Pulwama attack

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Yea it's not that bad as they make it out to be, you should get out of the Indian whatsapp network which is just an information bubble, last time I checked on there India had banned all Chinese made products. Things like Tianenmen/Falun Gong/Uighurs/etc are a no-go on social media but there are no other major restrictions as such, heck they can drink beer on the roads if they want to.
Not as bad as they make it out to be ? i notice you had to remove the free bit. That is the only part that counts. We are seventy years ahead of them there. So its ok to ban tibetans & Uighurs culture so we can drink beer on the roads. I used to d that in the UK without any problems. NYC they said i had to put the drink in a brown paper bag otherwise i'd be arrested for delinquency.

A million people in re-education centres because they could be potential terrorists but at the same time China supports JeM leader with a proven record at the UNSC. Instead China considers the Dalai Lama the equivalent of a terrorist. Question of priorities ?

We've got caste/reservations and Aadhaar and half the people cannot even afford homes/healthcare/education/public transport so we already have a worse social credits system in place, just not official.
People that cannot afford are screwed anywhere throughout history. Nobody cares about them. I'm talking about people that can afford getting docked because they did something some one considered undesirable. A system of social credits is as Orwellian as one could ever imagine. Parents don't keep their scores up means their kids won't get into top schools. Or no express train tickets. You can add any number of penalties here over time. That is social engineering. Why would they need such a system. Are Chinese not orderly enough.

That's actually a positive considering how religion has been used to divide and conquer. Part of the reason they've succeeded so much is because they haven't wasted time converting people, waging jihad or building temples.
We have freedom of religion. Most important word there is freedom. China never had it. The only thing the Chinese have succeeded in is alleviating poverty. We've done so as well. The difference is relative so i don't see them as better. It is no secret that we have more places of worship than schools & hospitals. Question of priorities ?

Nothing more hilarious and sad than Indian politics and news channels.
There is plenty of choice, be selective. The worst are not a reflection of the whole. Why do people here make this generalisation.

They don't have that in China. It's what the CCP says or else. Post otherwise and your comments get deleted. You never get to hear anything bad because its all hidden and covered up. Here all people get to talk about is problems even when they aren't problems they are made out to be so. That is freedom. That is allowing different points of view.

A simple comparison between the two is in India we have law, in China they have order. India is rule of law, China is govern by law. The difference is the former can be challenged, not the latter. Since we follow the westminster model the only requirement to remain in office is consent. Not progress or stability. Any frivolous reason is sufficient for regime change. Again freedom.

Demanding a cleaner living environment is now considered superficial and shallow ? Is it too much to ask for heaps of rubbish to be picked up, stray cattle to be banned from roads and more public toilets to be built so people don't defecate outdoors ?
This is an ongoing problem to deal with. Building up other cities & regions that will attract people and reduce the strain on the tier 1 cities. It takes time to do this but that is the best way of dealing with it. In China they have permits. You don't get to stay where you want. You have to qualify where you want to live. A permits system means population control. That is a night & day difference right there.

China is on a different level altogether on job creation, technologies and infrastructure to the point where we should be comparing with Bangladesh not China. They don't require foreign investments anymore, they are the ones buying out foreign companies. Good infra means efficiency, and time is money for businesses and nobody gets things done faster than the Chinese.
Every country needs foreign investment. No investment means the consumption model. UPA2. You can do it for a short while and then the system starts to get into trouble. Why are the Saudis asking for investment when they have so much oil. Only reason you're hearing it is because flows must be reducing to China. But outflows are increasing. Chinese are buying homes abroad. Are they afraid of some crash. Increasingly China looks like some big bubble that will pop one day.

Chinese way of doing business is build up national champions and allow them to gain monopolies. Subsidise them further and then unleash them on the world. The result is they will put others out of business. That is why Huawei is getting push back.

What about foreign companies in China. Is there a level playing field. No there is not. They usually end being harassed and have any number of obstacles put in their way for whatever reason. That is not what was agreed to when China joined the WTO. The idea was they would open up. Have they. Not really. India is also similar in some ways.

Trump is trying to change this.

