Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Shaitan (2011) - IMDb - 9/10

What a brilliant thriller. The ensemble cast gave a terrific performance. So many twists and turns as the plot unfolds. Although I felt that the ending was a bit rushed. But brilliant movie nonetheless. Hats off to the director - Bejoy Nambiar. If this was his debut direction, this guy will go places!

28 Days Later... (2002) - IMDb - 9/10

Another good zombie horror flick. Danny Boyle - enough said! Will watch its sequel - 28 Weeks Later this weekend. :P
The Raid : Redemption - 5/10
You guys overhyped it too much. It's a low budget movie, there are tons of action flicks way better than this.
21 Jump Street - 9/10 man, havent laughed this hard since months!
One of my friends was watching this on airplane and he had to control his maddening laughter.
Project X - 7.5/10

The movie is too exaggerated, but that's what's so fun about it!!! :D The dude goes from an unknown guy is school to the most popular one with the most awesome party ever thrown!! :lol:
This movie is to be watched with a bunch of high male friends, like how I watched it. :P

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