he was eager to buy my Xbox at this point. I told him that I’ll check the model and get back to him.
  8. I asked him for an update on Monday afternoon to which he mentioned that his driver had passed away on Sunday, so he would ship it on Tuesday. I passed my condolences and suggested he take his time.
  9. He shipped it on Tuesday morning, and passed me the tracking code promptly.
  10. I received the PS3 today which is NOT in the condition he has claimed it is on his thread:
    1. Not Mint/"Item Condition: 5 out of 5": Has significant dents/scratches obscured in the photographs, bits of the console are missing.
    2. Controller is not a Dual Shock 3 as mentioned, but instead a (possibly fake) SixAxis with a broken analog, torn/loose rubber and rattling sound of broken pieces.
    3. Not all accessories
  11. He has also stopped responding to my attempts at contacting him (I messaged him about the PS3’s condition, Xbox version) and doesn't seem interested in the Xbox (Xenon, once I confirmed). However, Xbox is not a major concern for me personally.
Just for reference - screenshots of relevant conversations (if anyone wants to go through them):

1. Main conversation:
2. RRoD, Shipping: &

Images of the PS3 received:

TL;DR: Backed out of original deal, PS3 not as promised.

I decided to go ahead and post my feedback since he was not responding even when he was continuously online on WhatsApp. I would have even appreciated a 'Bit busy, getting back to you', despite already having a bad taste with the experience due to the Xbox related discussion. However, I did not hold that against him, and was content if it turned into a PS3 only deal.

Today's update:
Right after I left my feedback, I got a response from him (which I saw after I woke up today). He's given me excuses as to why the controller is the way it is, missing bit of the console, and that his cousin had packed it seems to be the problem. He has also offered after that to buy my Xbox "6000 inclusive of shipping" alongside mentioning that he's left me a feedback review since I left him one too (tit for tat?).

He also closed the thread so that I cannot post anything there.

He says he was busy with the post-mortem yesterday, so he didn’t reply. Not trying to sound insensitive here, but not sure what to make of that after so many days. I offered him a chance to fix this (with one option in the next paragraph, and two options listed further below) but he's not agreeing to any of them - he said that condition of the console is very good and he would only send me the controller and cable.
On suggesting that we let TE help us decide: "Do whatever you like, I won't return anything": I even offered to let him ship the remaining correct accessories alternatively, and that I'll pay him for the Sixaxis as well so that he doesn't have to pay me the shipping amount for returning that, and he as one more sale. And to be fair, he should be paying me for the console condition difference (promised vs. delivered). But he's not ready for this as well. Once he didn't agree to any of my proposed resolutions, I suggested that I'll post this here and let TE community decide as I just want an objective solution. He replied the above. I'm assuming he meant 'send anything'.

My thoughts on the deal/Imtiaz so far:

  1. I paid the amount Rs. 16,000 + 1,000 for a CECH3008A, considering it was in 'mint' condition (as promised by Imtiaz on his thread) but have received a console that is not worth that value, even if I consider some of the issues like the scratches near the HDMI port as excusable/nitpicking.
  2. Imtiaz is an otherwise nice guy, who will answer your questions, but mislead you/selectively obscure facts that could affect the deal (looking at his feedback).
  3. I'm not holding his backing off the Xbox trade against him - my issue is with what was promised vs. what was delivered.
  4. However, I'm extremely disappointed with him twisting the story about the Xbox, and also leaving a dishonest negative review out of spite (pasted below).
His Feedback to me: "Not a good person to deal with***Not Matureed Enough so its risky***"

Feedback body: "Bro everything about my playstation 3 and i told you everything even the cobra ode chipset version and firmware version of the cobra ode and when i asked you about your xbox 360 console you said its in awesome condition and RROD proof so before the deal i asked my modder about Xbox 360 as i was thinking of modding it and after that he told me to avoid XENON VERSION so when i asked you about it you didnt want to disclose about it and till now you didnt send pics to me so how will i know you even have xbox 360 in possession or or as you dont have any sale thread... So i backed off.....Which i think was a good move by me coz you didnt disclose me about the condition and showed pics and how come one confirm a deal without looking at pics......cant trust you in your words......


And about My Playstation 3 so if its delivered so you could have atleast asked me if anything you didnt like i would have changed it as i have 6-7 controllers and since my nephew packed it so if you asked me i would have given you a different one since i have 5-6 controllers.........Anyways you are horrible......"

My comments on his feedback:
  1. I have screenshots of all our conversations (I intentionally try keeping everything on text). Please feel free to go through them if you haven't already and decide if I'm truly ‘immature and risky’, or he's trying to strong-arm me into removing an honest negative review WHILE getting a discount on my Xbox.
  2. I don't see how I could have possibly lied/hiding about the XBOX (I can post photos, still), since I transferred the whole amount for the PS3 (inclusive of the trade value). I think he's just making silly excuses now.
  3. I never promised my Xbox is ‘RRoD proof’. While I said that my particular Xbox had never RRoDed, I informed him about RRoD susceptibility of Xboxes in general (messages present in the screens attached).
Where I fell short: Relying on his (then) 100% feedback rating and believing his statement about the PS3 being ‘mint, just dusty’ on his thread. I suppose letting very positive experiences with all TE members/every single deal so far had me a little relaxed and I should have asked for 'dusted off' photos from every possible angle.

My thoughts on how we can come to a reasonable conclusion - I see two quick options to close this:

A. He returns the complete amount I've paid him plus return-shipping, and I send the PS3 back to him.


B. He pays me the following:
1. Difference for the condition of this PS3+Cobra with a mint PS3+Cobra
2. Difference for a mint Original Dual Shock 3, with the broken/rattling (possibly) fake SixAxis he's sent me.
3. Cost of the USB cord missing from the accessories.​

Could others chime in with their opinion? I believe I'm being very reasonable and objective here, and want to close this in an objective way. Please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken anywhere.

