TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

There is a spell called Muffle which allows you to run/walk silently, and there are invisibility potions :) assuming you are asking about stealth..
Bluffmaster said:
That road map looks bloody good. Does it have any impact on the frame rate? I have already installed a lot of mods due to which I have been experiencing a few frame rate issues.
No hit on FPS. It's just a useful addition to the map and not a major graphical overhaul or anything like that.
kvikram said:
@Gannu Since you specialize in heavy armor and two handed weapons, how did you manage the dark brotherhood missions?

It isn't a problem actually. The faction gives you the default apparel before a certain mission - armor, boots, gloves and hood which are enchanted for pickpocketing, lockpicking, prices and carrying capacity bonus. Even otherwise most missions which involve stealing/forging ledgers/heist can be done by the armor kit you wear by default. Just that sneaking is a bit hard with the heavy armor kit. Generally what I tend to do is accumulate all the Thieves Guild missions from the several members at once, venture out for completion and report back. And when I do so, I switch to the Thieves Guild apparel for completing those missions.

I haven't started Dark Brotherhood missions as yet since I haven't ventured into their territory. In fact, it was only yesterday that I visited Solitude and completed a couple of side quests. One of the Thieves Guild missions was being directed to Solitude.

I figured out that the main quest has 18 odd objectives to be completed. Presently I stand at 8. Do not wish to progress any further as long as I visit the other regions and complete some side quests. :p
Now clocking: 200 Hours, Level 60 :)

Leveling up becomes a crawl after Level 50

Just now fought three dragons simultaneously :O
Managed to kill two of them along with 3-4 cave bears while one flew away.
I am stuck at Nightcrawler temple the mission is about to fix dreams of people and so on.

The moment the priest go inside I follow him but there is no way to go further inside ? What should I do.
kestrel5915 said:
Now clocking: 200 Hours, Level 60 :)

Sweet man! Are you done with the main quest yet? Or have you shoved it aside? :p The Daedric armor looks super cool. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't source many Daedra hearts - have 3 in the inventory right now. Will hunt for more before I make the switch-over.

Completed Solitude's most quests. I just loved this place. Very serene and good folks without an attitude. Played hide-n-seek and tag with the children - was an awesome TP. Purchased a new home - Proudspire Manos for 25000 septims and spent an additional 2000 for a bedroom and 500 for some decorations. But to my utter shock, I found that the home was entirely covered in cobwebs! Is there any way I can get rid of it? :( Looks pathetic now that I don't feel like stepping into it. Next up, I need to find meself a nice homely partner so the two of us can move in. :D

Btw cleared Bthardamz ruins as well. This was one insanely large ruin but a useless boss battle towards the end. Clocked 69 hours, leveled up to 45+, mastered in double-handed, heavy armor and block skills. Beats the living daylights out of those draugr deathlords, master necros and dragon spirits! My Magicka rating stands at some 130 odd and haven't been using it much other than healing.
Gannu said:
Unfortunately for me, I couldn't source many Daedra hearts - have 3 in the inventory right now. Will hunt for more before I make the switch-over.

If you have completed the quest for Mehrunes Dagon you can go to his shrine and you will find respawning Daedra, two outside and two inside. Four hearts in one go.
Dark Star said:
I am stuck at Nightcrawler temple the mission is about to fix dreams of people and so on.

The moment the priest go inside I follow him but there is no way to go further inside ? What should I do.
I remember that the guy who goes with you will open some pathway in a wall somewhere after a certain room is cleared of enemies.
Did you get to the part where in you have to search for the book?


I completed the main quest line yesterday only :p
Most of my quest lines like Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, Companions, Stormcloaks, etc are complete.
Now doing miscellaneous jobs and some pending random quests.

I was initially playing as an archer but after taking higher level perks for Archery the game becomes much too easy and almost feels like cheating :p
So after stopping at 94 Archery, I started using conjuration along with one handed.
After leveling conjuration to 100, again got bored and started using destruction.
In the mean time got many skills above 80, like Enchanting, Speech, Smithing, Destruction, Lockpicking, Sneak, Heavy Armor, etc.
The Daedric armor looks super cool. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't source many Daedra hearts - have 3 in the inventory right now. Will hunt for more before I make the switch-over.

What do these hearts do?

whao 200 hours?? Good god.. THe only game I've ever given soo much time is Team Fortress 2.
dinjo said:
Is going to College of Winter hold necessary to learn magical tricks ?

No it isn't.

But you get many Master level trainers there along with higher level Spell Tomes that might be difficult (sometimes impossible) to find elsewhere.
Talking of colleges, I keep sourcing books for the librarian inside the College of Winterhold. He points me to mostly undiscovered locations and there is a high probability of finding a wordwall or battling a Dragon Priest there.

I think I'll visit the Bards College today and see what is in store. Already collected a flute and lute that belongs to someone there.

comp@ddict said:
What do these hearts do?

Requirement for crafting the Daedric armor and weapons.
Gannu said:
I think I'll visit the Bards College today and see what is in store. Already collected a flute and lute that belongs to someone there.
Made the same mistake, got the items before I got the quest, now I can't lose the items from my inventory. Got the rewards though.

thank god for player.removeitem
Crap yeah can't seem to remove the items if we've sourced them before the respective quests were given. The console commands should fix it regardless. An arrow got stuck in my character's shoulder for a long time and it did not disappear. I had to use the console command - sexchange to get rid of it. It was very annoying to say the least! Another minor bug is the sound of the dip in the water constantly humming - have to quit to the Main Menu and reload the last save.

Anyhoo, totaled 85 hours until now and have had quite some progress by far. As far as the main storyline quest goes, I'm tasked with finding Esbern in the ratways. Completed the main quest line for the Thieves Guild (the Skeleton Key was one hell of a lockpick!), attended Bards College in Solitude, visited Falkreath down south and completed some random quests (the quest with Barbas, the canine was good and refreshing for a change!), found some new Word Walls thanks to Arngeir, battled another Dragon Priest - Otar The Mad inside Ragnvald and collected his mask (that totals the count to 5 out of 8), leveled up Lockpicking skills to 100. Presently using 2 Ebony swords and gradually leveling up the one-handed skill. There should've been an option to block using 2 single swords like these by simply crossing the two swords. And yeah I took up super-bugged quest The Forsworn Conspiracy and completed it without a hitch this time. Not sure what were the problems before but this time everything went smooth.

Few more quests I am keen on pursuing until I take up the main quest and call it quits - complete all the Daedric quests, complete the quests for The Dark Brotherhood, discover and find all the Word Walls through Arngeir, level up the one-handed skill to 100, craft the Daedric armor set and a Daedric war axe.
Played like crazy over the weekend have reached level 61 and I think I'm closing in on the game.
Just finished the main quest. Was satisfying. Just wish I'd realised that there was a Blades questline before I finished it! Ok, thief/assasin playthrough here I come!

Also, to all those looking for Daedra hearts
Just buy them from Enthir, the mage on the second floor of the Winterhold college dorm. He always has them