Samsung Captivate aka Galaxy S at 21K !

Yes from UK the shipping is pretty fast and from USA it takes a bit longer - it is confessed by Ms. Iyer herself. But 4 days to even start the forwarding process a bit extreme IMO.

Anyways, which are those magical 2days from the week? need to know so that i can opt of appropriate shipping terms whenever i have to purchase something

Wish I knew :( !!
^ the issue is the bulk of volume handled by SnS. Aramex is pretty active in the middle-east which is their bread n butter + originator.

I have found an alternative but they only ship till Mumbai..not sure of the customs handling/charges. Will update the thread once I get something worthwhile
sharktale1212 said:
The cat is out of the bag. After ZTE Blade...Galaxy S rush now. :)

Prices can be lower....just need to be regularly looking at some BIN pieces.
umm...i mebbe a n00b @ this...but whats a BIN piece?

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

karanboochra said:
How to get it shipped to India? I don't have an Aramex account and am not willing to spend 35$ for the account. Anyone help?
will u be willing to pay $5 ?

if yes, use the promo code = 'SNS10VSCH'

I used this very code to open a new account an hour back.

according to most review the t-mobile vibrant is better than captivate , is captivate cheaper on ebay?

all the member plz post the charges clearly, its littered all over

Bought - 300$ X 47 = Rs

Declared -

Gift - Yes/No

Aramex Shipping -

Customs - 100(Handling )+ ___+ ____