RIP Aarushi Talwar!!!

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Mods, even though I feel what you're saying is right, the way you said it is wrong.

Akshay, everyone here feels for your family. But we are really in no position to have any opinion on who is guilty or innocent.
This is a thread to offer support, solidarity and comfort people. If you dont have anything helpful to post, then dont :-[
@Funky: I wish you put out that in a different even I literally hated that. Still I have respects for you bro but you should have posted that way. Its a touchy matter and if you knew that it would be rude, you should have reframed those sentences

@ others: For God's sakes mates dont be tempted to use this as a speculation deck. Akshay is posting for one reason- Justice. They have lost faith in police so they humbly requested via media for a CBI investigation.

Regarding support and all that's upto mods and admins. The best we all should do as human beings is to give your condolences and hope that she will get justice and no matter who the killer is- he or she will pay severly which I am the judicial system is very capable of that.
greenhorn said:
This is a thread to offer support, solidarity and comfort people. If you dont have anything helpful to post, then dont :-[

Well even we thought the same. But my response was to this post.

rite said:
this thread is meant more for justice than anything else. the dead can do nothing. the still alive have to.

Now tell me what do you make of that? This 1 statement turned this thread's purpose over its head.
I'd just like to pitch in with my last 2cents in this thread

The reason why this thread should not encourage speculation/blaming of who is guilty or not, is that someone has been directly affected by this event. Now, OP has requested support, as the facts of the case are still not clear 45% would side with OP, another 45% may believe the Police/Media version and 10% would be neutral.

Now the danger lies in the fact that the opposing 45% camps will have an inevitable flamewar, in which some harsh comments will undoubtedly be thrown about. So if OP , who has just lost someone close reads those comments which would likely be against his belief of events that transpired, will become even more depressed/antagonistic to the world as his feeling that the whole world is against him will be reinforced.

Another dangerous situation is if OP gets a lot of support and is lulled into a secure feeling that all is going to be all right because a lot of people are with him, and in the end the court decision is the opposite, I cannot begin to imagine the emotional crash and aftermath.

So, to conclude the best thing we can do right now is to offer our heartfelt condolences to the deceased and assure the OP that we are there for him, regardless of the outcome, and hope that Justice prevails.

[if mods think this is pointless rambling, post can be deleted]
Heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased. :(

Nothing more can be said or should be said in this matter. :)

Though Funky surely could have used better language to put forth the point that no one should take sides in this matter and just express their condolences. :cool2:

Only family/closest friends take sides due to the bond they share- and these days even that is a rare happening. :(

I don't check news channels or newspapers these days coz they usually just have useless stuff to report and murders/rapes everywhere.
My parents have been following this on the news channel and have heard a bit about it from them.
I have no say as i dont even know one side of the story that the press/police said and such matters are best left undiscussed. :)
soggy316 said:
I'd just like to pitch in with my last 2cents in this thread

The reason why this thread should not encourage speculation/blaming of who is guilty or not, is that someone has been directly affected by this event. Now, OP has requested support, as the facts of the case are still not clear 45% would side with OP, another 45% may believe the Police/Media version and 10% would be neutral.

Now the danger lies in the fact that the opposing 45% camps will have an inevitable flamewar, in which some harsh comments will undoubtedly be thrown about. So if OP , who has just lost someone close reads those comments which would likely be against his belief of events that transpired, will become even more depressed/antagonistic to the world as his feeling that the whole world is against him will be reinforced.

Another dangerous situation is if OP gets a lot of support and is lulled into a secure feeling that all is going to be all right because a lot of people are with him, and in the end the court decision is the opposite, I cannot begin to imagine the emotional crash and aftermath.

So, to conclude the best thing we can do right now is to offer our heartfelt condolences to the deceased and assure the OP that we are there for him, regardless of the outcome, and hope that Justice prevails.

[if mods think this is pointless rambling, post can be deleted]

Nope, we just hope that others here understand this.
soggy316 said:
The reason why this thread should not encourage speculation/blaming of who is guilty or not, is that someone has been directly affected by this event. Now, OP has requested support, as the facts of the case are still not clear 45% would side with OP, another 45% may believe the Police/Media version and 10% would be neutral.

Now the danger lies in the fact that the opposing 45% camps will have an inevitable flamewar, in which some harsh comments will undoubtedly be thrown about. So if OP , who has just lost someone close reads those comments which would likely be against his belief of events that transpired, will become even more depressed/antagonistic to the world as his feeling that the whole world is against him will be reinforced.