If anyone is curious, I can upload the rest of the conversations from TE inbox and WhatsApp today.
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You said you got broken controller(which I didn't gave might be broken in transit) and I mentioned that I am not responsible for any damage in transit.....) but I am giving you said missing usb cable which again is a 20 rupees thing but I again agreed to give........hdd cover you said missing again I said I will give......not you want me to replace the ps3 just because you might have got a good deal in between...... no way since its in a good working condition and i wanted for solution so i messaged you not because i wanted to give you a hard time and for your problem i am giving you replacement if you wanted a solution before leave a feedback i would have and bro i have send you a original controller and for your kind information SixAxis is also a official controller of sony and if you dont know post some pics of the controller as senior members here will come to know if it is original or duplicate....
And i didnt gave feedback just because you gave me negative feedback i gave you feedback because you didnt want a solution instead when i offered him the replacement he said he need the money for a new controller and if i dont give him he will make a thread against me.....

And bro you messaged me on whatsapp yesterday about you problem at 9:30 pm and i replied at 1:00am and for a delay of 4 hours in replying considering it was night time you mentioned i didnt reply and you should have atleast waited till morning.....
And i am giving you replacement for the thing which you mentioned as you are unhappy about and about the ps3 i gave you in good working condition and its working nicely after it reached you and what else you want.........Cant help more than that...
And about the xbox 360 just tell me did you tell me the model no. after i i asked you repeatedly did you give no.... And you said that your xbox 360 is safe from ylod and i asked you pics too which you didnt post so how come you expect me to buy your xbox 360???


And since i mentioned the condition as mint, yes its mint and works properly but for a second hand playstation 3 if you think mint means new than i cant help and boss since playstation 3 is working nicely without any problem i wont give you any replacement or any money just because i wrote mint as it working flawlessly and without any issue i consider it as mint so what you guys think considering its a second hand product.....

And lastly i giving return for your controller and usb cable but since i agreed you are trying to take advantage of me since you are asking me some money since the ps3 condition is not new bro firstly tell me how come a console remain new after one and an half of usage it cant be and i mentioned new because it works flawlessly that it......


And i gave you negative feedback because you lied as i didnt avoid you or rejected your calls and most importantly not satisfied with the deal since you lied and i wanted solution and you wanted to scrutinize and you mentioned you were unhappy with my xbox 360 back out which i think everybody would has since you didnt want to disclose its model no. and also you didnt post pics when requested as i thought you were a nice person but i didnt expect this from you since you had any problem i tried to solve it but you didnt want so ok let TECH ENCLAVE decide because i have full faith in Tech Enclave and they will do the right judgement.....
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Imtiaz, again. I only want an objective resolution. As I have clearly and respectfully mentioned over WhatsApp in our last conversation - I felt that since both of us have something at stake in this deal, we might not be individually objective. Hence, it may be a good idea to get an unbiased view to reach a resolution which I will accept and apologise to you, if need be. This thread is the result of that thought.

About SixAxis, I'm aware that it's an official and outdated controller. And you're right - let me add photos to the imgur album that I've already added (link above). Missed out on uploading those. And I've mentioned that it's possibly fake - not certainly. I don't talk without having facts to back what I say. So let's stick to facts and not attempt twisting words or swaying the conversation into a dead-end by locking the sale thread.

About me getting a better deal, I do have another deal. But I'm not going to try to cancel one that was delivered as promised - which in case yours wasn't. You claimed your PS3 was '5 on 5' and 'mint'. Are you seriously claiming that you do not know what those terms mean?

I can very well afford this, in case you're interested to know, so please don't insult me by implying I'm going to bother about 'x' amount of money. This isn't about getting something cheap elsewhere. This is about dealing fairly. Just because I like getting my money's worth does not make me cheap or poor.

So, yet again I suggest that we discuss this maturely and hear what others have to say. I DO NOT want to keep taking screenshots of our conversations and posting for others to judge.

> Uploading SixAxis photographs right after dinner.
Since you've edited your last post while I was replying, please find my responses inline in blue.

"And bro you messaged me on whatsapp yesterday about you problem at 9:30 pm and i replied at 1:00am and for a delay of 4 hours in replying considering it was night time you mentioned i didnt reply and you should have atleast waited till morning....."
  • Again, as repeatedly mentioned, I could see your status on WhatsApp change to 'Online'. Please forgive me if I don't believe you when you say you were asleep. I messaged you at 00:21 about leaving a feedback and I have a response from you at 00:26.
"And i am giving you replacement for the thing which you mentioned as you are unhappy about and about the ps3 i gave you in good working condition and its working nicely after it reached you and what else you want.........Cant help more than that..."
  • I want what was promised in your thread describing the PS3: "Item Condition: 5 out of 5" and "Product Condition: Mint condition.(A BIT DUSTY BUT WILL BE CLEANED & SHIPPED)"
"And about the xbox 360 just tell me did you tell me the model no. after i i asked you repeatedly did you give no.... And you said that your xbox 360 is safe from ylod and i asked you pics too which you didnt post so how come you expect me to buy your xbox 360???"
  • Not even ONCE have you asked for photos. Please do yourself a favor and stop lying.
  • Xboxes don't YLOD. PS3s Do.
  • Never did I say my Xbox is safe from RRoD. Please look at the screenshot in my first post where I'm letting you know about how all Fat Xboxes can get RRoD despite revision.
  • How is the Xbox even of concern in context of the PS3 issue, when I'm not even asking you to do anything about it? How can I 'cheat' you over an Xbox when you've not even paid for it? How can I 'cheat' you over an Xbox when I've paid for the PS3 with the trade value of the Xbox and suggested that you pay me back once you have the Xbox. How in God's name, can I cheat you with that?
"And since i mentioned the condition as mint, yes its mint and works properly but for a second hand playstation 3 if you think mint means new than i cant help and boss since playstation 3 is working nicely without any problem i wont give you any replacement or any money just because i wrote mint as it working flawlessly and without any issue i consider it as mint so what you guys think considering its a second hand product....."

"And lastly i giving return for your controller and usb cable but since i agreed you are trying to take advantage of me since you are asking me some money since the ps3 condition is not new bro firstly tell me how come a console remain new after one and an half of usage it cant be and i mentioned new because it works flawlessly that it......"
  • Then don't market it as 'mint'. Do you not know what the phrase means or should we consider that as you misleading buyers intentionally?
  • Do I even need to respond to 'trying to take advantage' message?

