RIP Aarushi Talwar!!!

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1)The police has enough flaws, besides facts like elections are coming up, the police is trying to cover its previous goof ups and so many lies told by the media. Things like how chachu reacted etc. All this makes it rather clear that there is lot more to the thing.

2)To some extent you will need to trust me. This is my family and I know them personally, I communicate regularly. I know WE are innocent. If you trust me, you trust us all.

I have created a blog to support Aarushi and her family plus RIP.
Is this case to be decided in the court of public opinion or of law :)

Either way it seems Talwar's have got good lawyers going by the statements of the wife & partner yesterday.

Almost shades of the Madeline case here and also the dark side, OJ simpson.
Case is known. It needs to just be approved by the court! Public opinion will help a great deal to catch the truth!
Its one thing to maintain the public's confidence in the police but if this man is innocent as you say, its really double tragedy :(

Do the Noida police have a history of such callousness ??

We are about find out i think :)
I have always doubted the Indian police and the UP police is one of the worst.
All this has turned into a political game with the elections so near. Besides, no reliable source is truely trusting the police. I can tell many more reasons.

Chachu is innocent. 100% I and a 100 others can VOUCH for it

There is nothing to find out. We need supporters against the police and the negative impact of the media. Only then can truth be found out!
The media have been allowed to go too far with their bullshit. About time we clamp down on bastardised "news" channels like India TV and Aaj Tak and Zee. Put these bastards out of business and the rest will become mature.

I remember destroying some India TV journalist on an Orkut flame war. Stupid b**ch could'nt even spell some things, that is exactly what you can expect when you make M.Com degree holders a position in the media. Everyone knows is the shittiest branch around [/flame] :p

And hope the killers are found. Central enquiry would go a long way in helping but I doubt we have enough resources to get the CBI to probe every murder that takes place.
rite said:
All this has turned into a political game with the elections so near.

Can you expand on this ?

Or do you mean the powers that be want it to go away soon, ie wrap it up as soon as possible regardless.

We are talking about a well to-do upper middle class 'hindu' family as well so nothing too remarkable there.

But it does mean the path the cops have chosen is even more critical as if they are found out then thier goals are reversed. Given the coverage this case has got i think its an important one.

rite said:
Besides, no reliable source is truely trusting the police. I can tell many more reasons.

Healthy attitude to have, its not unique just to this country i can tell you :hap2:

Tho we could defnitely improve on the forensics front.
Really sorry about the whole thing Akshay. :(

NOIDA police are Grade A *****. I hope you get justice. The media just wants masala stories; they don't bloody care about the consequences their actions can have.

RIP Aarushi.
Well the damage is already done. Now NOTHING can fix it. All we can hope is that no more innocent people are hurt. :)

But i hope the real killer is punished and no innocent people are hurt.

May her soul RIP . :(
Keane 16 said:
NOIDA police are Grade A *****. I hope you get justice.

I remember reading a statistic somewhere (need to find that link) that said after Bihar, UP leads in the unsolved murder cases category and the figure given was 60+%.

60+% murder cases go unsolved in UP !!!

Contrast that to the south and its a fraction of that figure.

Law & order is a big ticket item in this state.

If this case ends up exposing this then hopefully these deaths won't be in vain.
May her soul rest in peace....

This is a bizarre case, and the more you think about it, the more you feel that our stupid vernacular channels really overstepped their boundaries this time

It's a sad state of affairs when the primary viewership of your national language channels/publications comprsises of morons who have nothing better to do than feel smug about the misfortune of others since it gives them a chance to feel better about their own rather pathetic lives

It is to early to say anything for sure but I still find it difficullt to believe that the an educated upper middle class Delhi gentleman would kill her 14 year old daughter in the name of "honor"

To top that, even if the said gentleman had an extra marital affair, consideing the relative level of acceptance (and condoning) of it in upper middle class Delhi society, It is difficult to imagine a person taking such an extreme measure just to cover it up....

