chiron said:That list provides a few more movies to check out anyway I guess.
rock_ya_baby said:Quick Gun Murugun 0/5
Left the hall in exact 20 minutes as soon as people in lungi started flying off coconut trees. They actually used coconuts instead of grenades.
Trivia for Cube (from IMDb) said:
- Shot on a single 14'x14' set, made to look like many different cubes through the use of different-colored panels.
- All of the characters are named after prisons: Quentin (San Quentin, California), Holloway (England), Kazan (Russia), Rennes (France), Alderson (Alderson, West Virginia), Leaven and Worth (Leavenworth, Kansas).
- Not only are the characters named after prisons but they reflect the prisons themselves. Example: Kazan (the mentally challenged character), in Russia is a disorganized prison. Rennes (the "mentor") was a jail that pioneered many of today's prison policies. Quentin (the detective) is known for its brutality. Holloway is a women's prison, and Alderson is a prison where isolation is a common punishment. Leavenworth runs to a rigid set of rules (Leaven's mathematics), and the new prison is corporately owned and built (Worth, hired as an architect).
raksrules said:Its really fun and i feel having a complete end-to-end movie experience.