Samsung Wave S8500 India release

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Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

Guys any of you have an experience of claiming your insurance and getting a new mobile from Sangeeta Mobiles or Univercell after you lost your cell or it got stolen....Because when i asked the sangeeta mobiles , in Bangalore they told that if ur mobile is damaged , stolen etc etc...whatever it may be they will give u the insurance for the mobile....

Has anyone successful in reclaiming ur mobile through ur insurance from any of the above mentioned stores in Bangalore?
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

does this phone have multitouch input method like the iphone while writing messages. cos when i had been to the samsung shop, the message typing wasnt fast and infact wasnt even multitouch. can some1 confirm this.
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

is the black Wave diff in color too other than the 8GB card??? wht is the cost of Black one???
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

Guys how the auto correction function in the wave for the text input (messaging ) and for typing the links in the internet browser...?
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

Just got the wave 2 days ago !!!! its full black in color and it looks amazing !!! there is no difference in black or the ebony gray models as both are bundled with the same 2gb memory card. Bought it from Alfa [mumbai] for 17,500 INR .
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

Wave owners, how is the performance of Samoled under full sunlight? Is it good or tolerable?
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

yes the sunlight legibility is good on the super AMOLED. My previous phone had a AMOLED display and it was horrible under the sun but my wave is much much better!!
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

@paddydevil: how exactly does a multitouch come into play when writing a message? Is this a noob question?
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

soumalidon said:
yes the sunlight legibility is good on the super AMOLED. My previous phone had a AMOLED display and it was horrible under the sun but my wave is much much better!!
SomaliDon, just one more thing. How is the Wave screen size? Is it comfortable enough to read small text and ebooks? Or do you think it wont be suitable and it is preferable to go for the 4" galaxy?
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

Dhanan said:
SomaliDon, just one more thing. How is the Wave screen size? Is it comfortable enough to read small text and ebooks? Or do you think it wont be suitable and it is preferable to go for the 4" galaxy?
hmmm good question.... well i jus downloaded a e book from the samsung apps store and the text is clearly visible. It doesnt strain the eyes. That being said, the major problem i face wit the wave is during browsing. When a full site is loaded, the text is too small to be visible and when you zoom in you have to constantly scroll from left to right. The fact that the wave does not have text reflow makes things worse. So if you browse allot on the phone then i guess the galaxy is a better option and it also has text reflow. If you are a occasional browser like a me then the wave will do just fine. Paying 10000 more for the galaxy didnt make sense to me, considering the only difference between them is the screen, inbuilt memory and Android OS. Also note that the galaxy does not have a flash for the camera!!! The mettalic black wave looks gorgeous and the metal body gives it a solid feel in the hand. Now i know the bada OS is new but there are already ~1200 apps in the UK store and its growing everyday. But if you are a app person then obviously the galaxy is the way to go.
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

any one with this phone tell me how the email and browsing experiences are ? how is the gmail app ?
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

soumalidon said:
That being said, the major problem i face wit the wave is during browsing. When a full site is loaded, the text is too small to be visible and when you zoom in you have to constantly scroll from left to right. The fact that the wave does not have text reflow makes things worse. So if you browse allot on the phone then i guess the galaxy is a better option and it also has text reflow.
That is something that should be easily fixed with a firmware update. Also, are there alternative browsers available in the app store?
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

Guys wud u suggest the Wave over a Android powered fone like Nexus One?
I'm luking to buy one.
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

as of now there are no alternative browsers in the app store. there definitely will be in the future.

@hellgate it depends on what you want. the nexus has a bigger screen but the screen is much better on the wave. if you are a app person then currently the wave is not for you. if you can live without apps then the wave is perfect. it as almost every feature right out of the box :)
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