I would have found the media (and hence the police) stand believable if this involved a petty contractor from Bulandshaher or the likes (sorry for grossly over generalizing here) but not this one

Personally, I feel UP police needed a scapegoat in order to tide over the unwarranted vernacular media pressure though of course, I have no means of knowing what the truth is...
Everyone says "Rest in Peace" but still keeps speculating on the case..
Hope they end this matter quickly..already a lot of trauma for the family.. Why cant these asshole reporters let the police and the family deal with it..if the family needs their help they'l ask..
And why the hell is the police going abt making statements in the media and doin press conference??

If there's one channel that deserves to be attacked like star news once was, its INDIA TV..
I beleive the court has also taken action against india tv for interviewing a rape victims parents..hope they giv a life sentence to Rajat Sharma..
superczar said:
May her soul rest in peace....
This is a bizarre case, and the more you think about it, the more you feel that our stupid vernacular channels really overstepped their boundaries this time

It's a sad state of affairs when the primary viewership of your national language channels/publications comprsises of morons who have nothing better to do than feel smug about the misfortune of others since it gives them a chance to feel better about their own rather pathetic lives

It is to early to say anything for sure but I still find it difficullt to believe that the an educated upper middle class Delhi gentleman would kill her 14 year old daughter in the name of "honor"

To top that, even if the said gentleman had an extra marital affair, consideing the relative level of acceptance (and condoning) of it in upper middle class Delhi society, It is difficult to imagine a person taking such an extreme measure just to cover it up....
I would have found the media (and hence the police) stand believable if this involved a petty contractor from Bulandshaher or the likes (sorry for grossly over generalizing here) but not this one

Personally, I feel UP police needed a scapegoat in order to tide over the unwarranted vernacular media pressure though of course, I have no means of knowing what the truth is...

Pretty much spot on. The way this case is panning out is quite perplexing. Why on earth would a gentleman with a good life and family suddenly go on killing his own daughter and servant. The entire episode just sounds completely convoluted and someone is being made a scapegoat.

I hope the family is able to recover from all this suffering and comes out stronger. The law will take its due course and I hope truth prevails. My condolences to the family and rest in peace Aarushi.
Saw the media conference by the police. Couldn't even get the name of the deceased right, had to be corrected all the time!

That time it struck me as morbidly funny, our cops displaying their incompetency to the world. Now knowing a fellow TEian is directly affected with the tragedy, I feel sad that we have to depend on such ppl for protection.

My condolences to all who loved and were loved by Aarushi.

On a side note, something should really be done about the news media in India. Cops being inefficient I can understand (given the way govt. appointees and promotions are done) , but what happened to objective and investigative journalism? They are making a tamasha out of the tragedy!
Rest in Peace those who were murdered. Its sad what happened.

Now I don't quite understand why we should accept the "family's" word on this also. Its hard to fathom a parent killing his children but again in that region its not uncommon and neither is so called "honour killing". Educated people should ofcourse not ideally do such things but educated people also blow up airports these days.

I hope in this case what the father is saying is right, and one can agree that the Indian news channels are famous for blowing things up out of proportion but to blindly say that Police is wrong and the family is right just because they say so is also not an option. The whole circumstances of the crime are pretty shady and at the end the motive is even shadier.

The only person who deserves justice is the poor girl and the servant and thats what the law should do and punish who did it(ideally the gallows).(And prima-facia evidence does put the family, the father specifically, in poor light)
I hope this case doesnt take as long as Jessica Lall case. Instead of things improving, the judicial and now journalism is getting degraded. RIP Aarushi.
No one cares as long as TRP rises!!!! Blodd boils seeing those hindi news channels . And the viewers r those rural hindi speaking belts ...I know I m crude but had to tell this.

And even if cops r wrong what will happen...max an apology.Thats it.I would rather have the DGP of Noida be publicly hanged if he has does go wrong...which I m sure 100%
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