"And i gave you negative feedback because you lied as i didnt avoid you or rejected your calls and most importantly not satisfied with the deal since you lied and i wanted solution and you wanted to scrutinize and you mentioned you were unhappy with my xbox 360 back out which i think everybody would has since you didnt want to disclose its model no. and also you didnt post pics when requested as i thought you were a nice person but i didnt expect this from you since you had any problem i tried to solve it but you didnt want so ok let TECH ENCLAVE decide because i have full faith in Tech Enclave and they will do the right judgement....."
  • Dude. Seriously. How many times do I repeat the same thing over and over again?
  • Could you please point out where I've written that I still want to pursue the Xbox issue? Considering that it was a part of the deal initially, does it not need to be mentioned?
  • You haven't even once requested for photos of the Xbox. We both have conversations on our phones. Please, please, please, go through them and tell me where. I could have maybe missed one single message about you requesting photos of the Xbox, but how will I not remember 'repeatedly'?
  • Did I not tell you that I was continuously busy with work, and I would tell you the model as soon as I could? Was that not the very reason I paid you the full amount for the PS3, so you didn't have to worry about not receiving the full amount for the PS3? Did I not inform you the model once I could?
  • The only photos you have requested of are for the Galaxy Tab, which I told you in the very beginning that I will not be selling to you. Why would I sell it to you for 7k inclusive of shipping when I had 8k and 9.5k local offers?
  1. Imgur album updated with SixAxis photos
  2. Imtiaz has blocked me on WhatsApp. (I haven't any new messages. Not sure what his reason was.)
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""And bro you messaged me on whatsapp yesterday about you problem at 9:30 pm and i replied at 1:00am and for a delay of 4 hours in replying considering it was night time you mentioned i didnt reply and you should have atleast waited till morning....."
  • Again, as repeatedly mentioned, I could see your status on WhatsApp change to 'Online'. Please forgive me if I don't believe you when you say you were asleep. I messaged you at 00:21 about leaving a feedback and I have a response from you at 00:26.""

Firstly before this message you posted on 10:36 and irrespective of your feedback left message how come you mentioned that i am not replying and avoiding your calls as i ultimately replied you and for 2 hours delay in replying that too i felt asleep and could reply after 2 hors and you said i am not responding and bro i were not to respond than i wouldnt have irespective of your feedback message.....

  • ""I want what was promised in your thread describing the PS3: "Item Condition: 5 out of 5" and "Product Condition: Mint condition.(A BIT DUSTY BUT WILL BE CLEANED & SHIPPED)""
And about the product condition yes its 5/5, because i was playing with it till the last moment before i shipped.......So what problem you are facing let me know??? As it runs any games played with it as long as its a origional game dump files...

"And about the xbox 360 just tell me did you tell me the model no. after i i asked you repeatedly did you give no.... And you said that your xbox 360 is safe from ylod and i asked you pics too which you didnt post so how come you expect me to buy your xbox 360???"
  • Not even ONCE have you asked for photos. Please do yourself a favor and stop lying.
  • Xboxes don't YLOD. PS3s Do.
  • Never did I say my Xbox is safe from RRoD. Please look at the screenshot in my first post where I'm letting you know about how all Fat Xboxes can get RRoD despite revision.
  • How is the Xbox even of concern in context of the PS3 issue, when I'm not even asking you to do anything about it? How can I 'cheat' you over an Xbox when you've not even paid for it? How can I 'cheat' you over an Xbox when I've paid for the PS3 with the trade value of the Xbox and suggested that you pay me back once you have the Xbox. How in God's name, can I cheat you with that?
You mentioned here as well as main post but tell me did you tell me the model no. before yesterday 20:48 pm so how come you expect me to buy your xbox 360 console and agree and finalise the deal before looking at the pics as well as not know which model no. and product condition and stuff and i didnt buy from you so you are taking revenge otherwise you wouldnt have but guys without looking at the pics how come i buy, without knowing the condition how com i buy without knowing the model how come i buy and without telling me all of this you mentioned you were angry at me how rude this shows what kind of person you are.....getting angry at others without others fault.......

"And since i mentioned the condition as mint, yes its mint and works properly but for a second hand playstation 3 if you think mint means new than i cant help and boss since playstation 3 is working nicely without any problem i wont give you any replacement or any money just because i wrote mint as it working flawlessly and without any issue i consider it as mint so what you guys think considering its a second hand product....."

And for your kind information this is not ebay and here to post a thread you need original pics of the post with name and date written in a piece of paper which i did and before making the deal you should see the pics and if not satisfied asked the seller to upload more pics from any specific angle of your liking and that is not my fault.......because it was playing awesome and runs every game smoothly without any distubance which it does till now so what else mint you are talking about i dont know....

""And lastly i giving return for your controller and usb cable but since i agreed you are trying to take advantage of me since you are asking me some money since the ps3 condition is not new bro firstly tell me how come a console remain new after one and an half of usage it cant be and i mentioned new because it works flawlessly that it......"
  • Then don't market it as 'mint'. Do you not know what the phrase means or should we consider that as you misleading buyers intentionally?
  • Do I even need to respond to 'trying to take advantage' message?""
I offered you replacement because as i thought that it might have got damaged in transit and i clearly mentioned in the thread which i think you have read nicely and clearly states that shipping at buyers risk and return for damage in transit is not accepted so you should be aware of that......before dealing since its a nearly 4kg parcel and its big.......

"And i gave you negative feedback because you lied as i didnt avoid you or rejected your calls and most importantly not satisfied with the deal since you lied and i wanted solution and you wanted to scrutinize and you mentioned you were unhappy with my xbox 360 back out which i think everybody would has since you didnt want to disclose its model no. and also you didnt post pics when requested as i thought you were a nice person but i didnt expect this from you since you had any problem i tried to solve it but you didnt want so ok let TECH ENCLAVE decide because i have full faith in Tech Enclave and they will do the right judgement....."
  • Dude. Seriously. How many times do I repeat the same thing over and over again?
  • Could you please point out where I've written that I still want to pursue the Xbox issue? Considering that it was a part of the deal initially, does it not need to be mentioned?
  • You haven't even once requested for photos of the Xbox. We both have conversations on our phones. Please, please, please, go through them and tell me where. I could have maybe missed one single message about you requesting photos of the Xbox, but how will I not remember 'repeatedly'?
  • Did I not tell you that I was continuously busy with work, and I would tell you the model as soon as I could? Was that not the very reason I paid you the full amount for the PS3, so you didn't have to worry about not receiving the full amount for the PS3? Did I not inform you the model once I could?
  • The only photos you have requested of are for the Galaxy Tab, which I told you in the very beginning that I will not be selling to you. Why would I sell it to you for 7k inclusive of shipping when I had 8k and 9.5k local offers?
First let me know why you gave negative feedback just because i could not answer you before 2 could have waited atleast till morning but whatever it is you gave negative feedback because you couldnt wait 2 hours where as i gave you negative feedback because i am not satisfied with the deal as you lied and for being impatient too and you didnt want solution...........

