The bug thread

My garage is very old and has all kinds of weird bugs/insects/animals in it.

Once as a kid I remember I wanting to take out my bike, I opened the door and a lizard fell down on me, went into the shirt thru the coler..

I started dancing-shouting at pitch of my voice, everyone in the 20-30m radius came running :lol:

It was so scared, still gives me the creeps :baby:

6pack said:
@OP you killed an emissary of the BugLord of the andromeda galaxy who had come to broker peace between earth in the milky way and the other planets in that galaxy. When news of this reaches the BugLord, he wont take it too nicely and will send his smallest warship to destroy this planet.

You just increased a shitload of work for us MIB agents.

I might still have its squashed body..? would it make things any easier :p
SharekhaN said:
I have had cockroaches running up on my face couple of times. With that experience with me, I see no problem with hitting them with a chappal or anything I can find.

You hit your face with a chappal :O LOL...Just kidding...
Reply from said:
Hello Mohit,

This is a Longhorned Borer Beetle or Longicorn in the family

Cerambycidae. We haven't the time to try to research the species at

the moment, but perhaps one of our readers will be able to provide a

species identification.

Check this out - Unknown Longicorn Beetle from India | What's That Bug? Thats me thats me :hap2:


Two Longhorned Borer Beetles: Flatfaced Longhorn from Oklahoma and Long Jawed Longhorn from Arizona | What's That Bug?

Rosalia longicorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
spacecreamer said:
he wd have died of the sheer happiness that his 'obituary' column is sch a hit.

Wow... you just killed him twice. Considering that he was already dead to have his "obituary", that's amazing feat in itself bro. :bleh:
Am is assuming things or does this guy hav eyes on his ass, back and probably on his head too??

And he seems to have some problems with his right legs:(
nothing to do, totally wella.. just clicked a machhars fotu


The bug thread :lol: