Here's my review of the Jio network. Do note, I am kinda incensed by the speeds and coverage in this beta so take with a grain of salt.
@vaibhavyagnik was kind enough to share an invite after a lot of pms

Thanks to him for the invite.
The very first step was marred with issues, maybe due to yahoo id or something else. I have talked to others who got their invites and ~24-48hrs seem to be a standard. I got mine after 2.5 days, for god knows for what reason.
Walked into the nearby Reliance Digital with invite. After confirming the invite, store manager and me sat down to fill out the forms. The store manager said they have been trained for filling out the CAF and still tore up 3-4 CAF because he couldn't get the info right. There was confusion on if postpaid landline bill could be considered as PoA and what exactly will be the document number etc. He told me Jio will dock him money for every incorrectly filled CAF. Additionally, he wasn't aware of the Jio Money form, so I filled it out myself. This took 1.5hrs to complete. The store manager was candid enough to accept that this was not a timeline which a non-invite guy would want. Once in a while he suspected I was some kind of Reliance Jio inspector as I laid out information gleaned from forums
Once the form was filled out, it needed to be uploaded on the server. And it wouldn't happen no matter how many times it was tried. The store manager tried on store wifi, jio and I even shared my Airtel 3G. It just wouldn't work. Call to "senior Jio employee" was met with "server issue" as a reason. It was approaching 2hrs and SM (store manager) was kinda frustrated dealing with one customer, so he gave up and asked me to bill the phone. Docs can be uploaded later, he said. So I bought Lyf Flame 1, even though I wanted Flame 2 but the stocks had not arrived.
Coming to the phone. Its what you expect of a China build cheap phone. The battery compartment is too tight, it wouldn't come out so that I could add the sim. Touch response is terrible. But then 4G VoLTE at this price is difficult, unless someone can point me to a phone in this price category with 4G. So anyone rushing to Jio but wants a sub-5k (I think price will drop) will have to go with this. Otherwise use Jio Join.
After continuous pestering the SM was finally able to upload the docs after 24hrs. Order with Jio was placed. It took another 24hrs and more pestering for the SM to approve my CAF and forward to tele-verification. Once the verification was done, sim got activated in couple of minutes (total 48hrs).
The first thing I noticed after adding the sim to the Lyf phone was the signal was next to non-existent. Tried a speedtest and it kept connecting to Latur with below 1Mbps speed. Tried rebooting and adding sim to sim slot2 to no avail. So contacted Jio support whose first response was reboot the phone, take out and add back the sim to sim slot 1. Even after telling them that I have tried every reboot and sim slots, it fell on deaf ears. So tried doing that but nothing happened and I still got 1Mbps speed. They suggested getting Reliance NetVelocity app and the speeds were equally bad there. Later they opened a ticket for me to resolve the issue.
I took the phone outside on the balcony and got ~15-20Mbps fluctuating speeds, which again was not that great. So I went back to Jio support and had coverage in my area checked (which should have been the first step before getting the invite). Out of the EXCELLENT, GOOD and SATISFACTORY coverage, mine was "GOOD", they said. Nearest tower turned out to be ~1km away.
I did travel to couple of places, one of them being Phoneix MarketCity and found 40-50Mbps there (outdoors), indoors was just as bad. But when I travelled to office in Bellandur today, speeds were equally bad. Additionally when Jio tried to call me to resolve the earlier raised ticket, the call had no voice. They tried couple of times and each time had this issue. On a whim, I tried calling the Jio number from my office phone and got a "network congested" error. So its in beta and already congested.
So calls working only at home
Last point on the video apps. Jio Play has HD channels which played very well even on the shit 2Mbps speed. In comparison, I couldn't get Jio OnDemand to play any video even when I was getting 40Mbps in speed.
Here are some speedtests at my house compared with Airtel 3G, which for some reason shows up as Vodafone. While some might say okay Airtel has been in the game too long and has too many towers compared to Jio, the point here is to show Jio is not all awesome and sunny.
Btw, I figured how to change the server settings in speedtest so that I could run this against a Bangalore server instead of Latur:
Airtel 3G:
In the balcony:
Airtel 3G: