Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Inception - 9.5/10

Loss at words to write a review, can't do it without spilling out any beans and all good that's said to be has been said already in many reviews. Just simply superb. After a long time a mainstream cinema that really racks your brain. I'm not sure how many people noticed it, but the movie seriously performs an "inception" on viewers mind about the "actual" storyline in just two simple scenes and one dialog, rest of it just facade or support for those few seconds. Mindblowing. Amazing. AWESOME. Freakin' Good. Brilliant. These are serious understatements to describe "Inception".

I took out .5 rating, because though the hidden complexity of the movie it's quite simplified for regular viewer. Not that it's a bad thing, but it still no Nolan's Memento. Talking about Memento, that was a truly ultimate brainf**kin masterpiece of Nolan, probably his best work till date... unless of-course he comes up with something that surpasses it in future.

aditya_reds said:

The Ghost Writer 8.5/10

Wonderful movie... better then i had thought it would be... i always love mysterious story's... a nice watch..

Ah..I see. was thinking of downloading it last night but wanted to watch Austin Powersonline :P so I didn't download. will do it 2day.
aditya_reds said:
Let us know abt the review.. when u see it..
will do...........

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viralbug said:
Toy Story 3 - 10/10 ! :D

The perfect end to the best trilogy ever! :)
I became totally poppat on Fri evening.I was under the impression that Toy Story hadn't release yet in Indian theaters. Cant believe I missed the posters too.
Now waiting for the blue ray or atleast dvd to be out.
^^ me 2.. might even go to the theaters this upcoming weekend.. if its stays in theaters that is.. def worth a watch.. have heard only good reviews abt it... the best pixar movie yet...
FaH33m said:
^ Where did you see it ? 3D ?

3D in Fame. They had it only for the weekend I think coz I'm pretty sure they didn't have a show when I checked last week. I actually wanted to go to IMAX Wadala to watch this. But because of my laziness, I didn't go earlier and now they don't have any more shows since Friday. :( Luckily Fame had shows for the weekend.

raptor3624 said:
will do...........

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I became totally poppat on Fri evening.I was under the impression that Toy Story hadn't release yet in Indian theaters. Cant believe I missed the posters too.

Now waiting for the blue ray or atleast dvd to be out.

Dude check all theaters in your city. PVR still has Toy Story 3 in quite a few theaters.
LOTR : The fellowship of the ring. 6.5/10 . The movie is alright but tends to bore in some corner. Courtesy the plot of the LOTR series.

Next in line : Black Hawk Down and Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
Dark Star said:
LOTR : The fellowship of the ring. 6.5/10 . The movie is alright but tends to bore in some corner. Courtesy the plot of the LOTR series.

Next in line : Black Hawk Down and Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
bore???? really???
Udaan 9/10

One of the best this year. A MUST Watch.



Super movie. A MUST Watch too.

Spolier Alert: Ellen Page created 5th level for DiCaprio to enjoy with his kids.
I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
A story about a female computer hacker who teams up with a disgraced investigative journalist to solve a 40 yr old murder. Super movie. I was gripped from the beginning...definitely worth watching.

Also saw Arn- Templeriddaren.
A make believe tale of a Templar knight from West Gothia. Good movie, a nice epic without too much overacting/shouting. The story is told in a matter of fact way, and that's really refreshing.
raptor3624 said:
bore???? really???
Yep the first part is sort of boring at times. :P

Black Hawk Down blew my mind :D So tragic, chaotic and yet so subtle. Total ruckus and monstrosity ... Must watch .. Ohh the 1080p/Blue Ray bliss added to the glamor :D --- 9/10