Samsung Galaxy Note - Discussion Thread

^^ That's what I am wondering. I am on KL3. The thread on xda says XXLA4 is non wipe so does that mean you can upgrade from any version without wiping? rooting shouldn't be a problem if you upgrade from mobile ODIN.
Im itching to update to LA3 or LA4. Is their any possible way without a wipe. AND I need ROOT!!!

Nope! Only way you can get away without a wipe is when updating via KIES. In this case since the fw is not for India, it'll not show up in KIES

Edit: Think you can but read through all the posts in the thread on XDA to get an understanding of how
Updated just now from XXKL3 to XALA4 via mobile odin pro. No wipe needed. Still have root.

It is blazing fast. No lags at all.

which custom kernel do you guys recommend?
Download XALA4 from xda. it contains a single 800 odd mb file. copy paste it anywhere in your phone. Install Mobile Odin Pro from the market (its paid). Open the app, select the file , keep everything ticked, click flash firmware. that's it.
Updated just now from XXKL3 to XALA4 via mobile odin pro. No wipe needed. Still have root.

It is blazing fast. No lags at all.

which custom kernel do you guys recommend?

AbyssNote or Speedmod - Speedmod is the only kernel that supports CIFS currently. Very useful for me since it lets me mount my network shares as local folders on the phone
A definite improvement in all aspects except I find typing to be a bit iffy. Usually the the first key gets missed if using the keyboard after a while. Apart from that all good so far.

Edit: has to edit the post because of the error I wrote about

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Updated to XXLA4 using mobile odin pro. Can't really comment on performance but i like the default display of numbers in the keypad.
Hi guys,

Just got the galaxy note and i have to say iam loving every bit of it
.I have noticed there is no meida hub on tjis phone,How come? and can you guys provide me any links to how to flash ROMS and kernel updates.This is my first android device and all the post of kernel and ROM are pretty much jargon to me.
Look slike Darky ROM is finally making strides with their newer releases.

3.1 ICS edition is great improvement and beautiful thanks to the ICS theme and anime pack.

Performance is great. Battery drain is largely fixed. Not really finding too many things wrong with it at the moment.

Rocket is still more fluid to use, but I like the look of the latest Darky ROM. GIve it a try.
Shri iPad, you have hit the nail on the head. I am using Darky 3.1 since the hour it was launched (yes, I like doing that) and JUST now I installed Speedmod. MAN, what an 'effin beauty she's running like!

For people who thought Abyss note was a KILLER kernel, wait till you flash that gorgeous Speedmod. All Lags, all hiccups, GONE!

Flash it, you will not regret it.

As for Darky 3.1, yes, this IS the ROM. Sends Rocket and Criskelo and Romow for a toss!

EDIT: Only thing I am going to miss is the VOODOO LOUDER app, which currently only works on Abyss. I have paid 50 bucks for that app. LOL. But yes, I don't use my earphones much. I have AKG buds, which are sensitive enough to play well at medium to high volumes on the note.
Friends, I have install Rocket ROM V20 LA4 with Kernel version 3.3 and m on andorid 2.3.6. I could make out the performance difference but my battery issue is not solved with this Kernel i need to charge ma battey twice a day. M always on HSDPA only.

hav i done ne thing wrong above?? can u please suggest me ne other version of kernal or ne other way for battery performance..??

Friends, I have install Rocket ROM V20 LA4 with Kernel version 3.3 and m on andorid 2.3.6. I could make out the performance difference but my battery issue is not solved with this Kernel i need to charge ma battey twice a day. M always on HSDPA only.

hav i done ne thing wrong above?? can u please suggest me ne other version of kernal or ne other way for battery performance..??


Finally i could fix the bettery issue by putting auto synch off, removing unwated widgets, freezing map n social hub apps n remvng live wallpaper . Battery performance has imoroved drastically. Charged full battery in the night n in morng it was 100% :)