^^ He is just joking.
Regarding DACs, amps and cables there are lots of differences.
There are many Double Blind tests where people are easily able to distinguish between cheap amps and better amps as well as differences between cheap DACs and expensive DACs.
The differences in amps and dacs are all measurable. The differences between cables is however not so clear cut.
Till date no DBT of any significance has shown that people can make out differences between cables when sight is taken out of the picture.
In any case the above conclusion I have made is that for the TF10 at least there is very little performance increase (if any) from getting a better cable. This may change with a better source and with a better headphone.
Read ANY cable manufacturers page and you will never see ANY of them show an ounce of proof why his cable is better than the competition or what it is in his cable that makes it sound better.
If you see any amp or DAC manufacturers page you will see them always post measurements like THD, sNR, power output in mA, A etc.
I guarantee that you will not find any cable manufacturer throw any measurements to show you how his cable is better than any of the competition or how his cable will be able to improve the sound with facts. All they throw at the customer is a bunch of marketing lingo and unsubstantiated facts masquerading as the absolute truth !