Party Monger
Get the epubs and read on the phone. Its a pretty decent experience. If you have a windows phone then try Mohoo Reader. Read all the books on it. OFcourse some people like paper and well fair enough 

agreed...OT: Nothing beats a physical copy of a book, especially a hard cover. This might sound weird but I love the smell of books.
Nowhere, it is still just a speculation, but a very strong one.Complete ASOIAF series for Rs 1304 at Flipkart. (link)
btw, I am done with book#3. Just ordered the rest.
Somewhere in this thread or else I clicked on some spoiler and learnt that....Jon is Targaryen
And while reading I can't get that out of mind. Could someone please tell me in which book is that revealed?
Wat. That is false, that's just some wishful conjecture on the part of some fanboys. It is revealed nowhere that Jon is anything more than an emo, brooding bastard who needs to die a brutal death.learnt that....Jon is Targaryen
And while reading I can't get that out of mind. Could someone please tell me in which book is that revealed?
Reading #4. Have some doubts wrt to TV show
About Theon - in TV show, he is tortured by some unknown guy. But in books I didn't find anything related to him till now. (nor I see any chapter on him on book #4)
About Gendry - in book#3 The Red Woman never meets Arya. But in season 3, Gendry is already in Dragonstone. (they removed the other bastard they got from Storm's End - I forgot his name). Is it covered in book#4?
Reading #4. Have some doubts wrt to TV show
About Theon - in TV show, he is tortured by some unknown guy. But in books I didn't find anything related to him till now. (nor I see any chapter on him on book #4)
About Gendry - in book#3 The Red Woman never meets Arya. But in season 3, Gendry is already in Dragonstone. (they removed the other bastard they got from Storm's End - I forgot his name). Is it covered in book#4?
Holy shit woow! A Telltale game set in Westeros? I can't think of anything more awesome!Hmm...Telltale Games may develop a Game of Thrones game:
The story-oriented The Walking Dead game by them was amazing, and it is one of the very few games I've played in the past few years. Their last game The Wolf Among Us also attracted strong reviews.
If they could get the story-telling part right, which they have until now, then I'm sure a game set in Westeros will be a huge hit. Just think of the possibilities :O