Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Slumdog millionaire: 6.8/10 dunno whats the hype about?

Rab ne bana di: -100/10 worst movie in a while

Andromeda strain: 5/10 nice concept about the virus
Die Hard Quadralogy

raw action, FBI/home guard were clowns unlike McClaine in all four as per script lol and McClaine every time gets an intelligent partner.

Best Dialogue all four: Yippee-K-Ye MotherF****r
My Neighbor - The Yamadas (Studio Ghibli)


Old style animation with no action, just the happenings in the daily life of a family of 5 people. Gets a little boring after the half way mark but watchable.

If you decide to watch it, do it without much expectations.
Rab Ne Banadi Jodi : -100 x n / 10

First the Story Writer should be wrapped in barbed wires and tossed in boiling oil.

Then the director and the actors... and this movie was a hit? shame on audience.
I have started the countdown to the new season of LOST by rewatching all the episodes from season 1 onwards. I have finished till season 2 so far. Must say its been an awesome experience. A show like LOST cannot be made again. Its awesomeness. There is so much detail that I missed the first time. Season 5 is gonna be mindblowing :D
Ghajini - 3/10 . Asin was good. Amir average. Rest of story direction etc disappointing copy of memento.

Slumdog Millionaire - Awesome 9/10.