The spot were this happened was near the ticket hall area inside station, right ??![]()
#[member='DigitalDude'] Thanks for an awesome dogtag bro. Dinosaur![]()
I was knifed 5 effin' times yesterday night! 3 X geek12 1 X devesh and 1X I forgot![]()
I cant hear footsteps for shit in this game!
And this 1 time chirag dumb ass didnt even try saving me by shooting the guy knifing me, he was happily sneaking around his back to knife him..![]()
you are a meele freak...![]()
Geeks12 here...I was aware of chirag that time but accept it that Chirag,you are a meele freak...But notheless i was revived that time![]()
As far as ping is concerned only caldster is suffering from very high pings 550-600but others are on nearly same pings,so no one has any advantage![]()
Please make it an unlocked server so records reflect in stats too on battlelog![]()
OK, played a bit, and it was lagging for me. Will play again tomorrow![]()
But guys, do tell if you want the server to remained password protected or if you want it to be ranked. Ranked is better IMHO cause otherwise you don't level up!
MAke it ranked reyez! Who gives damn about kdr and stats now anyway!If possible keep it unranked so that noob players(including me) can play without concern over there stats and k/d ratio
I had a ping of 367. Had fun nonetheless.
Pro Tip : Sniping with M82 in a high ping server in TDM = donating dogtags. DAO-12 is win![]()