  • The only photos you have requested of are for the Galaxy Tab, which I told you in the very beginning that I will not be selling to you. Why would I sell it to you for 7k inclusive of shipping when I had 8k and 9.5k local offers?""

Since you said 8k one in offering locally but you asked me how much i will offer than i said 7k shipped but after sometime i said i am ready to pay 8k after that you said 9.5 k you are getting locally and if you were getting 9.5k why you said 8k in the first instance than and bro for 9k there are many better models of tabs one can buy so for a first generation tab 9.5k are you kidding........

And as you wanted to play online with cobra ode as you told me which i fear you wont be able to play as of now because of sony's new official firware and to play online you need DMC so i think you are thinking of alternative so making such a small issue so big......As mods will know since i mentioned it in thread that i wont take risk for damage in transit andthan also i am giving you that means i dont have anything against you and i am offering you replacement but since you dont want i can help as you made such a small issue so big....
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Okay Imtiaz, let me summarise this for you:
  1. My issue is not with the Xbox trade. I was the one who suggested we keep this a PS3 only deal. Again. Please. Look. At. Our. Conversation.
  2. My issue is solely related to the PS3. The condition you claim it was in and the condition it was delivered in. My aim is NOT to return it to you, but only to be compensated fairly.
  3. You clearly do not know what 'mint' (which is a universally accepted term, by they way) or 'Product condition: 5/5' means.
  4. I have already mentioned in my initial post that my shortcoming was not asking for more photos instead of just trusting your words. Either way, looking at your initial post and photos, it is evident that:
    • A: You're a bad photographer
    • B: Curiously enough, all the areas with dents are conveniently not visible. I don't know if that counts as coincidence or misleading.
  5. I think your issue with this deal is more because I left you a negative feedback and than anything else. Like I have said multiple times, let's resolve this and then we can talk about changing the feedback. Have I been crying about the completely illogical and fabricated feedback that you have given me? Even if I were to consider my leaving the negative feedback premature, does your feedback not indicate prematurity? That seems more like revenge to me than anything else.
  6. My issue is not with the SixAxis being broken. I have even offered to buy that from you provided you send me the appropriate controller, accessories and difference for lack of promised condition.
  7. What have I lied about exactly?
  8. Why the heck are we even talking about GalaxyTab now? I only brought that up, since you had requested photos for that. I thought maybe you were mistakenly remembering asking for the Xbox's photos due to that, and thought that might remind you.
  9. When the heck did I say I wanted to play online with Cobra ODE? Dude, do you never get tired of lying?
  10. Please do not start fabricate things or share more ill-thought logic. I've had enough of that for a day.
I don't see how I can simplify this for you further.
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First and foremost you are having problem with me since i didnt bought fat xbox 360 from you so you mention about that in your review and secondly if there were dent i would have told you as i promise i didnt even think i my wildest of dreams to sell the cobra modded ps3 as i ask one member selling ps3 casing here in tech enclave so that i can do come external modding not because of any dents but because i liked cobra so much and after ****ing sony update 4.60 came all ps3 including fat and slim which doesnt require swap disc will now work with swap disc only so my online gaming was over i it was no use to me so i sold it as i already own a ps3 slim on cfw 4.60 habib cobra with latest multiman...and bro didnt i replied to you before also and whatever you asked me i did that and you made the trade+cash deal into a ps3 deal but you mentioned in the feedback review that i backed out.....Its shows that you have given every details about the xbox 360 and at the last moment i back you but its not like that and bro if you remember when you transferred 10k and you didnt tell me the model no...i told you clearly that if you want refund i will do it immediately.....didnt i told you???......As i told you clearly that i will do a DemoN mod on your xbox 360 which is dual boot and very expensive mod for xbox360 as Mods & Breaks Charge 7999/- for this mod so i dont want to buy xbox 360 which is highly prone to RROD as i didnt want to loose 7k for console & 8k for modding since the total would be 15k so i wanted to be sure but you didnt tell me and just told me yesterday at 08:48pm

After writing the whole Ramayan now you are saying ""
  1. My issue is not with the SixAxis being broken. I have even offered to buy that from you provided you send me the appropriate controller, accessories and difference for lack of promised condition.""
Dont know what you want as its confusing as you created the thread because you had problem with the ps3 and now you are saying you dont have any problem Allah knows what you are up to....


Conclusion:- If you want me to give you a new controller, as u want usb cable hdd cover i will give it to you and as you mentioned you will pay for the SixAxis controller which i gave you as you want to keep it than you have to overturn the feedback as i will giving you return which i clearly mentioned in thread i wont give for damage in transit......but i am giving you so let me know........and finish this off instead of stretching it wont give any solution to both of us....
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Thread is too long winded to follow, but ..

@imtiaz786 :-
You clearly do not know what 'mint' (which is a universally accepted term, by they way) or 'Product condition: 5/5' means.
This is unacceptable. Unless it has not been used, you cannot call it a 5/5. (Although I have to say even I can make out its not 5/5 from the pics and the fact that it's been modded)
I also noticed you are selling pirated content with the ps3 - this is strictly not allowed.

I don't want to comment on the xbox 360 deal, since there is no FS thread and the most important thing about trading here => make sure the other person has a proper FS thread before dealing.
Your negative rating to prakhar has been deleted. Please do not give negative ratings unnecessarily, or it will be viewed as abusing the market platform.
Thread is too long winded to follow, but ..

@imtiaz786 :-

This is unacceptable. Unless it has not been used, you cannot call it a 5/5. (Although I have to say even I can make out its not 5/5 from the pics and the fact that it's been modded)
I also noticed you are selling pirated content with the ps3 - this is strictly not allowed.