Good infra also leads to good quality of life, people spend hours on commutes everyday and all that frustration spills out occasionally in the form of road rage, they have no time for r&r, there are no recreational spots whatsoever, no place to go for a run and our cities are not pedestrian friendly.
How do the locals deal with it. The best infra isn't immune from traffic jams. That's just the bane of modern life. LA and traffic jams going back decades.

There is one important point to keep in mind with infra. People always assume better infra equals more growth. Unfortunately there is no evidence of this at all whatsoever. What spending too much on infra does is create debt traps. This I suspect is the primary reason we're going slow and not just here but elsewhere too given how BRI is progressing. The only gainers in infra are mostly the builders.

China's fastest growth occurred during 80 - 00. Infra was crap in China then. Look at China in that era and you will see a familiar picture. It started to improve post 00. We only get to see pics post 2010.

We have a dozen people falling out of local trains every month, ShivSena representatives crawl out of the woodwork every time a shoddily built foot overbridge collapses, they start with the usual Mumbai spirit BS after every monsoon deluge that brings the city to its knees, even the new metro in Bengaluru has had its share of problems since one of the metro pillars on MG road developed cracks a few months back that too after only a couple of years of operation, don't even get me started on the ridiculous BRTS in Pune.
People think the Bangalore Metro should have been started twenty years earlier. Well, why didn't it, because there were no funds. Until the Japanese stepped in with loan offers because they wanted to sell us tech we'd not have a metro. A pillar that has cracks can be fixed.

Look at the way people criticise the high speed train between Bombay & Ahmedabad. Isn't this an attempt to improve things. The idea is if it works there it can work with other cities too. Not according to some people.

Instead of sucking in propaganda from that Iyer fellow you need to go out and smell the feces my friend, reality is quite different than the one shown on whatsapp.
What propaganda are you referring to ? Free countries don't do propaganda. Only authoritarian ones. Maybe the word you are looking for is rhetoric.

He described what we've done. He's better qualified to do that than most people. What is the problem ?

He's done a good job of rubbishing this FP report because the info is confidential then how can the Paks publicise their claims

He has rightly pointed out that Modi hatred clouds people's judgement to the point where they will even go against national interest. We saw this BS at play during the hostage crisis.

He has created a wall of shame on his twitter feed for everyone to see who was slamming this F16 claim. I'm particularly upset at Ajai Shuklas comments. An ex-mil guy like that should know better but i guess he wears his politics on his sleeve now

The Paks have been cut out by the americans back in 2016. Whether they crossed the LoC with F16's whether they fired at us, they are screwed even before Balakote happened. This i learnt when i started digging into their F16 acquisitions.

I didn't know over the years the Americans disabled PAF F16's from carrying nukes. You don't think we should know this ?

We mostly manufacture generics, production of which can be easily moved to some other Asian country like Vietnam. Most service industries will be rendered useless with automation and AI over the next couple of decades. Without innovation, foreign investment and r&d we'll only have more IRS/tech scammers working out of dubious call centers.
We'll deal with this AI when it happens. I'm generally sceptical about these fear mongering claims. Wasn't computeristation supposed to do the same thing. Oh there were strikes in the 80s & 90s because people thought they would lose their jobs too. Didn't happen did it.[DOUBLEPOST=1554907464][/DOUBLEPOST]
heh, yeah now they allow access, a full month after our air strike? I'm supposed to believe this white wash :D

On march 7 2019
No access to Pakistan religious school that India says it bombed

We got the perps, i trust our guys not the Paks. Difference !

it is amusing to see these info ops these people are pulling just to clean their name. Won't work. They speak in two voices. How many soldiers have been killed in the last one month in kashmir. Is this the peace Imran is talking about ?

I find a good way to shut Paks up is to ask them whether they agree their country sponsors & supports terrorism against its neighbours and whether they will condemn it. They then deny & deflect. All you have to do is press them more.

They cannot get over the fact that not a single country condemned this act of aggression on them. Not one. Even the OIC invited us to their opening plenary AFTER the strike. That is the reality they face. They can keep putting out reports in the west but nobody is buying it.

The more China keeps refusing to designate Azhar, the longer we get to build consensus on our way to tackling the problem. At the same time China is getting nicely exposed for their double dealing.
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Can't talk about it

Modi’s reference to security personnel at a public rally prompted the Election Commission of India to seek a report after the Communist Party of India (Marxist) alleged a poll code violation in view of an EC directive that has asked parties and leaders to exercise caution while making any reference to the armed forces in campaigns.

As for interest in Balakote, see the interest here. Are they bothered now ? no because opposition isn't saying anything. So a month after interest is gone.
I could type a ten page post schooling you on a ton of things but I would just be wasting my time, someone who's going to vote for Modi inspite of everything that has happened in the last 5 years isn't going to understand what I have to say.
I myself said in my last post that China has a ton of problems but they have something to show for it, you wrote a wall of text pointing out problems with others while completely ignoring our own, you're probably one of those people who believe that India will be a superpower by 2020.

I'll let you know one thing I realized at least 15 years back, voting makes no difference whatsoever, all politicians are scammers and will lie no matter what level or position they're at or which political party they belong to. They are just experts at telling people what they want to hear in order to come to power, you've already consumed the BJP Kool-Aid, there isn't going to be any positive change whatsoever and things are only going to go downhill from here on out, doesn't matter if it's Congress or BJP or AAP or any other incompetent party, India will remain a third world country plagued by graft for the foreseeable future.
Keep believing in Make in India, Achche Din, that 5 Trillion number, etc, one day the truth will prevail and NaMo will be revealed to be the same breed of politician that he claimed to fight, don't complain later that you weren't warned.
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One of the strangest comparison I have ever seen is between China and India. Most of it is about how China is growing with R&D, infra but always miss the forest for the trees.

For example this moment in Wired documentary on Shenzhen (which btw praises China to the boot too):

Shows the "dirty" place in Shenzhen, the urban village - a clearly demarcated area. In some sense this is like rich vs poor demarcation.

Additionally, the government can displace 150k people in just days. In India, we have a democracy which essentially means everyone has equal rights. There are people who try to shoot this down with a healthy dose of whataboutism, drawing upon real examples of inequality in India. To them, I always say all these examples are exceptions, not a norm. If we were out and out autocracy Singur issue or heck even the famous Narmada Bachao Andolan might not happen. Those people would have been shut up with an iron fist in the name of development. But that is not who were are.

In comparison, I'd like to see even one example of such successful protest in China.

Second, the majority rule and single identity. Many people are unaware how Uighur Muslims are treated in China:

Again people try to poke a hole about the treatment of Muslims and beef lynchings in India. To that I say, again exceptions not a norm. China has the largest muslim population and India 2nd largest. If we break down to number of atrocities to per 100 Muslims, China's record is pathetic.

There are others who talk about how religion division has held us back, so we should also take the same path. To them I say, please go and vote BJP - and not because I am bhakt but because they are the only ones who advocate Uniform Civil Code. So, at least put your vote where your mouth is.

Third, there is no freedom of speech. This where things get stranger. People say stuff like Uighur etc is banned but rest is okay. But they conveniently forget one big topic - b**ching about the government. That is also banned. You can't go online and say stuff against Xi Jinping or PRC. Try that and see what happens.

Fourth, people like to talk about Indian corruption, they conveniently unaware about Xi Jinping's billionaire status.

To be honest, China's rise has come at an enormous cost. And while I see lot of Indians advocating for such autocratic leadership, they forget one thing - if there was an autocratic government they would have been in jail for simply talking about something like this.

The only thing I say to people is - Cherish your freedom. Yes, we are behind China and might never catch up. But, we will get there slowly.
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These terrorist groups turn on their benefactors like they did with the US and UK who supported the Taliban. Sooner or later these terrorist groups (there is enough variety) will turn against China and more important will target the CPEC i.e. Chinese investments and Neo-colonialism. China may change its tune then
A million people in re-education centres because they could be potential terrorists but at the same time China supports JeM leader with a proven record at the UNSC
The correct term is internment camp - that's what it is whatever the Chinese media call it
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I could type a ten page post schooling you on a ton of things but I would just be wasting my time, someone who's going to vote for Modi inspite of everything that has happened in the last 5 years isn't going to understand what I have to say.
never mind schooling you have not responded to any of my replies. Do that. Education is a long term thing :)

As for the last five years i'd say they were mostly up with a few quirks. I'm ready for another five and hoping they will be better. This govt had a positive message. The last one had none.

