Wish I had RE-262 now to compare to GR07. They are somewhat similar in that both are good in midrange and their treble is not up-to the mark for a treble-head. But, I think they differ very much in all the other aspects.
GR07 has a bit more extension in bass with decent impact, mids while not recessed sound a slight bit distant, treble again is not recessed, but is short on quantity. A slight tuning of Rockbox EQ would fix everything. Of course, at 50 ohm, it does not need an amp, but a bit more volume than I usually listen at.
Interestingly, I find it to be more aligned to my tastes. At the same time, I am not going to get all excited and say that "It just replaced TF10 and CK10, because it is 7, GR007" - that would be sheer non-sense. So far, it has not outright disappointed me (Unlike trying DBA-02 for Trance and RE-262 for treble happy music) - be it trance or death metal. It's mostly a Jack of all trades, scoring slightly above average with most things. While it may not do something outstandingly (like Hippo VB for Sub-bass), I don't think this is a bad thing at all. Seems to be a nice mid-way between dry analytical camp and warm, smooth musical camp.
Clarity is present all across the range. Separation is very good, sound stage is good as well. As for micro detail, I have not attempted to do any attentive listening thus far, so can't say for sure without proper A/B. Build quality is better than what I expected from a typical Chinese brand, but it is far from looking classy as e-Q5. Accessories are good - finally I bought a new IEM which has case, chin slider, ear guide and right angled plug

Would be interesting to compare it to e-Q5, RE-252 and SM3 in the coming days.