Funky said:
HAHA :rofl: :rofl:
Ok to make things interesting, join our team and I will lease E4300 to you to use as long as it runs wcg :devil: :devil: :devil:
Anish said:
^ No use, he can't even afford a mobo and ddr2 RAM to run that 4300 :lol:
And incurr the wrath of the lord.:O
Eh, as long as i use 4300 for TE team and main rig for my first team- no issues i hope.

I was anyways going to put one machine for TE but id change means points shared.
A very nice chap has already donated me a 40GB hdd for WCG and i have bought a decently beefy psu for the cruncher.

I have a spare cooler, a gig of DDR and was gonna setup cruncher using the second X2 or 3000+.
Now to get someone to donate mobo and RAM for 4300.
Ohh- i need a cheap case to cut up too.
Seriously speaking, GR33D is the root of all 3Vil.

Even if you were serious and knowing how genuine and serious you are about WCG, i will pass your kind offer.
Coz if u sell that 4300, it will help you in unleashing the monster you have been waiting for.:hap2:
Great for WCG too.