I myself said in my last post that China has a ton of problems but they have something to show for it, you wrote a wall of text pointing out problems with others while completely ignoring our own, you're probably one of those people who believe that India will be a superpower by 2020.
I preferred to point out their problems, so people can see which is better. What we have and what they have. They have made a ton of mistakes that we should be learning from so we don't make them ourselves.

I don't really understand what this term superpower means and whether India even aspires to it. If you mean hard power, India kept the peace from the Suez to Singapore for nearly 150 years. We didn't get an ocean named after us for being nice. We weren't just a colony but an empire within an empire. Both Opium wars were fought with Indian muscle including putting down the Boxer rebellion. So before independence we had already fought China three times. And then we fought in both world wars. I see India as returning to that former role with time. Guardians of that space called the Indian Ocean. Nothing goes on there that is against our interests. Is this what a super power does ?

i believe India is superior to China right now for the reasons detailed in my last post and that India will surpass China in the future. You are looking at it in terms of capabilities i see it from an orientation perspective. Indian capabilities aren't there to the same extent and i see no problem in developing them further.

They grow old post 2030. We have a a few decades more than them. The world has no problem with us as they see us as benign. Not so with China. Koirala used a dog metaphor to compare India & China.

China is that dog that bites but does not bark. I cannot relate to that as Doklam saw China mostly barking with zero bite. Worse they came across as incompetent and i followed every day of that 72 day face off.

Whereas India never bites but barks a lot. This there is ample evidence since 1947. India is this playful Labrador that messes up the place, tears your clothes etc.

Quite frankly i'd rather belong to a country that did not tell me where to sit, stand and how to sh*t (!)

I'll let you know one thing I realized at least 15 years back, voting makes no difference whatsoever, all politicians are scammers and will lie no matter what level or position they're at or which political party they belong to. They are just experts at telling people what they want to hear in order to come to power, you've already consumed the BJP Kool-Aid, there isn't going to be any positive change whatsoever and things are only going to go downhill from here on out, doesn't matter if it's Congress or BJP or AAP or any other incompetent party, India will remain a third world country plagued by graft for the foreseeable future.
Keep believing in Make in India, Achche Din, that 5 Trillion number, etc, one day the truth will prevail and NaMo will be revealed to be the same breed of politician that he claimed to fight, don't complain later that you weren't warned.
Why do you say things will go downhill from this point on. We've had several elections and the country is still moving ahead despite who is in office. If one talks from 1947 onwards. Elections to me serve a very simple purpose, they are a safety valve. Pressure builds up, things change. I prefer to be in sync with the party in office. If that changes then i have to as well. Like it or not. All i get is a vote but this does not mean who i want will win.

Another way of saying what you did is it won't matter which party is in office it won't make a single difference to your life. Well, if parties only pander after the poor and use the middle classes as a cash cow this will remain the case. But the middle class is increasing compared to earlier so the politics will have to inevitably change. We had a period where regionals were growing and national parties were getting reduced, i think the opposite is happening now. If parties do not offer a difference they will be beaten by those that can.

I don't see any problems with getting to $5 trillion by 2030 if we maintain our current growth path. It's simply the result of compounding. A foregone conclusion. China in the 60s was two thirds the size of our economy. It took them three decades to match it. In 1990 we were at parity. At this point they had enough to jump further. This isn't some superpower that was always ahead of us in ever thing imaginable. We have a lot in common but its unfortunate politics prevents cooperation. Currently they are configured against us and the best we can do is defend from it. I never see the CCP as China. China post '49 is just the CCP and nothing more. It isn't the real China. Or at least i'd like to think that way. The people there have the same survival issues we do, roof over the head and food on the plate.

