RIP Aarushi Talwar!!!

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Sorry funky, but I found your post in bad taste and hence reported as a bad post.....

Though for all I know, the report may go to you
rite said:
3)She was sleeping in a locked room, not with the servant!

But they left her alone in the house with Servant, innit?
lol superczar :D, report at ur own peril :ashamed: :tongue:
superczar said:
Sorry funky, but I found your post in bad taste and hence reported as a bad post.....

Though for all I know, the report may go to you

all reports goes to everyone in staff and not to 1 person...

So you guys are saying that we or anyone has right to judge if this person is innocent based on what anyone else say?

The poor girl is dead, police have suspects in custody which includes her father and ex servant. Let them do the job.
1)They locked the room so that the servant or anybody else couldn't come near her at night, although it wasn't required.

2)The Police is not doing their job. That is the problem. Who they call a suspect is as much of a suspect as you are. Now if they take you in custody, what help would it do? Besides at the moment the investigations to find the real killer have been stopped. We will hopefully soon forward it to the CBI after lawyer gives consent.

3)No servant or worker is is custody.
Funky said:
But this is not place to claim innocence of a person charged by police.

So a moment a person is charged by the police , they become guilty?

Wow, and I thought that in India, people were presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
greenhorn said:
So a moment a person is charged by the police , they become guilty?

Wow, and I thought that in India, people were presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

you people are experts of distorting statements arent ya? Read what I posted. Read both the posts. I said, its not our place to judge. Its the judicial system thats responsible and most importantly eligible to determine who is guilty and who is not.
Wow, and I thought that in India, people were presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

People are innocent until some media bc realises that he can whore off his mother for extra TRP's, what does some dudes murder mean?

After this incident my hatred for the media just multiplied 10fold. And it was pretty damn high to begin with.
^^ Yes but we all judge openly how our cricketers play, how our country is run, how screwed up our neighbour are etc

Bottomline being we all are giving opinions, although in this case it is magnified as one of the member's relatives involved (techboi my deepest condolences, I do not know and hopefully should never know how it feels at losing a younger brother/sister)....
^^ Yes but we all judge openly how our cricketers play, how our country is run, how screwed up our neighbour are etc

But that is restricted to a small group na. Here the media is spreading what could be false news among public. Without verifying or anything. Did anyone see the Aarushi birthday special on Zee TV? "Maa, jab papa mujhey maar rahey the to aap chup kyo thi?"

Utter bullshit. If tommorow the father is proved innocent what's going to happen to Zee? NOTHING. News channels need to be regulated and if needed, their owners should be beaten with chappals for spreading false, biased news.
Please do not let this thread degenerate into a flame war...

And second this,

At the risk of sounding speculative and degenerating into over generalization again....

There is a 0.1%, even lower probability of a schoolgirl from DPS Noida falling for her 45 year old Household help

I grew up in Delhi, went to School there, and I know the DPS sub-culture inside out

I can say for pretty much certain that a girl from her demographic would not fall for the household help

(not that I feel there is anything wrong with it, just it's extremely extrmely unlikely)

So can we please stop speculating on this aspect... It would be a dishonor to the departed soul to do this
rite said:
Aarushi, Nupur Rajesh Talwar are our family.
Rajesh is absolutely innocent. Police should concentrate on finding the real killer.And not malign Aarushi or her close family.
You can help Rajesh by believing in him, by talking to your friends, and voicing your opinion on websites and to the media.
God bless Aarushi. Please forwad it to all your friends!

Please help us, this is call of help. This is a moment of grief for all our relatives and friends. We need your support!


Akshay Talwar and family.

Funky said:
This may sound rude but this is not the place for justice. Thats the job of judiciary system and not online forums.

And if your intend is to gather support of people to pressurize the judicial system then its incorrect to do so.

We know nothing about what really happened. And no offense, you dont know it either even if its your family.

What happened is sad and cruel and nothing can be done to revert that. The real losers are the victims who are dead for what may be totally unjustified cause. And all one can hope for is to bring the person who did this to justice. It may be your uncle, or anyone else. Let the system do its job.

I dont think what funky said is wrong.. IF the person has started this thread just for expressing the condolences for the victim its perfectly fine.. But instead the main poster has started to claim xyz is innocent and requesting us to support his claims through media and stuff . This is perfectly wrong for him to request(that too in a tech forum) and for us to support when the matter is under investigation and there are judicial ppl assigned to speculate or watever.. Funky just wanted to keep this thread for condolences and not for speculations/ supporting suspects.
Funky said:
This may sound rude but this is not the place for justice. Thats the job of judiciary system and not online forums.

And if your intend is to gather support of people to pressurize the judicial system then its incorrect to do so.

We know nothing about what really happened. And no offense, you dont know it either even if its your family.

What happened is sad and cruel and nothing can be done to revert that. The real losers are the victims who are dead for what may be totally unjustified cause. And all one can hope for is to bring the person who did this to justice. It may be your uncle, or anyone else. Let the system do its job.

So now we can expect the 'funkiest moderator' to funk us like the moral police and tell us what to do and what not to do on techenclave ?

Great going TE!

BTW RIP Aarushi!
buBleZ said:
I dont think what funky said is wrong.. IF the person has started this thread just for expressing the condolences for the victim its perfectly fine.. But instead the main poster has started to claim xyz is innocent and requesting us to support his claims. This is perfectly wrong for him to request and for us to support when the matter is under investigation and there are judicial ppl assigned to speculate or watever.. Funky just wanted to keep this thread for condolences and not for speculations/ supporting suspects

Eggjactly.. And thats typical TB attitude; :|

Can any mod delete all those L337 posts???
I might just add that i support Funky's post. I first reported an earlier post(no point telling which) for the simple reason that the posts here are expressing not condolences but condemning people guilty or proclaiming some innocent. For starters none of the people know the real story so your point wise rebuttals aren't going to help.

Second none what has been said is in bad taste. We all want the guilty to be punished and we all accept(i hope) that the only person who deserves our sympathy are those who have been killed. No one is sure about the rest.

Sorry no discussion on motives, who is wrong or right will be allowed.

PS: Every member of staff sees the reports and please stop what we do is a collective decision.
Take it easy mods and admins. Things are getting a bit hot here because of the honest frustration from everybody on the horrific incident and the police's (so-called) cover up / inaction and the media's foolishness.

I think the wisest thing to do will be to wait and watch as the real story unfolds.

Till then I think if everybody kept their judgements to themselves and passed on their condolences to the deceased, it'll do this thread a world of good :)
I don't want to accuse/deny anyone here. Dont want to play the judge or the jury or the cop.

Just wanted justice.Even techboi wants the same, no matter what he believes.

Just wanted to give techboi + family some sort of comfort/refuge in between the crap being flung about by the media, when they must be undergoing a very troublesome period for them.

I'd certainly expect that from you guys, if i were in his shoes.
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