Not fibers but similar like in this
reddit post 2nd pic on the pant.
Life without a heater in the machine. Or a preference for cold water washing
By fibres, I think he meant lint left on the clothes after the wash. Does that happen with you at all?
I've seen people here complain the clothes were linty after a wash in this or that top loader. Is that the case for you and have you any solution?
Edit: after dissolving the detergent powder in warm water i havent seen such stains.
What detergent is it?
In spite of more water used in a top loader, it still does not dissolve during the wash cycle duration means your water temperature isn't high enough. So it gets trapped within the folds of the clothes and just stays there due to poor wash action and then leaves this stain.
And I don't think you're overloading and/or overdosing.
Guess I'l have to shift to using liquid detergent after the 2-3 Kgs of my current detergent get utilised.
That should work if your water temperature is lower than required for powder
Ensure it rinses out well. I always recommend two rinses but people seem to use just one to save time which is not smart.
I used the detergent drawer and it pours detergent powder along with water directly on clothes and leaves white spots on tee shirts or blankets etc. Decided to never use again. From now on, i let the tub fill to the pulsator and then pause it and add dissolved detergent to the water. Top load detergent don't dissolve completely in one go unfortunately.
Larger granules with top load detergent compared to front load and given more water should not be an issue if the water temperature is high enough
Surf Excel dissolves completely but it doesn't clean clothes as well as Ariel or Tide. I think surf only colours clothes blue to make them look white. Tide probably has some bleach in it, hence the spots on clothes. Ariel is too costly.
Interesting observation. I found Surf cleans well in the front loader. My ideal and favourite detergent. Why that does not hold for the top load variant is a pity.
A few years ago someone was asking how to clean bedsheets with blood stains. Not a problem with Surf on a warm wash. The trick is to use a detergent with enzymes which Surf for the machine or Ariel and Tide have. At the time he was thinking it was about wash action. Not so. Wash action is secondary. It's the protein enzyme that specifically removes blood which is a protein stain.
Can't say whether Ariel or Tide clean better than Surf, about the same with more foaming from Ariel and Tide. The extra foam might be an advantage in a top loader which is why you think they clean better than Surf which typically foams less in a front loader.
You can test if Tide has some bleach. Put 5gm (teaspoon amount) in a thermos flask and add boiling water slowly halfway. Hold the flask up to your ear and then listen for a fizz.
If you hear any like from any carbonated drink then it has bleach. But my tests showed that the Tide for front loaders did not contain any. As is the case with detergents sold in India which are detergents for washing colours rather than whites and so contain optical brighteners that work in place of the older blueing.
To understand what I mean try the same experiment with 5gm of Vanish and see what happens