Check if the file system is mounted properly. My guess is that the file system is not mounted and your torrent client is writing directly to root FS in that location.
Transmission has a working directory where it saves files in progress. Thats getting saved on the 320 as well? Check.jijojose79 said:No, it's mounted properly and it's writing files to /sg320 mounted FS only.....
Check if the transmission-daemon user has write permissions to the /sg320 folder, or just chmod the /sg320 folder to 777.jijojose79 said:No, it's mounted properly and it's writing files to /sg320 mounted FS only.....
@archat: My root partition(the one that always gets corruptedarchat68 said:This is known issue.
You can reboot the dockstar in recovery mode and run "e2fsck" from there. Else you can force filesystem check at every boot - but that is very time consuming.
I followed ur advice n converted it to ext3, but apparently, only direct conversion does NOT help. It still sees it as ext2, and STILL gets corruptedvarkey said:^ Convert the root partition to ext3 and you wouldn't have to worry about fsck anymore!
Disconnect the pendrive/harddisk and it will boot into the default pogoplug install or the recovery mode if you have installed it. Within pogoplug you won't be able to run fsck as it doesn't support the ext2/3 filesystems.
tune2fs -j /dev/sda1
fw_setenv usb_rootfstype ext3
already done the tune2fs thing. Will do the other steps as well and will update.varkey said:^ To convert to ext3, connect the hard disk to another linux system. Then
After that edit the fstab file to mount it as ext3. One additional step you need to do is
After the above steps, the root fs will be mounted as ext3. Even my partition was ext2 initially and I converted to ext3 and now no problems at all.
It usually does an fsck at boot time automatically if there is an error, but the issue is it doesn't even boot from the hard disk to reach the fsck stage.
I didnt try again. Using on ext2 only ... Will try and update.varkey said:^ Didn't see your updated post. Anyway did you get it working now? If not, try from Pogoplug shell instead of debian.
I did the above steps on my friends dockstar two days back and it didn't show an error like that.
The default root password in Debian is 'root'.