Swine flu : Causes / Concerns / Measures ...

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^^ Thanks for this. I am very much concerned about my family currently. Its too freighting to see all this in newspapers and TV Channels
Oh my god.

My friend came from pune on Saturday after his college shut due to swine flu. I have been with him almost the whole time yesterday and today morning, he had a swollen eye. He had been complaining of eye irritation since yesterday.And now i read this:

"Conjunctivitis is rare, but has been reported. "

Will seriously have to look out for his health status now.
Me and my mom have a mild flu since 2 days now. today is the third. Though my and my moms overall health seems ok, its a mild cough, blocked nose.

At what time do we run for a test?

I would be grateful for anyone well informed to let me know the next steps. I dont want to run helter skelter for tests that may prove nothing for me yet burden the already under-pressure medical services.
I guess its 3 days after u contract the virus,so if you still have even minor symptoms tomorrow go get yourself tested.One of the links says about symptoms getting better but then returning with worse cough and fever.
SharekhaN said:
Me and my mom have a mild flu since 2 days now. today is the third. Though my and my moms overall health seems ok, its a mild cough, blocked nose.
At what time do we run for a test?
I would be grateful for anyone well informed to let me know the next steps. I dont want to run helter skelter for tests that may prove nothing for me yet burden the already under-pressure medical services.

At least get regular medicines right away. Don't let any kind of sickness linger around for long.
SharekhaN said:
Me and my mom have a mild flu since 2 days now. today is the third. Though my and my moms overall health seems ok, its a mild cough, blocked nose.

At what time do we run for a test?

I would be grateful for anyone well informed to let me know the next steps. I dont want to run helter skelter for tests that may prove nothing for me yet burden the already under-pressure medical services.

Buddy, don't take chances..get yourself and your mom screened on priority.
Some people have been complaining about measures been taken by the government to control swine flu by screening people at airports. I just returned from a trip to Hong Kong, Macau and Bangkok, and here is a quick comparison between the 3 places:

The method is exactly the same. Fill an extra health form before arrival and give it in before immigration where you are scanned by a thermal camera. However, the plane was sprayed with something which smelt like a hand sanitizer before it landed in Delhi. This was not done before we landed in Hong Kong or Bangkok.

However, here is another story. Someone I know was admitted to RML. She said that even if someone doesn't have swine flu, they are bound to get it there. There was puke and blood on the seats and floor. The doctors were tying those medical gloves to the patient's arm before drawing blood instead of a proper band.
The thing that was spayed is mandatory by India. Its not by other countries.

Its always happened since I can remember on Intl flights.

Yeah, I will go to a pvt prac tomorrow if it isnt all better by then.

Any over the counter drugs to combat the flu ?
Any over the counter drugs to combat the flu ?

Avoid any precautionary measures !!!

The only drug to combat the flu, is Tamiflu, the bad news your body becomes resistant to the drug after a dosage, so incase you didnt have Swine flu, the drug wont work next time around.
Is it just me or are even you guys thinking twice when you cough or sneeze??

Is everyone feeling that there is probably just a bit of a hitch in their throat??

Honestly i am sh1t scared...
SharekhaN said:
The thing that was spayed is mandatory by India. Its not by other countries.
Its always happened since I can remember on Intl flights.
Yeah, I will go to a pvt prac tomorrow if it isnt all better by then.

Any over the counter drugs to combat the flu ?

Its but natural to be concerned if anybody is showing any signs of cold.
but its been advised that u go to ur family doc for a check up and not panic.
so u do that asap and take it from there on.

Get Well Soon.. :)
Pandemics like swine flu are natural and regular occurrences. It's something humans can't avaoid and it's something for which there is almost no defense. Viruses mutate too quickly to be nailed by drugs. These pandemics often run their course - in best case scenario a few months to worst case of certain years - and then go away once the humans have developed immunity or virus have mutated again or weather has changed drastically.

Important thing is not too panic because you can't worry about inevitability. I have just arrived from a trip to southeast Asian countries, and this H1N1 is everywhere. We will have to live with it for sometime.

Just take precautions as best as you can. Wearing a mask always is great idea but difficult to implement. Other measures like screening people at airports is not at all feasible. During my travel I saw it's almost impossible to screen people at airport for a disease like H1N1 flue that has such common symptoms. The only way airport thing can work is if governments mandate that air travel will allowed only for those who have ABSOLUTE necessity for it.

Also, screening people at airport is not going to work in India anymore. The H1N1 is already here. Yes, it can help other people if we screen those who are flying out. But that is still not happening.
TBH, im scared of this thing....i think twice before holding the railing in the train....in the hotels....or anything which is most in public touch, if i see someone cough or sneeze i disappear from that vicinity :| i have a mask in my office bag for use during train transit....i wasnt scared of this last month when i was in the UK and it was present there in large nos. but now with its widespread back here and seeing how things are going, i wonder how serious this is going to get.

Most imp in todays news it was said about a kids death (RIP!) in chennai who dint have ANY travel history. The father had travelled to Singapore and is supposed to have nurshed the virus back here. But he is fit! and fine! whereas the kid took the beating. Yes, the kid had asthama issues as well which was a weak entry point for the virus. So for people who are healthy and fine and have a resistance to this thing its fightable, however its being passed on rapidly to others.....so how is it possible to monitor that ?!...its impossible!....its something like common flu....u just keep on passing it on , a person with a weak resistance will be down with cold soon , a person who has a proper resistance will fight the virus and will be not affected by it......this is scary :( :cry:

Edit : I seriously recommend people traveling in mumbai trains / bikes to use face masks as they are most exposed. With the given type of population that travels each day in mumbai this thing once out in the wild would spread rapidly. I guess for once the 'chalta hai' attitude needs to be kept aside here. I wonder where are the POLITICIANS NOW!......no awareness speeches / no public statements !!!......feels like filth!
thetechmind said:
I seriously recommend people traveling in mumbai trains / bikes to use face masks as they are most exposed. With the given type of population that travels each day in mumbai this thing once out in the wild would spread rapidly.

Yeah, I advise all those in the affected areas to take necessary precautions !

thetechmind said:
I wonder where are the POLITICIANS NOW!......no awareness speeches / no public statements !!!......feels like filth!

Hiding in their million dollar mansions.Duh !? :P
I say they need to make a distinction between testing and treatment

And how many private labs do you know of that follow the recommended safety procedures? 98% of the path lab technicians don't even wear gloves, forget about the handling of vacutainers (which are generally shipped in thermocole boxes in the hands of agents through trains from "collection centers") and even simple things like masks.

The govt is trying to control the spread by not allowing possibly infected people to go to these labs scattered around, and then have them spread the virus.

Or maybe they are clueless and stupid freaktards. (replace "freak" with the right 4-letter word).

Well they are ruling over you then aren't they, so what does that say about you? LOL...freaktards it seems. They are not morons, they know whats going on, they have contingency plans already in place (at least on paper). Read up the link I followed.
l33t ...somehow your post makes a lot of sense. swine flu can be a problem but it may not be worth being scared of. Fear won't help avoid the flu anyways.... So just be positive and take all precautions, off course...the best thing to do would be not to focus too much on the media hype as they'll do anything for the TRPs.... most of the news is hardly newsworthy these days ....same sensationalism goes with H1N1 issue too.
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