Some FAQs for members
1. will i have to do any sort of setup with the box? if so could you tell me how to do it.
No, once we have sever access, we’ll setup either TorrentFlux with apache and php or uTorrent with Wine. Ofcourse we’l prefer Linux over Windows.
2. will it be 7 separate accounts and what about ips. are they different or are they all the same?
We’ll create separate accounts in torrentflux or in utorrent with approx 200 GB / user. U can’t see what’s other user downloading / uploading. For separate IPs, there’s further 2 euro / IP / month charge so if you need one, we can order it exclusively for you.
3. when we download to our HD will any form of encrypted download be available or just regular FTP? (might of asked before but i dont remember). Also when we download via ftp will we just see our section of the seedbox or will we see everything on the seedbox.
we are going to use to vsftpd
vsftpd - Secure, fast FTP server for UNIX-like systems
4. We have no limits as to # of torrents, bandwidth, ect.
Have limit on # of active torrents because it’s normal HD and not RAID, having large # of active torrents may cause I/O error on disk and application wil eventually hang. We’ve decided to keep it at 12 / user. It’s good enough.