PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

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You have a wrong idea. There are really no scratches on disc. No data is read from the disk inserted. BR player life is not affected as no data is read. Jb is good as it is required for games only. There are loads which run discless. And keeping the disc in drive prevents your lens from getting dirty.
All you need is some game BR disc..To run the backups, just have the disc inside all the time, the disc wont even be read while you play your backups(no worries for your lens there)..

If you are afraid that your Game BR Disc might get dmaged inside the drive all the time then get a Move DEMO disc(which is what I have all the tiem inside the drive)
DUDE! You are running different games from just one disc in the drive. That's the point. For example you got RDR disc so you put that disc and you boot up any game UC1 UC2 etc. That's the point. I don't think a disk harms you? I never bought ps3 games. I bought a tony hawk for 400 bucks I use that disc. I bought AC1 and UC1 as I could not get its backups. So basically a disk is required to EMULATE the backed up game on that disk. That's the reason we use BDEMU.pkg. Clear now ?

Just read it. Sorry missed before. this is interesting. But heavy rain is not accepting anything but its original DVD. Any guess what might have gone wrong.

Argh, Great, Thanks guys, little big planet worked with UC2 Disk, got the point. Got it now. (Time to get some cheap PS3 disk)
Purchase a loose disc. For a cheap price. As I did for 400 bucks. So you won't be having any problems now.

Edit: you got the move edition right? I'll have a check on it for any fix. Let you know in a while.
Solved. Heavy rain move edition works with other disk if launched from the disk icon and not from /app_home/PS3_GAME

Thanks a lot for your support guys. (and patience too
Everyone who is cursing about booting games with disc inside console should see 360 scene and you would say how easy life was made by multiman , you guys would have pulled your hair out on 360.
You just need to have any PS3 disc inside the drive, THATS IT!

I am using a Move Starter Demo disc, for playing all/any games. And sometimes the GOW3 disc, when it is with me, i.e.
Hi guys i'm happy with playing uncharted 3 its superb games. Brought ps3 few days back from and it came with FW3.55

Installed Rebug CFW 3.55.2 all works file even multiman.. i took only a day to finish uncharted 3 game
That's odd. There are 2 bundles listed out there. One with Wolfenstein game free and the other with the Thrustmaster controller. Which one did you get?
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