Another dangerous situation is if OP gets a lot of support and is lulled into a secure feeling that all is going to be all right because a lot of people are with him, and in the end the court decision is the opposite, I cannot begin to imagine the emotional crash and aftermath.

So, to conclude the best thing we can do right now is to offer our heartfelt condolences to the deceased and assure the OP that we are there for him, regardless of the outcome, and hope that Justice prevails.

No better way to say that Soggy!!! :)
Considering the media attention to the whole story, I guess the mods are a little uncomfortable and understandably so. Besides its a case which is in progress.

Last thing TE needs is unnecessary publicity. I would suggest the thread to be limited to a post linked to TBs blog. That will help, flame wars won't. Whatever support we need to show can be done via the blog, using TE as a medium is the whole problem.

I'm sure the mods can facilitate that
Time's up folks !!

CBI closed the case and threw this curveball to protect their public perception. Did it really require two years for the CBI to come to this conclusion ?

If the crime scene was tampered with even Sherlock Holmes would be unable to come to a conclusion.

CBI names father in Aarushi case

And there you have it, CBI saying what everybody already thought but will NEVER be able to prove.

Of course this was yet another honour killing where the poor girl had to die because she made out with the cook !!

The father was clued up enough to make sure the crime scene was suitably tampered with and that there would never be any corroborating evidence to incriminate him in the investigation that ensued. Best part is his wife even supports him. She has to.....right, already lost her daughter, now she will also lose her husband if she talks.

In some parts of this country family name STILL matters more than even the life of one's children, in this case their only child :(

I suppose this qualifies as our contemporary 'O.J. Simpson' case cept the perp got away with TWO murders !!

PS: if you found the tone of my post to be strident its with good cause, this is a closed case, the cops say nothing happened and two ppl are dead, WTF would you think (!)
Well, online blind and illierate people needed to be reminded of Mayavati's doings and CBI's corruption in India.

They have proof that Dr. Talwar has done nothing. Yet they are trying to save the UP Police else he would be on the roads and may take Mayavati down with him.

They have proof that Krishna murdered, but they aren't willing to show it to the public.

Enuf Said!
rite said:
Well, online blind and illierate people needed to be reminded of Mayavati's doings and CBI's corruption in India.
What is this supposed to be ? a deflection.

The fact that nobody has been caught in what should not be that difficult a case is downright attrocious. The fact that the CBI got dragged into this makes it a national issue.

Yeah, I AM blind & illiterate, so is everybody else, but I'm also a neutral third party with ZERO interest in which direction this case went.

rite said:
They have proof that Dr. Talwar has done nothing.
Wrong, they DO NOT have proof that Dr. Talwar has done something.

Its impossible to show he has done nothing isn't it !

rite said:
Yet they are trying to save the UP Police else he would be on the roads and may take Mayavati down with him.
Trying to save UP police ??!?

UP police are the ones that botched this investigation in the first place through pisspoor forensic practices.

rite said:
They have proof that Krishna murdered, but they aren't willing to show it to the public.
Why ?

And WTF does mayawati or CBI's corruption have to do with this case anyway ?

CBI was brought in to save UP police in the first place, but ofc CBI would never be able to prove anything, it was just pure PR.

Sorry, dude, but my bullshit meter has just gone to max!
sigh why is this thread bumped up , its a murky case , serves no purpose debating or talking about it , let it just be
Hmmm.... I gather this:

A young girl is brutally murdered in the dead of the night at her living home.

The parents of the girl stay in the same home & were present at the time the murder took place.

The parents claim they know nothing and are innocent.

Evidence it severely tampered with...

Accused include Servants and the Father of the deceased.

I don't believe that the servants are influential enough to get the evidence tampered with. The other accused i.e. the father of the deceased can be assumed to be influential enough to tamper with the evidence.

We have a relative of the deceased claiming innocence of the accused.

Also, the said relative is claiming that one Mr.Krishna (one of the suspects) has actually committed the crime.

I would really like to know the evidence on which the relative has based his judgment that Mr.Krishna is the real culprit.

That apart, I do hope the poor victim rests in Peace... But at the same time, I am sure she won't be able to unless her culprits are punished... :(
She was 15 years old girl. Which kind of parents would kill her that early for having an affair with a wrong man?
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