Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

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- Post with what you need.
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Post screenshot with Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

Got some invites to giveaway.

Post here.

Upto me to decide whether to give or not. Don't need no proofs.


IPT, BitGamer, digitalhive


OK.. this is getting a little too hard for you people to understand.

let me reiterate the rules here..

Post with what you need.


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Re: Giveaways

Nobody shows ScreenShots here. No ratio proof, no invites. Period.

Pls post SSs along requests.
Re: Giveaways


here is my ss from demonoid .. i need invite for hd videos and games .. send me one if you have spare invites..
Re: Giveaways

John, What net connection do U ve ??? Speeds ?? Capped/uncapped ?

Cause, looking @ Ur Demonoid SS, I dunno if U'll be able to maintain a decent ratio, if I invite U to or SceneHD. Abt Games, Bitgamers has loads of FLs so if U promise to stick to FLs till U ve a decent buffer n keep maintaining it and avoid using any cheaters .. then PM me Ur gmail ID n I'll invite U to bitgamers.

Others, PLS stop PMing me :@

Last warning .. now onwards, who ever PMs me without me asking U to do so will straightaway go to my ignore list !!!

If U want invite, prove Ur worth with SSs.

I ve IPT, LL, DH, TT, TD, BWT,, bitsHDTV, SceneHD, BitGamer,, etc.

Have TL n RevTT as well but thats reserved for the Other Thread.

If U are absolutely new to the scene then learn abt it and post here what U'll do if U get an account to newbie trackers like IPT n LL.

Also, this is no trade ... its generous giveaways .. so don't temp/greed me abt an exchange :P

It some feels generous towards me and wants to give me something as well .. then I'd love an SCT, sceneaccess, Bitme, BitmeTV, BCG, Waffles, What, n other high level trackers.

I ve a seedbox and buffered up Account @ most other places.

Will Post SS when asked ;)
Re: Giveaways

what other thread? can you please point me to it? i would like a TL or bitgamer invite. :D

my screenie from


EDIT: have received a bitgamer invite from stalker. has33 please give me a TL invite. i had one earlier, but lost due to inactivity. :ashamed:
Re: Giveaways

has33, looking for something which has lot of HD stuff, already have

So something else. something which has a decent amount of FL

my D/l rig has a BSNL 2mbps night UL plan

let me know if the below SS works for you

Re: Giveaways

@ all those who are members of bwtorrents can register at ipt from the banner at the top of bwt
Re: Giveaways

Viralbug, good 2 know that stalker already invited U the bitgamer ... cause I just ve 13 BitGamers invites left :(

Abt TL, honestly, I cannot tell U abt the other thread cause its not on this site .. not even through PM as I feel, some authorities ve something against me here :/

May be OP or some1 else can guide U there as he n quite a few others, including me ve managed a TL invite 4m there.
Saintsinner, Lemme know if U interested in Bit-HDTV invite. Its got loads of FL n is better than but not as good as But again, its difficult to seed @ n not so diff @ bits-HDTV.

Lemme know.

Others, post SS and if U can't, atleast tell us stuff like U'll use FL till U ve a decent buffer n keep seeding till Ur ratio is good .. etc, n get invites here.

I hate it when I ve so many invites n I can't find any worthy sole I can give em 2 :P
Re: Giveaways

Now this is my part of SS





been hunting for hdbits for quite a while.and bitGamer ,definitely need this one if possible.
Re: Giveaways

Nice, Animax :D

Which tracker exactly, do U want to be invited to ???

If U looking for regular stuff then I'd advise IPT through BWT n if U don't ve BWT then I can get U that, LL, DH, etc.

For HD I'd say, if its are a 1st time for HD.

For Games, BitGamer, ofcourse.

Lemme know and PM Ur mail ID.

Edit: Just read the last line of Ur post .. missed it cause of SS :P

Which HD were U talking abt cause is closed and is nice with loads of FL for 1st timers on HD :)

N bitgamer is Urs, PM me Ur Gmail ID :D
Re: Giveaways

Hey, Anish :D

How's it going man .. got to meet up with ya soon :D

Got 2 take the goodies :D

Neways lemme know which 1 U need n Pls post some SS :P

I ve, sceneHD but I suggest bits-HDTV ;)

Lemme know :D

Animax, sending U bitgamer n invites .. Check Ur mail, in a bit ;)

Animax :S U didn't mention Ur Gmail ID in Ur PM :@

Send it to me quickly .. my friends are over with their PCs n we are gonna kick some Zombie @rse on COD 4 Co-Op :P
Re: Giveaways

Animax, BitGamer invite sent. is saying :

Sorry, user limit reached. Please try again later.

Will try again n let U know.
Re: Giveaways

any one is fine has :)

what SS u need ? :S , i am a big fat leechzor u know ;) j/k

and yeah man, the goodies are so tempting, feel like opening em right away.. take em away man!!
Re: Giveaways

never used to download HD movies and latest games on my old rig.
since ive got quiet a good PC now ..planning for some HD action and gaming.
anyone got invites for a decent HD movies and PC games private torrent tracker ...please donate.

i am sorta new @ this dont have any existing accounts other than
desitorrents and bwtorrents which was used by me long time back.:ashamed:

if anyone wants i can show proofs of desitorrents and bwtorrents.

by the way i ve got a sify 256 kbps totally unlimited connection.;) if that helps.

i promise that i will maintain good ratios and if i am not able to do so..i would rather not use the account :P.
Re: Giveaways

for hd, and do just fine for me. they have quite a few FL as well.

what i dont understand is what you guys do with so many trackers? i have like accounts at 6-7 trackers and im still wondering what to do with them. :P i even lost TL and bwt due to inactivity. :P

@has33 - no probs. ill look for it some other time. dont think i need it now anyways.
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