I don't want to comment on the xbox 360 deal, since there is no FS thread and the most important thing about trading here => make sure the other person has a proper FS thread before dealing.
Your negative rating to prakhar has been deleted. Please do not give negative ratings unnecessarily, or it will be viewed as abusing the market platform.

Thanks for your inputs, @Crazy_Eddy. I do admit that I let the photos make me believe that the PS3 was just dusty, since I didn't notice any obviously visible marks on the unit's photos. About it being 5/5 despite being modded, I assumed that while it was tinkered with, and used, Imtiaz had used it well and kept it in a great condition. I'll definitely be more careful now.

  1. I have maintained a copy of all conversations. You cannot lie.
  2. It's about time you stick to the topic of concern: PS3.
  3. It's about time you grew up and accepted that you've made a mistake or worse, intentionally tried to mislead the buyer.
  4. I've been nothing but courteous and respectful towards you. You've been uncooperative.
  5. I've accepted that I relied on your description of the PS3 and should have asked for more photos. I've been willing to cooperate since I see that as my shortcoming, but you obviously don't know what you're talking about when you described the product to me.
  6. You are continuously fabricating new stories, but are not a very good liar. (More on this below)
  7. I've mentioned the Xbox in the Trading feedback, because that's what it is - "trading feedback". It is meant to acknowledge the good, the bad and the ugly of the entire deal. I've mentioned time and time again on this particular thread that all I'm looking for is a justifiable resolution to the PS3 only deal.
  8. To ensure that everyone understands that I'm still not holding that against you or even looking for a resolution on, I've mentioned it several times in my posts. (Please look at point 5 under "My thoughts on the deal/Imtiaz so far:" as an example)
First and foremost you are having problem with me since i didnt bought fat xbox 360 from you so you mention about that in your review and secondly if there were dent i would have told you as i promise i didnt even think i my wildest of dreams to sell the cobra modded ps3 as i ask one member selling ps3 casing here in tech enclave so that i can do come external modding not because of any dents but because i liked cobra so much and after ****ing sony update 4.60 came all ps3 including fat and slim which doesnt require swap disc will now work with swap disc only so my online gaming was over i it was no use to me so i sold it as i already own a ps3 slim on cfw 4.60 habib cobra with latest multiman...and bro didnt i replied to you before also and whatever you asked me i did that and you made the trade+cash deal into a ps3 deal but you mentioned in the feedback review that i backed out.....Its shows that you have given every details about the xbox 360 and at the last moment i back you but its not like that and bro if you remember when you transferred 10k and you didnt tell me the model no...i told you clearly that if you want refund i will do it immediately.....didnt i told you???......As i told you clearly that i will do a DemoN mod on your xbox 360 which is dual boot and very expensive mod for xbox360 as Mods & Breaks Charge 7999/- for this mod so i dont want to buy xbox 360 which is highly prone to RROD as i didnt want to loose 7k for console & 8k for modding since the total would be 15k so i wanted to be sure but you didnt tell me and just told me yesterday at 08:48pm
  1. I'm frankly embarrassed even having to explain this to you.
  2. If you were going to buy the Xbox, you would have asked me about the relevant details before I transferred any of the money.
  3. I suggested that we keep this a PS3 only deal since I wanted to keep it simple after your story about your Chinese modder. Your backing off after the money was transferred was entirely unprofessional. You were the one who still insisted that you were interested in the Xbox. Dude, again. read the conversation. I have ADHD in real life, but you're the one with symptoms here.
  4. I really do not care what your dreams are composed of.
  5. I do not care about what else you own or plan to do with your life.
After writing the whole Ramayan now you are saying ""
  1. My issue is not with the SixAxis being broken. I have even offered to buy that from you provided you send me the appropriate controller, accessories and difference for lack of promised condition.""
Dont know what you want as its confusing as you created the thread because you had problem with the ps3 and now you are saying you dont have any problem Allah knows what you are up to....


Conclusion:- If you want me to give you a new controller, as u want usb cable hdd cover i will give it to you and as you mentioned you will pay for the SixAxis controller which i gave you as you want to keep it than you have to overturn the feedback as i will giving you return which i clearly mentioned in thread i wont give for damage in transit......but i am giving you so let me know........and finish this off instead of stretching it wont give any solution to both of us....
  1. Dude, are you intentionally trolling me? I've written clearly that provided you send me the appropriate things and compensate me fairly, I'll buy that controller from you so you don't have to worry about shipping charges for the SixAxis that's come my way.
  2. There was no damage in transit. Box was intact. My problem is primarily (but definitely not only) with the PS3's condition. The SixAxis is an accessory of the PS3. Accessory can be replaced easily, the main unit (PS3) cannot. I cannot believe I still have to explain this to you.
And as you wanted to play online with cobra ode as you told me which i fear you wont be able to play as of now because of sony's new official firware and to play online you need DMC so i think you are thinking of alternative so making such a small issue so big......As mods will know since i mentioned it in thread that i wont take risk for damage in transit andthan also i am giving you that means i dont have anything against you and i am offering you replacement but since you dont want i can help as you made such a small issue so big....

I'm losing my patience here, but I want to take this instance to highlight how bad you are at lying (from our TE inbox conversation):
Hey, are you offering the PS3 without the ODE and the extra HDD? If so, how much?

  1. I did not want to play online with the ODE - I asked you if you would sell it without the ODE!
  2. Please stop lying. I urge you.
If you want further proof of me not looking to play online/pirated games, go look further in our inbox thread. When you kept trying continuously to sell me your hard-disk with the games, I kept denying it as I thought it was too expensive for me. Explained below.

I already own a PS3 which has YLODed, (I've mentioned this to another user on TE, if you want proof of this as well.) I've sent this PS3 back home The only reason I was slightly interested in getting the Hard Disk is because I had (again as I mentioned in the inbox thread), misread the list to think that the HDD contained the Uncharted Trilogy, which I legally own. I'm paranoid about a PS3 YLODing now, so when you offered to sell an apparently 'mint, 5/5' PS3 with an ODE, I planned on using it for playing backups of games I legally own. There are very few other games in your HDD that I possess, and hence lost interest.

Do you think a person LOOKING TO PLAY PIRATED games would really not just spend a measly Rs. 2000 on a 500GB hard-disk with 50 games?
Come on!

Can we please, please, PLEASE, just stick to talking about how we can resolve the PS3 issue? Bottom line is, what you promised was not delivered.
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Hi @imtiaz786, to help process this quickly, I suggest one of the two approaches listed below.

I believe I'm being very objective and reasonable here, so please do cooperate:

Approach 1:
1. You transfer to me the price difference for each of:
1. Condition of the console
2. Controller
3. Accessories, Missing bit​
Approach 2:
1. You send me the price difference for condition the console
2. Ship me the remaining: missing bit, correct controller etc.
3. I buy the SixAxis that you've sent by mistake and transfer that amount/we adjust it with the price difference.
I'm happy to go ahead with Approach 2, since it favors both of us under the current circumstances.
Post that, I'll decide if I want to keep the console or further sell it and look for one in better condition. But I need to ensure minimal losses in that case.

Please let me know.

Mods, please do let me know what you think or if you think I'm being unreasonable here.

Approximate calculation for price difference:
1. Cost of an absolutely mint/close to mint PS3 with Dual Shock 3 controller and all accessories (out of warranty and without ODE): Rs. 11,000 - 13,000
2. Appropriate cost of your PS3, excluding the Cobra ODE: Rs. 8,000 - 9,000
3. Cost of the Cobra ODE with half warranty gone: ~Rs. 3,000
1. where you stay?
2. Rs.4k-Rs.5k depending from which city you are.
3. Atleast if you see 4-5 reviews and just concentrate for 5-7 mins watch video carefully and doing it patiently you are good to do it, it looks tough but after you do it you will feel & say oh! man very easy.
Or if you know some tv or electronic repairing shop who does soldering for them its as easy as 'smoking a cigarette':eek:
If you want to know more feel free to question as i feel answering queries is as important as writing a review so if anyone can't answer queries he shouldn't write reviews or guides isn't it.:D:D:D
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Hi @imtiaz786, to help process this quickly, I suggest one of the two approaches listed below.

I believe I'm being very objective and reasonable here, so please do cooperate:

Approach 1:
1. You transfer to me the price difference for each of:
1. Condition of the console
2. Controller
3. Accessories, Missing bit​
Approach 2:
1. You send me the price difference for condition the console
2. Ship me the remaining: missing bit, correct controller etc.
3. I buy the SixAxis that you've sent by mistake and transfer that amount/we adjust it with the price difference.
I'm happy to go ahead with Approach 2, since it favors both of us under the current circumstances.
Post that, I'll decide if I want to keep the console or further sell it and look for one in better condition. But I need to ensure minimal losses in that case.

Please let me know. I think a difference of Rs. 2500 is very very reasonable for the difference in condition.

Mods, please do let me know what you think or if you think I'm being unreasonable here.
Bro sorry as the ps3 is in good working condition & you said about some dent bro why will i dent the ps3 and send it to you and as you can see for the safety of the ps3 i send it in a different ps3 original box for which i had to pay a guy Rs.500 and as per the thread i didnt mention that i will give original box but i still gave and now you was Rs.2500 why??? just because of minor dent here and there during transit which is not my fault and for new casing of ps3 one can buy a new one for Rs.2k-Rs.2.5k and bro i already told you if you want controller replacement than i can give you so if you dont want than i cant help.....As i already sold the playstation 3 at loss and i know it doesnt matter to you but i am saying because i suffered the loss.....And returning you with another controller is also a loss for me since i didnt gave you a broken controller and it might got broken in transit but than also i am giving you another controller and for that i will get a loss as i bought it for 2990/- as you said i wrote the condition mint but you didnt see i also wrote that once the ps3 is sold i wont give returns and shipping at buyers risk as you are complaining why didnt you ask for more pics if you are so much quality conscious..............
Thread is too long winded to follow, but ..

@imtiaz786 :-

This is unacceptable. Unless it has not been used, you cannot call it a 5/5. (Although I have to say even I can make out its not 5/5 from the pics and the fact that it's been modded)
I also noticed you are selling pirated content with the ps3 - this is strictly not allowed.

I don't want to comment on the xbox 360 deal, since there is no FS thread and the most important thing about trading here => make sure the other person has a proper FS thread before dealing.
Your negative rating to prakhar has been deleted. Please do not give negative ratings unnecessarily, or it will be viewed as abusing the market platform.
Thank you sir very nice of you to explain but i have bought many things from here without making thread because i thought for 5000-10000 bucks one wont lie but you are right we should buy only if sale thread is made and sir i mentioned 5/5 because it was working in good condition and for that i have uploaded pics clearly showing that it had some bust so i accept my fault but if buyer doesnt look at the pics and before buying dont request for more pics how come a seller know his expectation and if buyer was so much qualtity conscious than he should have atleast saw that i clearly mentioned that i wont that shipping risk and wont return for damage in transit and if he is so conscious than he should have asked for testing warranty and more pics from different angles so thats not my fault so i cant help........And he want me to give him a new controller for which i will loose 2990/- and if i give him replacement i will loose another controller(which is damages in transit)and he want 2500 so think what would be left with me as i sold for 16k as the ps3 has cobra ode which itself cost 6999/- as i bought from official reseller in India so that me i will get 2k for ps3.......


1. where you stay?
2. Rs.4k-Rs.5k depending from which city you are.
3. Atleast if you see 4-5 reviews and just concentrate for 5-7 mins watch video carefully and doing it patiently you are good to do it, it looks tough but after you do it you will feel & say oh! man very easy.
Or if you know some tv or electronic repairing shop who does soldering for them its as easy as 'smoking a cigarette':eek:
If you want to know more feel free to question as i feel answering queries is as important as writing a review so if anyone can't answer queries he shouldn't write reviews or guides isn't it.:D:D:D"""

Yaa because in starting i bought the cobra ode and at that time it was Rs.8000 so i bought from mods and breaks where they sell for 6999/- and you said since my cobra ode's half warranty is gone its price should be according to you if a products warranty is over its price becomes Rs.0.00 what kind of a logic is this that if a product has half of its warranty the price also becomes half and i said him because my friend works in china and there official distributors sells cobra ode for Rs.2400-Rs.2500 Indian Rupees so he bought 3 pieces for me out of which all three is still with me as i didnt sold them till date as i thought that when i friend will come for Durga Puja i will tell him to replace these as he bought Cobra Ode Ver4.20 and if you dont believe look at the version of cobra ode of the ps3 which i sold you its Ver 5.10B QSB and mods & breaks sells this Ver5.10B only......
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@imtiaz786 I recommend that you read this multiple times and understand what has been written by Crazy_Eddy and I.

