Simple. its not rocket scienceWhere are you guys getting these images from? I seriously hope you have better things to do than play Sherlock on Twitter.
Such baseless bullshit you spew. Its like watching a BJPtard on twitter. That lady wanted to bring a motion to remove somnath bharti in the meeting. There is a code of conduct for such things and a place to bring up such matters. You don't just take down your own warriors. They didnt let her, and she quit.
Good to see that there are people who are getting disillusioned and disassociating themselves from AAP. Same thing happening in IIT-Kgp where AAP enjoyed a lot of support. But still, that is nowhere near enough.
Unfortunately, A party of rogues like AAP (or for that matter Congress or BJP) will always enjoy support in a country full of rogues and hypocrites even if a few deluded people here and there start opening their eyes.
Yeah, BJP and Congress can meet for years without results, but if AAP meets for the first time, and doesn't deliver result right then they suck, right? Cause Arvind caries a magic wand in his pocket instead of the usual gear. Right? Right.
Such baseless bullshit you spew. Its like watching a BJPtard on twitter. That lady wanted to bring a motion to remove somnath bharti in the meeting. There is a code of conduct for such things and a place to bring up such matters. You don't just take down your own warriors. They didnt let her, and she quit.
Even my work place has a lot of so called AAP supporters. Its amusing, funny and sad at the same time to see them talk about AAP or fighting against corruption and crime while having a bunch of fake bills running into lakhs being readied for Income tax evasion. That is the sort of people who typically support AAP.
I think you are the bigger bullshitter here. Where did I say anything about her support being of any importance. I understand that she is a nobody and that is stated very clearly in that article as well as by herself in the interview. There is no need for you explain her role to me.
I don't really care what her motives were and I don't have any sympathy for her for being the fool that she was to support a party of rogues in the first place. Its good enough for me that she quit supporting AAP even if her support or non support just means a single vote.
Every party in India is evil in some way or the other, but AAP is the amalgamation of all that evil. I don't care about Congress or BJP or their supporters, but AAP is much much worse. If a donkey runs the elections along with Congress, BJP and AAP, I would personally rather vote for the donkey than vote for anybody in AAP as an alternative to the other two because the donkey would have more moral integrity and better governance skills than anybody in AAP.
But as I also said, as long as this country has rogues, rogues such as those in AAP will continue enjoying their support even if a few fools whose minds are clouded open their eyes and get disillusioned.
Even my work place has a lot of so called AAP supporters. Its amusing, funny and sad at the same time to see them talk about AAP or fighting against corruption and crime while having a bunch of fake bills running into lakhs being readied for Income tax evasion. That is the sort of people who typically support AAP.
That said, you are entitled to your opinion as long as you don't throw it the faces of people who are here for an objective discussion, rather than a mudslinging match everytime a news regarding AAP comes out. Like seriously it gets old and irritating very fast. Just like Blind fans, blind haters are equally irritating.
Yeah, retarded social media half-baked-facts propagated by BJPtards. Sigh. Last place i want to see them again is TE.Add Superbad to the list as well. Look at his posts in this thread. It's almost if he is getting a commission for the same, no offense.
Name calling is a typical AAPtard trait.Add Superbad to the list as well. Look at his posts in this thread. It's almost if he is getting a commission for the same, no offense.
they are great fans of 2 minute judgements, the khap panchayat^yeah, I want results in like 2 days, or else AAP is a bish and they suck.
Name calling is a typical AAPtard trait.
it would have been easy to reply to the links i posted, but baseless allegation is a very easy way out.
no offense.
Do you have any logic to base all those allegations on? Like seriously, if you are just going on an emotional rant, it'l save me the trouble of typing out a reply. Cause when you say stuff like "AAP is the amalgamation of all that evil" it just sounds very stupid and ignorant of you. Yes they are an amagamation of a diverse range of people with different opinions, how is that wrong? If anythign, every opinion gets a voice.
Cute how you misquote him, from the same article "Khap panchayats are a group of people who come together. There is no bar on people to assemble in this country ... (But) whenever they take a wrong decision, whenever they take an illegal decision, they ought to be punished," he said.Name calling is a typical AAPtard trait.
it would have been easy to reply to the links i posted, but baseless allegation is a very easy way out.
no offense.
they are great fans of 2 minute judgements, the khap panchayat‘cultural’-purpose-no-need-to-ban-them-arvind-kejriwal
they are great fans of 2 minute judgements, the khap panchayat‘cultural’-purpose-no-need-to-ban-them-arvind-kejriwal
I don't find anything wrong in above.[DOUBLEPOST=1391441126][/DOUBLEPOST]Damn. I got ninja'ed by Party Monger after like so many years."Khap panchayats are a group of people who come together. There is no bar on people to assemble in this country ... (But) whenever they take a wrong decision, whenever they take an illegal decision, they ought to be punished," he said.
Dude if you werent so stupid you could have passed for a comedian. Like seriously LOLSir, don't make me laugh... I don't see why you feel the need to get so worked up when I state the blunt truth or why you defend every wrong thing they do like you personally got associated with that party and doing an election pitch here, but really, I don't care.
Any intelligent person would not require any further proof of their nature than the way the people in this party have been behaving over the last couple of years?
Yes, they have a diverse range of rogues in their ranks for all that multi dimensional nonsense that they throw. Its like the qualifications for getting into this party include ethical and moral corruption or some form of discriminative attitude coupled with ignorance, utter arrogance, self delusion, lack of discipline, no sense of responsibility and lack of respect for the law. Either people with such attributes or alternatively those who originally have good intentions, but are utterly naive and those kind will dissociate themselves after experiencing everything first hand.
They are like a Khap Panchayat at a larger scale and just as chaotic. They don't care about the law because they think their word is the law and nobody can question them. They don't want to see their own faults even if they are glaring them in the eye, but point fingers at everybody else. Its always somebody else's fault.
A law minister who was formerly a practising lawyer barges into some women's homes in the middle of the night in the name of a raid and harasses them and then goes on record before the media stating that he was unaware that a search warrant is required by police to break into somebodies house and puts the blame on the police for not informing him. How ridiculous is that? Even more ridiculous are the people who feel the need to support him or his actions. Was he just a lousy and ignorant lawyer who doesn't have basic knowledge of his supposed area of study or just thinking that he is too clever trying to shift the blame in such a stupid way. I am inclined to think the later because this guy was running shady businesses and defending himself in such a dumb manner even before he entered politics.
Every time these guys open their mouths, they find somebody or some way to cover their asses by pointing their fingers at somebody else. As like minded buddies, they support each other whatever they do. They can murder somebody on the road before everybody and still come up with some way to point fingers at Congress or BJP.
Amusing as it is, they are also just like their so called supporters and majority of their supporters are just like them.... A bunch of hypocrites who don't even have the sense of duty or responsibility towards something as trivial as paying their taxes sincerely, but think they are qualified to pass judgement on some body else like "corrupt politicians" in the name of some bogus anti corruption movement that they cooked up in their minds to ease their own conscience.