ryanrulez4ever said:If i get some Bangalore folks who have a DSLR ,could do a collective review , Maybe time for a Bangalore Meet
Havent seen a single millisec of a lag, Videos look livelier, Plays flacs easily, KIES over Wifi works like its meant to, Battery could have been better (fair enough when performance vs Power utilization ratio is taken into mind) , No accessories available locally at the moment
Ah Would love a video review...muted would do too

I am doubting its availability in Bangalore/all Metros as ppl are running all over like crazy for this device. To add to it I have to find a weekend to go to Bangalore.
How much and from where did you get this for ?
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dinjo said:Any chance of it playing mkv files ?
You can use Rock Player if it does not. I guess Rock Player plays everything..well almost