Please do not reply with non-sense again. Take your time to understand what each word means and only then post a reply.

I've been very very patient and respectful towards you despite you MALIGNING me. Do not make this worse.

And since i mentioned the condition as mint, yes its mint and works properly but for a second hand playstation 3 if you think mint means new than i cant help and boss since playstation 3 is working nicely without any problem i wont give you any replacement or any money just because i wrote mint as it working flawlessly and without any issue i consider it as mint so what you guys think considering its a second hand product.....

  • ""I want what was promised in your thread describing the PS3: "Item Condition: 5 out of 5" and "Product Condition: Mint condition.(A BIT DUSTY BUT WILL BE CLEANED & SHIPPED)""
And about the product condition yes its 5/5, because i was playing with it till the last moment before i shipped.......So what problem you are facing let me know??? As it runs any games played with it as long as its a origional game dump files...

Dude, I'm not sure what you're trying to pull here. Are you claiming that your PS3 was mint when you sent it and it got damaged in transit? In this very thread you have mentioned several times that it was a 1.5 year old PS3 which will obviously have issues. You claimed that you will send it in 'bullet-proof' packing - there was no damage in transit. The box was intact and you actually did a decent job at packing.

1. I'm not asking for a new controller. I'm asking for one which is:
A. Dual Shock 3
B. Good condition without any issues​
2. I've marked a used Cobra ODE's price as 3000 based on your suggested price of "Rs.4k-Rs.5k depending from which city you are.". I think deducting just 1000 for half-warranty is more than fair. Why do you twist words so much? Do you think everyone here is retarded?
3. It does not matter what YOU paid for anything. While selling, what matters is how much the item on sale, costs at that time. You're just making it obvious that you have no idea how sales work. You've already proven that you don't follow rules.
4. Buyer's expectation = what the Seller has promised. 5/5. Mint.

I do not care:
1. Whose box you bought and for how much or why.
2. How much you spent on the Cobra. Are you saying you're misleading others into thinking that the Cobra is for Rs. 4-5k when you claim to have paid 8k?
3. About your friends circle.​

In summary:
1. The PS3 arrived as you sent it. It was not damaged in transit.
2. My mistake was trusting your description.
3. You lied, mislead and advertised a product as perfect when it actually shows signs of wear.
4. As a seller, it is your duty to be upfront about any issues or problems with the console. You did not do this.

What I expect from you:
1. To stay on-topic and whatever has been a part of the sale.
2. Correct controller. Again, I'm NOT asking for a new one. I'm asking for an appropriate one in 100% functioning condition without any issues.
3. Missing bit of the console, missing accessories
4. Price difference of the console's false and misleading information that you've posted on your thread.
> Since I have a shortcoming in this deal by actually having faith in your words, I'm willing to cooperate and negotiate here. Do not take advantage of my patience.
> I will also pay you for the delivered SixAxis.​

A few points you should keep in mind:
1. You lied, mislead and advertised a product as perfect when it actually shows signs of wear.
2. You went ahead and locked the sale thread so I could not post anything there, right after I posted the feedback.
3. You left me a falsified and negative feedback as revenge.
4. You have repeatedly tried to move away from the topic by talking rubbish.
5. You have lied and fabricated things I've apparently said or claimed. Multiple times.
@imtiaz786 I recommend that you read this multiple times and understand what has been written by Crazy_Eddy and I.

Please do not reply with non-sense again. Take your time to understand what each word means and only then post a reply.

I've been very very patient and respectful towards you despite you MALIGNING me. Do not make this worse.

Dude, I'm not sure what you're trying to pull here. Are you claiming that your PS3 was mint when you sent it and it got damaged in transit? In this very thread you have mentioned several times that it was a 1.5 year old PS3 which will obviously have issues. You claimed that you will send it in 'bullet-proof' packing - there was no damage in transit. The box was intact and you actually did a decent job at packing.

1. I'm not asking for a new controller. I'm asking for one which is:
A. Dual Shock 3
B. Good condition without any issues​
2. I've marked a used Cobra ODE's price as 3000 based on your suggested price of "Rs.4k-Rs.5k depending from which city you are.". I think deducting just 1000 for half-warranty is more than fair. Why do you twist words so much? Do you think everyone here is retarded?
3. It does not matter what YOU paid for anything. While selling, what matters is how much the item on sale, costs at that time. You're just making it obvious that you have no idea how sales work. You've already proven that you don't follow rules.
4. Buyer's expectation = what the Seller has promised. 5/5. Mint.

I do not care:
1. Whose box you bought and for how much or why.
2. How much you spent on the Cobra. Are you saying you're misleading others into thinking that the Cobra is for Rs. 4-5k when you claim to have paid 8k?
3. About your friends circle.​

In summary:
1. The PS3 arrived as you sent it. It was not damaged in transit.
2. My mistake was trusting your description.
3. You lied, mislead and advertised a product as perfect when it actually shows signs of wear.
4. As a seller, it is your duty to be upfront about any issues or problems with the console. You did not do this.

