RIP Aarushi Talwar!!!

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Aarushi, Nupur Rajesh Talwar are our family.
Rajesh is absolutely innocent. Police should concentrate on finding the real killer.And not malign Aarushi or her close family.
You can help Rajesh by believing in him, by talking to your friends, and voicing your opinion on websites and to the media.
God bless Aarushi. Please forwad it to all your friends!
Please help us, this is call of help. This is a moment of grief for all our relatives and friends. We need your support!

Akshay Talwar and family.
Sorry, I dont follow news that much so don't know what this is about so im asking, but what happened?
Damn! I read Aarushi Talwar and thought about TB instantly cause of the surname and the proximity to Delhi.

Very sorry, hope the real killers are found, RIP!
oh damn. Really sad whats happened to the family, the police and media didn't help either, hopefully the real killer is found soon and punished sooner.

RIP Aarushi :(
It's a sad news indeed.

My condolence to the family and I hope justice comes out in the end.

RIP Aarushi.
For the first time in my life i have a feeling how are cops made...or is it how can we prove the person being a cop have many loops in story......

RIP aarushi...condolences to the family plus hope truth come out asap!!!
its really weird how the law works here..

no professionalism in collecting the evidence too..

seems like stories are made by what is seen on first sight, rather than analysing the whole event.

hope justice prevails.
Yeah that's sad news indeed.

RIP Aarushi.

Unfortuneately though, i cannot imagine myself voicing my opinion like "Rajesh is innocent, trust him" Because i have no clue about the ground realities.

All i can hope is that the real culprit(s), whoever he/she may be, gets punished. And that applies to all the crime cases nationwide.
Kumar said:
Sorry, I dont follow news that much so don't know what this is about so im asking, but what happened?

Even if you did, what the OP has posted and what the media is saying are at opposite poles.

What to say, i'm bit surprised to read what's been said here, cos well i bought what the media said :ashamed:

I'll leave it to time to discover the truth.
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