Re: Giveaways
John, What net connection do U ve ??? Speeds ?? Capped/uncapped ?
Cause, looking @ Ur Demonoid SS, I dunno if U'll be able to maintain a decent ratio, if I invite U to or SceneHD. Abt Games, Bitgamers has loads of FLs so if U promise to stick to FLs till U ve a decent buffer n keep maintaining it and avoid using any cheaters .. then PM me Ur gmail ID n I'll invite U to bitgamers.
Others, PLS stop PMing me
Last warning .. now onwards, who ever PMs me without me asking U to do so will straightaway go to my ignore list !!!
If U want invite, prove Ur worth with SSs.
I ve IPT, LL, DH, TT, TD, BWT,, bitsHDTV, SceneHD, BitGamer,, etc.
Have TL n RevTT as well but thats reserved for the Other Thread.
If U are absolutely new to the scene then learn abt it and post here what U'll do if U get an account to newbie trackers like IPT n LL.
Also, this is no trade ... its generous giveaways .. so don't temp/greed me abt an exchange
It some feels generous towards me and wants to give me something as well .. then I'd love an SCT, sceneaccess, Bitme, BitmeTV, BCG, Waffles, What, n other high level trackers.
I ve a seedbox and buffered up Account @ most other places.
Will Post SS when asked