Real GHOST STORIES and your views about paranormal!

Is it common?? I have seen this phenomenon happening when I used to live in Khopoli(near khandala). There was a building under construction near our appartment with only two flats on ground floor completed. Two families lived (I believe they still do) on ground floor. They complained that they could hear someone throwing stones in the above floors. My father and others from our appartment went to check whats happening. To their surprise they saw those pebbles striking the ceiling of the floor and coming down again but none would hurt anyone. I was literally scared when my father told me this and trust me, my father doesnt believe in paranormal things. I was curious to see how that was happening, so me and my father went in that building and I was shocked to see this thing happening in real. I had sleepless nights for a week or so after seeing this.

Also had heard of some similar incident which rahul had stated.

Other than that I have never seen or experienced any paranormal activity except the movie

I am still afraid of dark areas.

Well, I had to believe in Paranormal activity. I had posted it about 1.5 year back on TE as well.

We used to live in our old house. We used to listen and see stones (not very big, small stones) falling from sky. We (my family) thought it is happening everywhere in our Area. We asked our neighbors but they said, they are not experiencing any such thing. Well, our second conclusion was, somebody is throwing stones on our house. We kept watch, we hired security for that. We also kept watch for nights but there was nothing. But we could feel the stones falling from sky.
Is it common?? I have seen this phenomenon happening when I used to live in Khopoli(near khandala). There was a building under construction near our appartment with only two flats on ground floor completed. Two families lived (I believe they still do) on ground floor. They complained that they could hear someone throwing stones in the above floors. My father and others from our appartment went to check whats happening. To their surprise they saw those pebbles striking the ceiling of the floor and coming down again but none would hurt anyone. I was literally scared when my father told me this and trust me, my father doesnt believe in paranormal things. I was curious to see how that was happening, so me and my father went in that building and I was shocked to see this thing happening in real. I had sleepless nights for a week or so after seeing this.

Also had heard of some similar incident which rahul had stated.

Other than that I have never seen or experienced any paranormal activity except the movie

I am still afraid of dark areas.

Wow! This pebble thing is really scaring me now!!

Does it happen even today!

I am afraid of dark areas only when I'm alone!!
guys, y u no make videos of such things

That's what I think today but I never knew there will be something called YouTube when I was in school
(Joking). I had no good camera or cellphone with camera those days. My father had Nokia 6600 but due to very low resolution video recording it couldn't capture anything at all.
I was in 6th or 7th std, and at that time I guess there were no affordable phones with cam neither did I have any video camera
. Next time I see such things be sure of a video coming for you
guys, y u no make videos of such things

No this phenomenon stopped a few years back, I think almost 6 years back when I left Khopoli.

Wow! This pebble thing is really scaring me now!!

Does it happen even today!

I am afraid of dark areas only when I'm alone!!
Next time you might say, those things cannot be captured in normal camera, they lie in some special frequency spectrum shit & you'd need a special camera which would cost 2 crores
67 posts and not even 1 scary post... I want my last 5 minutes back!


Or even better place,


Even entry before sunrise and after sunset is prohibited by ASI


Quote from the link given by you -

A group of investigators also visited the town from night to early morning, disappointed to know that no paranormal activity was accused of. They also stated: "We tried to communicate to any existing spirits and asked them to manifest for us or do anything which can make us believe that they existed. Nothing happened."

67 posts and not even 1 scary post... I want my last 5 minutes back!


Some people just wanted to argue about why such thread and all so I think many are not posting their expeqiences imo. Just wait for few days when members will begin to open up! Till then just read the stories from website I mentioned.

A group of investigators also visited the town from night to early morning, disappointed to know that no paranormal activitywas accused of. They also stated:"We tried to communicate to any existing spirits and asked them to manifest for us or do anythingwhich can make us believe that they existed. Nothing happened

was too lazy to read that! Just posted a quick google search.

But there are some people who faced paranormal activity, like someone touching them etc. And some people even claim to have been possessed(BS?).

Just google it for more info.
yepppppppppp, arrange a official TE meet @Bhangarh, let everyone takes their digicam, slr, camcorder along with them so that atleast someone can capture ghost.Recently i had done the roadtrip of rajasthan, if i would had known such place exist, for sure i would have jumped there for a night or two

and yeah that pebble story also exists here in bhilai, last year there were lot of news in newspaper and local news channel about pebbles being thrown on house of railway colony, even for 1 week police duty has been made but no one was able to find the source.

Eventually after 1 month, the pebble stopped automatically, and now people are living there in peace
Thanks bro , yeah I did not read all the posts , so sorry if I missed yours . And thanks for reminding me the name .

Remember this , facts are already present , Science does not make it own new facts , Science just attempts to give an valid explanation for the facts , and fact is a truth already proven to exist . According to you , Ghosts made the Big Bang and made the earth right ? .

Why is Saudi a desert ? , and if Saudi is a desert , why is the whole earth not desert ? . Why do you have a unique DNA , why doesnt everyone have the same DNA ? . Can you tell me how was the first man born on earth , Ghost 's hand in that too ?.

A LOT of factors contribute to things being different in life ! .

I simply dont get your comment , where did those EM fields generate from , EM fields are scientific phenomenon and are generated due to various reasons , study EM field theories and then you ll know how they are generated . Ghost hunters show's job was just to prove that there is a no existence of ghosts , it was not their job to prove how the EM field appeared there , etc . That way the show would have not been ghosts hunters but EM science explained . And about the noises heard yes there already exists many theories . Hope you know the nervers communicate through electrical signals ? . Brain has a lot of nerves , and so all senses are senses due to nerves being present , you feel touch because of nerves , you feel everything because of nerves and brain controls and has a lot of nerves !! .

Now high external electromagnetic radiation interferes with you'r body's signaling systems and affects the nervous system . It unbalances the chemicals ( Enzymes , hormones , etc ) and confuses the mind as to how to interpret things ! . A sane mind does not get confused ! . Please dont equate your regular daily life confusion with brain's confusion . And for noises to hear , its not necessary that you are hearing an externally generated noise , certain imbalance can cause you brain to interpret there is a certain kind of noise when there is no noise at all outside . Also sound or noise whatever you call is sometimes a by product of electrical discharge including with the obvious headache , the heat .Lightning does cause sounds doesnt it ? .

Nothing comes out of thin air ! . If something cant be explained today , its not necessary it can be explained tomrrow ! . People used to relate the bermuda triangle with ghosts .

Centuries later scientists proved it was a ghost called gravity . So something they did not know and was terrifying = ghosts association ? .

Some places have higher affinity for EM radiation than others , a lot of factos contribute to it . The techtonic plates orientation and thickness isnt the same everywhere , atmospheric conditions arent the same everywhere , all sort of things may combine to give a rare phenomenon , doesnt mean its a ghost ? .

Let me tell you , people still havent given a concrete explanation of lightning , some say its the voltage difference , some say its the friction in the clouds , etc ! . Lightning does come out of thin air , so is it a ghost ? .

Am no scientist so if I messed up something somewhere , please feel free to point out . And hope we are discussing here in healthy spirits
and not as an argument !

I was a believer in ghosts and all sort of things in life , trust me . But that was till I started using my own brains . I heard a dialogue somewhere , sorry am very bad at remembering names , it said " Agar ek jhuth ko sau baar bolo , toh woh sach lagne lagta hain " " If you keep hearing lies about something 100s of times , you start believing in it . You are like I was a victim of fearful people ! . These people just give a name to their fear - ghosts , bhoot !! . Otherwise how can one explain getting scared in the pants and still not feel humiliated , ghosts that is .

I know my post is already huge but again let me tell you a small story , dont know if its true but I guess people wont mind hearing it , it might be as baseless as ghosts , lol no offense . There was a civilized town near a forest . The town grew over time and people started encroaching on the forest's territory . Unknown to the town's people , there was a certain a small tribe living deep in the forest.

But these people now feared for the loss of their environment and way of life , they did not know how to live in cities and these bloody people are taking away their territory . So how do they protect themselves? . These people started scaring the town's people or citizens whatever you might call them . They used to paint themselves blue and black and anything that looked scary . And would just jump out of nowhere whenever some citizen or a group used to pass from a route close to the forest . Sometimes the tribals even chopped the people to pieces making the belief stronger that not only ghost resided in the forests but they even hunted human beings . Then years later when a forest officer was finally allotted to the forest , he heard the stories and then found out suo moto that these are no ghosts but a bunch of tribals troubling people !! .

Same way the british barbarians used to paint themselves in a blue color , when the romans saw them , they used to think of them as ghosts , and britain an island of aliens . They even used to say that these people were not even human beings but some hybrid animals developed due to relation between a witch and someone , again i forgot who . This I read after reading a couple of lines in rome total war , hehe , games can also be a source of knowledge isnt it .

Have you seen t he documentary "Newton's Dark Secrets " ? . See it , the man though a great scientist believed in black magic or to be precise , ALCHEMY . He did a huge amount of research and did a lot of experiments but could not make the ultimate thing that would change people's life " The Sorcerer's stone " ! . Yeah the same as you see in harry potter's movie .

But in the end he gave up and realized he could not make the stone ! .

Have you heard statements like " Mano toh hain , na mano toh nahi hain " , isnt that absolutely true . You force your brains to believe( yea you do program your brains ) that hey there is something called

ghosts , so then anyday something different happens , something that your brain cant explain , and possibly which is scary , your brain will immediately tell you that its a ghost .

Thats why " Be the master of your brain , dont let the brain master you "

Let sense prevail above all , human beings are special because we got unparalleled reasoning power , much more than animals , hence we are human . So let us keep that distinguishing factor alive .

Again I would like to inform you , these are just my feelings , ofcourse you can reply or react to them in whatever way you want , but I would just like to again reiterate . No offense meant to anyone or any show or any individual or any ghost . Apologize to anyone if something was offensive .

You can continue to believe what you might wanna believe .

Thank you

One of the biggest post ever written in TE....