Seagate Dockstar Discussion and Tutorial Thread

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apextwin146 said:
Here is problem.

I dont have access to linux and my Notebook dsnt have a CD Drive. Now in order to proceed with installation of Debian on my dockstar i need to format a HDD in ext3 partition etc. So how do i go about doing that?
use any live cd

there are available with even 350MB

ext3 partitioning from windows doesnt work that well
Can anyone help with something..

I use my n97 to connect to net. and its connected to a router. can i somehow give net to all machines connected to router?
Installed debian and transmission :) How are you guys accessing the files on the dockstar? Is it better to install samba or use ftp every time? Which is better performance wise?

Edit: Installed Samba :) Have it as a read only share now. The only problem is memory usage, which is almost 115MB.
I cant even get hold of the IP Address of the Dockstar! WTF. I am on win 7, My modem is connected to my router and my dockstar is connected to the router through Lan cable. I just cant see it over the network when i switch is on(After it stabilizes to non blinking Orange )
apextwin146 said:
I cant even get hold of the IP Address of the Dockstar! WTF. I am on win 7, My modem is connected to my router and my dockstar is connected to the router through Lan cable. I just cant see it over the network when i switch is on(After it stabilizes to non blinking Orange )

Check the DHCP client list in your router, the IP of the device should be there.
Checksum said:
Installed debian and transmission :) How are you guys accessing the files on the dockstar? Is it better to install samba or use ftp every time? Which is better performance wise?

Edit: Installed Samba :) Have it as a read only share now. The only problem is memory usage, which is almost 115MB.

Using Samba, as you can directly watch the movie etc over the network. With ftp you will first need to copy the file to your local hard disk and only then you can play it.
varkey said:
Check the DHCP client list in your router, the IP of the device should be there.
Using Samba, as you can directly watch the movie etc over the network. With ftp you will first need to copy the file to your local hard disk and only then you can play it.

Used Radmin Advanced Ip Address scanner to find the device.
varkey said:
Check the DHCP client list in your router, the IP of the device should be there.
Using Samba, as you can directly watch the movie etc over the network. With ftp you will first need to copy the file to your local hard disk and only then you can play it.
I stay away from samba mess. I use http server for downloading and streaming movies. And FTP incase I want to write anything. Works pretty well and memory footprint is low compared to SMB
Gaurish said:
I stay away from samba mess. I use http server for downloading and streaming movies. And FTP incase I want to write anything. Works pretty well and memory footprint is low compared to SMB
can you please elaborate on how to set up/configure http server
Ran into a minor problem when installing debian on a external hdd. I had a spare 2.5" hdd lying around, and connected it through a external case which has 2 USB ports, i.e no need for external power adapter. Now I managed to install debian successfully, but having problems booting into it. Now as others have pointed out, I did increase the usb_rootdelay to 20 seconds, but that didn't help either. When I switch the dockstar on, the hdd spins, but after about 5 seconds, it powers down. But once into pogoplug, I'm able to mount it without issues.

Any idea what is wrong? Do I have to play with any other env variable?
Can someone paste the Default Interface File here. I have messed something up there because of which Dcokstar isnt able to connect to the Internet. I am able to Acces Transmissiona and Webmin through LAN/web but dockstar isnt connected to internet.

Also Apart from Samba and Quickserve is there a Low memory footprint FTP Server available ?
This is my /etc/network/interfaces file

root@dockstar:/home/files# cat /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo eth0

iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static




archat68 said:
Increase the bootdelay from default 3 to 10 or 15 sec and try.
Well I did try that. Doesn't work though. What is the difference between bootdelay and usb_rootdelay? Can someone who is using an external usb hdd post the output of fw_printenv?
hey... need some help..

so i installed the debian.. then it said installation complete and my new pwd and all. and the device restarted.

after the the device starts with led blinking and all. then the led is not ON anymore. but the LED on my usb stick is flashing like hell

and i cant even use the putty for SSH login either.. :S

its working ok...

i installed transmission.. now samba and webmin.. :s

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and how do u guys shutdown??

i use poweroff comman.. :S
So installed debain...transmission..webmin..samba and all..

now can anyone say how to configure the transmission.. to use web interface and all??

and anyone with samba knowledge?

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So the Transmission part is done...

but torrent not starting. I am using a proxy variable to access.. varkey saying thats no go..

Now need to access the NTFS partition and use that to download data. and to setup a samba share.

any help appreciated
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