If you ask me i find Korea more impressive. In 1960, there was s delegation that visited Lahore to learn about town planning because in 1960, Korea was poorer than even Pakistan. They had a military dictatorship until 1990. This dictatorship insisted on 100% literacy. They only received $10bn of assistance but thanks to US umbrella were able to concentrate on development and look at them now. Can China do that? Become democratic later. I don't think so. They would see it in existential terms. CCP losing power means the break up of China, return to warlordism and instability.
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These terrorist groups turn on their benefactors like they did with the US and UK who supported the Taliban. Sooner or later these terrorist groups (there is enough variety) will turn against China and more important will target the CPEC i.e. Chinese investments and Neo-colonialism. China may change its tune then
Baloch Liberation army has taken a dislike to them. There's been a couple of attacks on buses carrying Chinese workers

The correct term is internment camp - that's what it is whatever the Chinese media call it
If you ask me i'd call it a concentration camp. Confusing bit is this place they force you to drink alcohol and eat pork. Usually that is not such a bad thing.
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Can't talk about it

As for interest in Balakote, see the interest here. Are they bothered now ? no because opposition isn't saying anything. So a month after interest is gone.
Interest gone? So why this is still happening in the election campaign? Because it's made for it?
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"Should've Strapped Bomb On Rahul Gandhi" says BJP's Pankaja Munde who is a Minister for Women and Child Welfare in the Maharashtra cabinet.


First that uncultured sadhvi with whatever shit she said, now this minister for women and child development saying such things like attaching bombs to people.

If the congress made such statements (impossible for them to stoop so low), then the BJP would be crying foul and making even more crass uncultured statements.
I keep telling people that the sytem is rigged but people won't understand until it gets too blatantly obvious.

All these statements are scripted to keep the people distracted and running around in circles, all the news channels pick it up and then call ten old farts to voice their opinion on these statements and that's all they'll show for the next 24 hours until some other moron shows up and makes an even more idiotic and inappropriate statement which the news channels will then latch onto for another day. Two days ago it was Jaya Prada's undies followed by that fake Sadhvi, who knows what else is in store until the results are out.
Important issues are completely sidelined, no hard hitting questions are ever asked, just scripted interviews and finger pointing and uneducated, juvenile statements from all sides.

The last time around people were led into believing the choice was between dog sh*t and a gold nugget and most people still believe that despite what has happened in the last 5 years because of highly efficient propaganda.
By the time they realize this perceived gold nugget is just another lump in the ocean of polished t*rds it'll be too late and you know what, they deserve it completely.
I mean Sunny Deol, Hans Raj Hans, Jawed Habib and Gautam Gambhir are contesting now ffs, Indian Politics can't get anymore ridiculous.

Assessment time

All Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorists involved in Pulwama attack killed: Sources

Two months after Pulwama the local JeM chapter has been shut down. Dealt a severe setback. This is the correct course of action for any group that wants to pull off such ops.

Of the 66 terrorists killed in J&K this year, 27 belonged to the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM).

Since operation all out started we averaged around 250+ perps a year. If we're past 60 by this month's end. It seems the numbers are the same by years end ? i think we should see a decrease.

What convinces me that this is the right path in Kashmir is how few surrender. They fight it out to the end proving they were determined.

Next, i want to talk about the opposition's statements post Balakote and point out the stupidity in them. This goes for all the useful idiots supported such statements as well. You know who you are, Grow a frickin' brain. We can't have this happen the next time. And i would encourage such nonsense be called out and robustly challenged.

When the govt claims we got 200-300 in Balakote. It is not for India to show evidence of. Rather it is for the other side.

In doing so India puts pressure on the other side to show to its people it did not suffer such a loss. Can they do it. No, they cannot. This means they lose support. Which means we win.

It does not matter one bit even if this is an outright lie. Perfectly acceptable in a war situation. It is still up to the other side to show it did not happen.

Instead what we saw was the opposition doing the Pak's work for them. This is why they got called anti-nationals and rightly so because this stupidity is blunting our efforts.

Jaitley said they were mocking us on their talk shows.
Have to credit the govt on a job well done. Especially Modi for pushing things. After Pulwama he said these people have made a big mistake. Boy was he right. Just see, what happened in less than three months.

Dismantled JeM in Kashmir. Hit them significantly in Pakistan and finally getting the 1267 UN designation. Diplomats have been spectacular here.

Nice hatrick. Now it is the terrorists that have been terrorised :D

There is no longer any JeM, now they call themselves Al Badr. They will be dealt with in a similar manner.

Paks with their back against the wall. China caving in a second time to Indian demands. lol.

yeah this is the assertive India i want to see more of.
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