What I expect from you:
1. To stay on-topic and whatever has been a part of the sale.
2. Correct controller. Again, I'm NOT asking for a new one. I'm asking for an appropriate one in 100% functioning condition without any issues.
3. Missing bit of the console, missing accessories
4. Price difference of the console's false and misleading information that you've posted on your thread.
> Since I have a shortcoming in this deal by actually having faith in your words, I'm willing to cooperate and negotiate here. Do not take advantage of my patience.
> I will also pay you for the delivered SixAxis.​

A few points you should keep in mind:
1. You lied, mislead and advertised a product as perfect when it actually shows signs of wear.
2. You went ahead and locked the sale thread so I could not post anything there, right after I posted the feedback.
3. You left me a falsified and negative feedback as revenge.
4. You have repeatedly tried to move away from the topic by talking rubbish.
5. You have lied and fabricated things I've apparently said or claimed. Multiple times.
Bro you should have asked for more photos if you are so quality conscious and i send you the console which is shown in the thread and you asked everything about it and not you are complaining which i cant help sorry....And you are mentioning the i have mentioned 5/5 about the condition but i dont think you forgot to read that once its shipped i am not responsible for transit and as not one would damage and give and as it has reached you in working condition that is it......And i cant do anything sorry.....
Do whatever you like as i have already offered you but now you are taking chance and trying to buy the ps3 in 2-3k only than i can help bye as i wont return you anything and as you have given me feedback that means deal have been completed so you wont get anything now....firstly you were having problem because i didnt bought you xbox 360 after that the controller and now the ps3.........Sorry bro cant help......

About lying you lied that i gave you a duplice controller whereas i gave you original controller because SixAxis is a original ps3 controller so can you post a image of the controller why you mentioned as fake.....
Bro i locked it because you left the feedback and i also left the feedback.....

You gave me negative feedback just because i answered after 1hour and 56 minutes.....and also because i didnt bought your xbox 360....

And you got the ps3 delivered in the after noon and you messaged me that will i buy you ps3 but as i didnt areplied you immediately you started the whole episode....
if the ps3 which was delivered to you and didnt like it why didnt you message me immediately instead you message me this..about the ps3 but instead you told me about the model ask me if i will buy your xbox 360


Mods this guy is making a small issue big because he desperately wanted to sell his xbox 360 to me which i didnt buy so he is making a small issue big...

And bro please solve it as i am here to make friends not enemies so i am giving you hdd cover which my nephew forgot to give and controller replacement and usb cable so if you need it let me know as from tomorrow i wont get much time.....
And i know you are good by heart so please atleast come to a solution....

I don't know why you keep bringing back the Xbox into the conversation. I messaged you about the Xbox as soon as I got home and about the PS3 as soon as I opened it. You can see the time difference in the messages for the same.

I believe I'm being very fair and you're again making excuses and diverting the conversation. I hope you know you're at fault and are just playing dumb to get away with this. I've also gone and seen that multiple people have had issues with you here and elsewhere. Frankly, I'm surprised you had a 100% rating and aren't banned here as well.

Either way, can mods offer their thoughts? @Crazy_Eddy @m-jeri @rakesh_ic

I apologise deeply for dragging you into this, but I'm dealing with a guy who will not acknowledge any shortcomings in the description he's given/his side of things, despite me acknowledging mine. The reason I'm sticking to my stance is not due to the money, but rather fairness as I feel I've been cheated.

Do you feel I should be compensated for the difference in the condition of the PS3 alongside the missing accessories/parts or just accept the missing accessories/parts? I'll go with whatever you guys feel.

Thanks and regards,
@imtiaz786 I prefer you talk about PS3 which is on deal here and the concern is about that and not about XBox. Which simply means I dont wanna hear anything about your Xbox deal here. Talk precise and straight on the context here. Any more diversion of the topic will not be tolerated.

Now that I made it clear, @prakhargr8 has given a fair way to deal with losses he has incurred due to wrongly proclaimed or recieved condition of the goods. So I wanted you guys talking about how this can be compensated and do not want you both digging at each other anymore here.
I stopped reading after half the page. Its just going round and round.


You need to calm down and do 3 things.

1. You need to read and understand what @prakhargr8 is posting about the compensation part and reach a agreeable term. He is favored here as you gave wrong details regarding the item condition, which in a used second hand item is most crucial. Don't post more regarding your understanding/feeling about it. Its wrong, and read my next line.
2. Read successful sale threads in TE and understand very well how to give accurate product condition. If you have any doubts please open a separate thread about it. Don't do it here and deviate from the solution, which by the way you haven't given. The PS3 you sold is NOT mint condition or 5/5.
3. XBOX is not part of this deal. Whatever feeling you both have about it, hold on to it until an agreement with the buyer is reached. No more posts related to it needs to be in this thread.

You have to reach an agreement with the buyer.


As a buyer, its your responsibility to ask for more details and pictures. You are the one paying money for second hand product to someone you never met.
You are at fault as much as I think the seller is.
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Thank you @m-jeri and @rakesh_ic for your responses.

I admit that I should have been more careful and have acknowledged several times where my shortcoming was - both in this thread and to @imtiaz786. My problem has been with Imtiaz not acknowledging that he's at fault at his end.

I just want to reach a fair agreement. Again, thank you for your inputs.
Thank you @m-jeri and @rakesh_ic for your responses.

I admit that I should have been more careful and have acknowledged several times where my shortcoming was - both in this thread and to @imtiaz786. My problem has been with Imtiaz not acknowledging that he's at fault at his end.

I just want to reach a fair agreement. Again, thank you for your inputs.
Thanks to our Respected Mods suggestion
I wanted a solution so i contacted him and offered him a controller, usb cable and hdd cover as replacement but he said he will make a thread here and ask suggestion from mods so i told him ok do it as i thought it would be better for both.......
And PS3 is running just fine and for that he is asking 2.5k just for some dents which i dont know how it happened as i packed it nicely in original box which i bought from a store paying Rs.450(shopkeeper was asking 500 but i paid 450) as i didnt mention about original box in the thread but still i gave just to make sure it reaches him safely.......
As its raining here in Guwahati and some trees fell of there was no electricity for pay 10 hours so couldnt reply before and frequent load shedding is happening so place give me some time to reply
@prakhargr8 i will send you the controller usb cable and hdd cover and you said you will pay for SixAxix controller so you dont need to pay and returm me the SixAxix controller as you can keep it.....And i will send them this week ok....

And not for once i told him i would not compensate and i am compensating thats why i told him even before he asked me for return/replacement that i will give him another controller usb cable and hdd cover.......And i dont think ps3 is in so bad condition that he needs compensation of Rs.2500/- as i can buy new ps3 top plastic casing for Rs.2000/- and if that is changed that it becomes new and if he want it than he have to pay 50% of the price for ps3 top plastic cover because if it is changed than the ps3 will become new and to have a new plastic housing he has to pay 50% of its cost as i am already suffering loss relating to controller and shipping(which i dont mind as its my fault)
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