Samsung Wave S8500 India release

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nehaladsul said:
An 8GB card has ~ 7.4GB usable space......

Why would u want to store files larger than 4GB on it?? And neway, it is a phone...... so, what do u want it to do??

U want to make it a DataStation or something.....!!! :P Lolzzz

hehe...... i was just wondering for the memory cards of 32gb size........
devesh38 said:
hehe...... i was just wondering for the memory cards of 32gb size........
A branded (Kingston/Transcend/Sandisk) 32GB MicroSD HC Class 4 costs ~ 5K +/- a few hundred.....

That is ~ 1/3rd the price of the Wave..... I doubt anyone would be so geeky to use 32 gigs on the Wave.....!!!

I would rather add that to the price of the wave + a few grand more & get a SGS + 8GB MicroSD HC......!!! Lolzzz :P
nehaladsul said:
A branded (Kingston/Transcend/Sandisk) 32GB MicroSD HC Class 4 costs ~ 5K +/- a few hundred.....

That is ~ 1/3rd the price of the Wave..... I doubt anyone would be so geeky to use 32 gigs on the Wave.....!!!

I would rather add that to the price of the wave + a few grand more & get a SGS + 8GB MicroSD HC......!!! Lolzzz :P

yup true.......... sgs has internal 8gb too........ and 8gb external will make it 16gb...... that will be more than suffice........:P
have bought a wave yesterday,and am having a tough time connecting wid kies.

can anyone tell me how i can do it?

it just shows connecting the phone...but it never seems to connect.tried some tricks too,but to no avail!!!

someone help me out here.

btw i am using xp sp3
hi all,
i am having a query which is bothering me. I have decided to purchase Wave as of now but given the fact that its production is stopped and also no more support will be provided. What will happen if my cell goes down after purchase. Will i get support for it or will it be the end of my wave. After going through Toxic' s thread here, i am feeling that i should not purchase wave (or samsung mobiles as their service is poor).
^^ yes u will get support for the same ....and i feel that whatever firmwares are going to be released in the future for the wave 2 will be available for wave 1 as well because in hardware terms both are equivalent...:)
i thought i should share my homescreens for wave phone..... although the theme is default.....


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